
April 7, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

Students in Kristopher R.K. Ohlendorf's Digital Audio Design class are creating a short series of podcasts on their experiences living during the pandemic. The playlist featuring the first episodes is available via Soundcloud.

Humber Ad Copywriters have you covered to make working from home the most productive and fun it can be. The group is already proficient at group collaboration online and working from home using multiple platforms. Follow along all week for their work at home tips.

Radio Humber - Band Together

Radio Humber launched a new series today called Band Together. Every weeknight of April, 96.9 Radio Humber is going live from the living rooms of Canadian artists coast to coast.  Three students from the Music Program kicked off the series last night. Listen on the dial at 96.9 or through the RadioPlayer Canada App Online at  

Check out this week’s schedule: 

  • Tuesday, April 7 – Alyssa Tess at 5 to 6 p.m. 
  • Wednesday, April 8 – Henry Nozuka at 5 to 6 p.m. 

The Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences and Innovative Learning

Remote Ready Humber

Check out the great work the Digital Learning team is doing and the remote resources they’ve created to support our students.

Faculty of Business

The Fashion Arts and Business program digitally presents the annual Walk It Out Fashion Show, The Powerhouse. The fashion event is organized by the graduating students with the support of their faculty. Join in through Instagram and Twitter tomorrow, April 7 at 7 p.m. for a teaser of their fashion week ahead.  Tune in all week for your chance to win prizes and get involved from home. The digital event is in support of Youth Without Shelter.

Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 7, 2020
Kylee Winn-Thurrott
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

96.9 Radio Humber has opened its airwaves to artists coast-to-coast. Enjoy a Canadian artist's original music live from their living rooms every weeknight at 5 p.m.

This week, we're kicking things off with students from the Humber Music Program. 

  • Tuesday, April 7 – Alyssa Tess
  • Wednesday, April 8 – Henry Nozuka 

You can listen live on the dial at 96.9, through the RadioPlayer Canada App or online at

Find all past episodes on our YouTube channel.

April 7, 2020

Following advice from Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, on April 3, 2020, the Ontario government updated the list of essential businesses that can remain open. The restrictions are aimed at further reducing contact between people and stopping the spread of COVID-19. 

As a result, Humber is further limiting the number of essential services to operate on campus.  

The services that will remain open (or be available on-call) are: 

  • Residence (Building T – North Campus), with limited food services until April 18
  • Cleaning limited to certain/occupied areas only
  • Public Safety guards and services to secure Humber’s premises
  • Facilities Management staff will be available (on-call) for continued/safe operations of Humber premises, and  
  • Mailroom (on-call basis)

The services that may operate on campus due to essential need, have protocols in place that are in line with guidance from public health authorities including advice, recommendations and instructions on physical distancing, cleaning and disinfecting.  

Under this revised directive, if someone needs to access the college premises, the current process requires employees to secure approval from their director or senior dean. The director or senior dean must contact Public Safety at to provide rationale for the visit to ensure access to campus would be permitted.   

Students who are picking up technology needed to complete their studies can still continue to come to campus but only if the pick-up is prearranged.  

For the latest information visit

April 7, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We understand that working from home is new to many of us and this sudden change can be overwhelming.  As we adjust to our new work environments and form new habits, it is important that we continue to strive to work as securely as possible. To support you in your new surroundings, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you remain secure.

  • If you are using Wi-Fi at home, make sure your network is set-up securely. Specifically, look to see if it is using “WPA2” or “WP3” Security. Change default passwords and use strong and hard to guess passwords. Check out the attached quick reference guide for more information.

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.
416.675.6622 x8888 |
A212 (Lakeshore) or NX210 (North) 

ITS Security Team

April 6, 2020

As we adjust to working and learning at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we are launching the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

Alumni power couple Joe Bowden, a drummer and Humber program support officer, and Nathalie Younglai, a harpist and screenwriter, are performing duets via Instagram. To follow along or submit your requests, check out @jojobowdendrummer and @nyounglai.

Faculty of Business

The Fashion Arts and Business program digitally presents the annual Walk It Out Fashion Show, The Powerhouse. The fashion event is organized by the graduating students with the support of their faculty. Join in through Instagram and Twitter tomorrow, April 7 at 7 p.m. for a teaser of their fashion week ahead.  Tune in all week for your chance to win prizes and get involved from home.  The digital event is in support of Youth Without Shelter.

Tips From Individual Staff

Elinor Bray-Collins teaches GNED 101 in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Innovative Learning. She is a passionate teacher that is doing everything she can to help her students feel connected while remote. At the end of her online class last week, she invited anyone who wanted to, to remain after "class", turn on their videos, and say hello face to face. There’s more than 40 students in her class.  

“I was a bit surprised that most of the students actually decided to hang around. One of the students had a large, professional looking microphone as part of her at home set-up. Everyone wanted to know about it and it turns out, she sings semi-professionally. Normally quiet and introverted, she agreed to give us a short concert and sang a song for us. It was absolutely beautiful and very special. Everyone applauded like mad afterwards. Our class had a real sense of community in that moment. Several of the students sent emails afterwards saying how much they appreciated it. Even from home, teaching is still the best part of my day.”

Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 6, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We understand that working from home is new to many of us and this sudden change can be overwhelming. As we adjust to our new work environments and form new habits, it is important that we continue to strive to work as securely as possible. To support you in your new surroundings, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you remain secure.

  • If you are using Wi-Fi at home, make sure your network is set-up securely. Specifically, look to see if it is "WPA" or "WPA3" Security. Change default passwords and use strong and hard to guess passwords.

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues:

416.675.6622 x8888 | 
A212 (Lakeshore) or NX210 (North) 

IT Security Team

April 3, 2020
New Working Remotely ITS Webpage

Looking for help on working remotely?  Visit the new ITS webpage for all our Quick Reference Guides conveniently bundled in one location.  The page will be updated, so make sure you bookmark it!

Help and support is always available 24/7/365.

416.675.6622 x8888


April 3, 2020

Today, interim changes to our grading policy were announced to support student success and to maintain our academic integrity while recognizing the impacts of the evolving COVID-19 situation. The following note was sent to all students:

Dear students,

Let me first start by saying THANK YOU. You have faced a whirlwind of change, and I want to acknowledge your patience and ability to transition to online learning under such stressful circumstances. Completing the winter semester this way was not what anyone expected and I know you are stepping up and doing your best to make it work.

We are at the end of the second week of our alternate delivery model, and we have received a great deal of feedback from you and from our faculty and staff. In response, we are putting in place key interim changes to our standard practices to support your academic success and to maintain our academic integrity while recognizing the evolving COVID-19 situation.

The following interim changes will be implemented for the Winter 2020 semester: 

Use of Incomplete (INC) Grading
For courses with lab/shop/studio/placement or other face-to-face delivery requirements that cannot be completed until we return to campus, students will receive an incomplete grade (INC) when grades are released. Once you have had the chance to return to campus or to a placement setting, and have achieved the required course learning outcomes, we will replace the incomplete (INC) grade with your final grade.

Withdrawal-Late Notation (for the Winter 2020 semester only)
If you do not pass a course, you will automatically receive a Withdrawal-Late (WL) notation on your transcript. This notation will be reflected on your permanent transcript as a reflection of Humber’s change to its standard grading policy in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key things to understand about the ‘WL’ notation:

  • The ‘WL’ notation is not a grade and will not impact your GPA.
  • You will not be granted credit for courses in which a ‘WL’ was awarded.
  • You will still be required to repeat the course where necessary to complete program requirements.
  • The course where a ‘WL’ has been assigned will not count as a course attempt. 
  • You will not receive any tuition or fee refunds as a result of receiving a ‘WL’ notation.

Extension to the withdrawal date without academic penalty

In order to give you time to consider the changes outlined above, the last day to withdraw without academic penalty has been extended from Friday, April 3 to Thursday, April 9. 

The Registrar’s Office will contact any student who decided within the last two weeks to withdraw from a course. Students in that position will have the chance to reconsider their decision, and to re-enroll.

Once again, thank you for your cooperation and patience as we all navigate this unprecedented time together. If you have not had the chance to use the virtual supports available to help with your academic, and health and wellness needs, I would encourage you to do so. 

Please stay well,

Laurie Rancourt
Senior Vice-President, Academic

April 3, 2020

As we adjust to working and learning at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we are launching the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Radio Humber

Radio Humber is currently open for business and continuing to focus on getting messages out to the Humber community. Turn your dial to 96.9fm or listen live here. Here’s what they have been up to:

  • Urban Spotlight Show with Paula Owusu debuts tonight at 10:30 p.m.
  • Hedy Korbee’s journalism group of: Tyler Biggs, Madison Raye, Kevaughn Wilson, Nate Smith and Sydnee Walcott are researching, interviewing and assembling a 30 minute show Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at 6 p.m. with coverage and updates on COVID-19.
  • Canvassing Radio/Journalism students looking for content: stories, PSA’s, shout outs, feature ideas, interviews - anything connecting audience with the current state of affairs.
  • Planning a series of “live to air” concerts with Canadian musicians coast to coast. The artist response has been tremendous thus far. Stay tuned for airing details next week.
  • The Lakeshore Music performance series starts next week with two shows daily beginning at 5 p.m.

If you have any updates, Radio Humber would love to share them. Click here for contact information.

#WeAreIndigenous exhibit

The Aboriginal Resource Centre and Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre are hosting the #WeAreIndigenous Exhibit Virtual Artist’s reception on Thursday, April 30 from 2 to 4 p.m. A group interview with the exhibit's featured artists will be featured. For more information and to register, click here.  

Café Linx is hosting fun coffee and tea tutorials that you can do at home each week in the month of April! Click here to start making your cold brew coffee today! 

Knitting group

The Humber Boutique is hosting weekly virtual Knitting Nights for students and faculty. Join in on the fun every Thursday from 4:30 to 5 p.m. on Zoom (meeting ID: 914-722-1828, password: Knitting) 

Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 3, 2020

On April 2, the City of Toronto announced a new temporary by-law related to the use of certain public spaces:

"Any two people who don't live together, who fail to keep two metres of distance between them in a park or public square, will be subject to prosecution and will be liable for a fine of up to $5,000 upon conviction."

This by-law will be in effect for at least 30 days and applies to both the Humber Arboretum at North Campus, and Colonel Samuel Smith Park connected to Lakeshore Campus.

For full details on the new by-law, read the City of Toronto press release.

All City of Toronto park amenities, including parking lots, remain closed. The grounds of the Humber Arboretum remain open for distanced individual and household use. However, the trails of the Humber Arboretum are not being maintained by staff at this time, so use them only at your own risk.

Connect with the Humber Arboretum online: Website | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Newsletter
