
March 27, 2020

A video message from Dean of Students Ian Crookshank was shared with students on Friday, March 27.

The video is available here.

March 27, 2020

Check out the Tip Sheet for working from home. Included is a list of additional resources for ergonomics, physical heath, and mental health and well-being.

March 27, 2020

As we adjust to working and learning at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we are launching the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Faculty of Media  & Creative Arts Alumni Interactions 

Allison Au

Featured above is Juno award-winner Allison Au who took Jazz Performance at Humber. In 2009 she formed the Allison Au quartet, which includes another Humber grad. She's a working musician who has gigs playing all sorts of music. Currently, she composes and is teaching music lessons remotely.

"I would say: Stay inspired. As a freelance musician, this pandemic has given me an unusual amount of interrupted time to work on personal projects. It's made me reflect on how grateful I am for my health and also to reevaluate the things that inspire me to be creative. So long as I am healthy, I am going to do my best to create as much as I can." 


Individual Tips from Humber Staff 

Annette Border Snel

Photo courtesy of Phil Snel, Humber PR (2018)

Annette Borger-Snel, program coordinator for the Public Relations post-graduate program recently shared her #HumberFromHome workspace on Twitter, along with the the following message:

“Making the best of working at home. Here’s my fave space – missed dressing up for work (& shoes). Senidng a bit of energy out to students. Thanks to #HumberPR PRC students, faculty and @HumberMediaArts for making the best out of the situation. #HumberAtHome #StayHomeStaySafe”


Sondos Parker Artwork

Sondos Parker is a field placement coordinator with FSCS and shares how her family is using arts and crafts to cope, disengage and find clarity and peace during this time. Featured above is stained-glass art and stones.

Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

March 27, 2020

In our efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, we are providing an update on acceptable public use of the Humber Arboretum and Centre for Urban Ecology’s outdoor areas and amenities. Circumstances are changing frequently and we will continue to share information as much as possible as new decisions are made. At present: 

  • To discourage congregation in public places, the​ City of Toronto has announced closure of all city park amenities. As a result of the announcement, the parking spaces, picnic tables, gazebos, pergolas, fitness equipment along the West Humber Trail, and other structures within the Humber Arboretum are off-limits until further notice
  • The Arboretum’s trails and natural areas remain open for visitors however they are not being maintained until further notice. Please use your discretion, as you are entering at your own risk
  • It is critical that anyone choosing to visit the Arboretum follow the guidelines for physical distancing, including:
    • visit only alone or with members of your household
    • leave at least two metres (the length of a hockey stick) between yourself and other visitors you may encounter
    • avoid touching surfaces likely to be touched by others, such as the aforementioned off-limit structures or any interpretive signage
    • do not visit if you are feeling ill; if you cough or sneeze while visiting cover your face with your elbow or a tissue you can dispose of immediately and then wash/sanitize your hands
    • do not touch your face, use hand sanitizer, and wash your hands throughly before and after your visit

Thank you in advance for your co-operation in helping to stop the spread of COVID-19.

March 27, 2020

We are providing you with an update following the memo you received from Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) within your 2019 T4 envelope. The memo indicated that we anticipated a greater number of amended T4s would be issued this year as a result of implementation of our new Human Resources Management System. We originally indicated the majority of amended T4s would be issued by the end of March. We suggested delaying the filing of your personal tax return until Monday, April 6 to avoid having to refile your taxes, should you receive an amended T4.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has deferred the deadline for filing personal income tax returns to June 1, 2020. In keeping with this new deadline, and due to the impact of COVID-19 on HROE remote working arrangements and the remote working arrangements for the annual third party CAAT Pension reconciliation process, the timeline for the amended 2019 T4(s) to be issued is being adjusted to mid April.

We are now targeting distribution of amended T4s by April 17. The amended T4s will be mailed to the home address we have on file in our Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

Your amended T4 will be uploaded to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website by April 17. If you have a personal CRA account, you will be able to securely view your tax form details when you login to your personal CRA account.

It’s a challenging time for everyone right now, and we appreciate your understanding and patience.

For general inquiries please contact our HR Support Centre, and someone will be available to assist you.

There are three ways to connect with our HR Support Centre:

  1. Call us at (416) 675-5001
  2. Chat with us at 
  3. Submit an e-form at

Visit our FAQ section on the HRMS Knowledge Base for additional information on T4s.

Thank you.

March 27, 2020

Supplies and equipment are being collected and counted in a single room at Humber College's North Campus. It is the current headquarters of an institution-wide COVID-19 support effort.

Read the full story on Humber Today.

March 26, 2020

Yesterday, Ontario’s Minister of Finance released a Fiscal Update instead of a full Budget, due to the economic and policy changes being drastically impacted by COVID-19. The Update was focused nearly entirely on measures to combat COVID-19. The biggest headline was that the government is committing an additional $17bn in funding for healthcare as well as direct supports to individuals and businesses. A full list of those supports can be found here.

One of the biggest support measures announced for students was that the government is temporarily deferring loan payments and interest accrual for the  Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) to ease the financial burden on students during the COVID‐19 outbreak. This will come into effect on March 30, 2020 and will last for six months. This complements the commitment by the federal government, so students and those repaying students loans will have temporary relief from the federal and provincial portions of those loans.

We will keep you posted as the government announces more relevant news in the coming days and weeks.

March 26, 2020

The Government Relations, Marketing& Communications had a pet-friendly team video conference call.

Photo: The Government Relations, Marketing & Communications had a pet-friendly team video conference call.  

As we adjust to working and learning at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we are launching the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Staying healthy and active at home

Humber Athletics is sharing a variety of instructional clips on working out and staying fit at home each day that the athletic facilities are closed.

Check out their social media channels to follow along.

Lakeshore Campus Atheltics

North Campus Athletics

Personal trainers are continuing to connect with their clients to offer virtual personal training sessions.  

Faculty of  Media  & Creative Arts alumni interactions

Avery Raquel, a first-year Bachelor of Music student, is livestreaming a concert on Facebook and Instagram this Saturday, March 28 at 4 p.m. The link to the event is here.

Humber Boutique

Humber Boutique will be hosting their knitting night at 4:30 p.m. today, March 26 on Zoom. Anyone can join here. If you can’t make it tonight, you can catch one next Thursday too.

Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

March 26, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Regarding the Fiscal Year-End Time Management Process, for submission of hours on a time card for the week of March 30 to April 3 should be completed as the following:

  1. Submit and approve hours for March 30 and including March 31 by March 31 by 5 p.m.
  2. To submit hours for April 1 to April 3, please follow the dates outlined in the Payroll Calendar for submission deadlines. To enter hours for these dates you will need to edit the time card and submit the time card to be approved. It is important that hours submitted for March 30 and 31 should not be altered. For step-by-step instructions on how to Edit Employee Time Cards please visit our HRMS Knowledge Base.

If you have any questions, please contact the HR Support Centre as follows: 

  1. Call at x5001 from a Humber phone line or dial 416.675.5001
  2. Chat at 
  3. Submit an e-form at
March 26, 2020

Humber is making equipment such as laptops available to students and employees who do not have access at home. Staff members within each Faculty and department have been designated to oversee this process. Students who require technology support for their remote or online learning should contact their program coordinator, and employees should speak to their managers.
