
March 19, 2020

Please be advised that the North Campus Mailroom is still in operation and we continue to receive and deliver mail and packages. The hours of operation have been adjusted to Monday to Friday from 8 a.m to 12 p.m.

Any lettermail or packages addressed to any person at the North Campus will be delivered, within 1-2 business days.

Should you have any questions or requests, please feel free to contact me directly at

March 18, 2020

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Humber staff and faculty are working on contingency plans for the remainder of the semester. Here is a list of new information/decisions:


Students in residence who can move out are being encouraged to do so. Students who move out before March 24, 2020 will receive a prorated refund for their room as well as the unused balance of their meal plan. Overnight guests are no longer permitted. All residents received an email with this information earlier today.

Student Services Update

A comprehensive list of student services and how they can currently be accessed is now posted here.  

As always, the most up-to-date information as well as previously message about COVID-19 can be found on

March 18, 2020

Dear Humber College employees,

The COVID-19 situation continues to evolve rapidly both globally and locally. The College is monitoring the changes closely as the health, well-being and safety of our campus community is always our top priority.

Earlier this week, we announced that all Humber campuses are closed until further notice. Students should not be on campus and academic completion plans for all programs will be communicated to students by Friday. We are also providing students with further information today on how to access student services online and by phone.

The only employees who should be on campus are those who have been identified as providing an essential service that cannot be done remotely. We are also putting in a number of measures to support the health and safety of any staff required to be on campus and are following Toronto Public Health guidelines related to any work on campus.

With the exception of those employees, all staff should plan to work remotely until further notice. This decision supports public health efforts to decrease the potential spread of the COVID-19 virus across our overall community.

Each day, the college’s leadership team is carefully assessing our on-campus essential services and the requirement to have a limited number of staff working in these areas on campus. These include for example: public safety; residence staff, cleaning services, and supports to ongoing construction projects.  These areas have managers onsite and employees having any concerns about their work assignments should discuss those directly with their manager.

Any staff required to come to campus who are unable to do so, please inform your manager. You should also contact Hiren Patel, Sr. Abilities and Accommodation Specialist at in Humber’s Occupational Health and Safety Services to determine appropriate next steps.

Deadline to Access Campus

Any employee who must pick up materials from their office in order to be able to perform their work will need to do so by Friday, March 20th at 5:00 p.m. You will first require permission from your manager to be able to come to campus.

These are the required steps for any employees that must come to campus to pick up required items:

  • Get approval from your manager
  • Arrange the date and time of being on campus with your manager
  • Your manager must contact Public Safety at to provide them with your name, expected time on campus and where on campus you will be going.
  • You will receive direction on which entrance to access and you should be prepared to be asked some initial screening questions by security and to provide picture identification. Please bring both your Humber ID card and another piece of picture ID with you.

Remote Work Expectations and Payment

All paid staff working remotely should be doing whatever they can to help their manager and their teams throughout this situation. Please continue to stay in contact with your team. If you have specific questions about workload or working remotely, please discuss them with your manager.

Due to these exceptional circumstances, all staff (full, partial load, part time and student employees including work study students) who would normally be scheduled to work during this period will receive pay consistent with their regular schedule. No one will suffer a loss of pay of their regular earnings as a result of limiting on-site work during this time period.

We thank you in advance for your patience and understanding. We know it’s a challenging time, and we are all working together to ensure the health and well-being of the Humber and broader community. Please review the Frequently Asked Questions section of the Humber updates page at regularly to find the answers to your most pressing questions. We all look forward to the day when we can resume our regular college activities.

Take care, stay healthy and follow the direction of the Public Health Authorities.


Lori Diduch
VP, Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness


COVID-19 Updates Page – Human Resources:

Humber College is regularly providing information on a central Updates page to keep you informed of the latest developments and to provide you with a repository of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).

Employees are also receiving a daily Communique newsletter focused on COVID-19 updates.

Remote Work Guidelines for Employees

Remote Work Guidelines for Supervisors

Get support for your general HR and HRMS related matters:

March 18, 2020

On March 18, all Humber College students received an update about availability and information from Student Services and Humber service departments for the remainder of the Winter 2020 semester.

The information is posted and will be updated on a regular basis at


Jason Hunter
Vice President, Students and Institutional Planning 

March 17, 2020

As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve, Humber staff and faculty are working on contingency plans for the remainder of the semester. 

An update for all students on the academic plan for the completion of the semester will be shared by Friday, March 20. This will include information about any requirements to return for in-person learning that can only be done in campus labs or with specific equipment.

International students have been advised that if they choose to return to their home country, the College will work with them to ensure they can complete their current studies remotely or in subsequent semesters. International students with questions about this may contact the International Centre here

A comprehensive list of how students can access services while the colleges is closed will be posted on tomorrow.

As always, the most up-to-date information as well as previously message about COVID-19 can be found on

March 17, 2020
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Please see the information below regarding changes to the out-of-country coverage due to COVID-19.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact your Compensation & Benefits Specialist:

Hannah Song Compensation & Benefits Specialist Full time last name A-I
Denise Giacomelli Compensation & Benefits Specialist Full time last name N-Z
Ginette Ng-Tin-Sze Compensation & Benefits Specialist Full time last name J-M; all partial load/clinical employees

Out-of-Country (OOC) Coverage

When the COVID-19 situation first emerged, Sun Life had announced administrative exceptions for out-of-country claims effective February 1, 2020.  As the situation is rapidly evolving, these practices will be changing.

For employees who are leaving Canada to travel on or after March 18, 2020, the administrative exceptions announced in February will not apply. This is in-line with the Government of Canada’s efforts to prevent non-essential travel and repatriate Canadians traveling abroad.

The following will not be available under the out-of-country travel benefit for employees on or after March 18:

  • Coverage of any expenses during and after a period of quarantine (directed by a doctor or public health official), unless the plan member shows symptoms of or has tested positive for COVID-19

In order for emergency medical services and expenses to be eligible for coverage, employees must meet the definition for “medical emergency” and “emergency services”. “Medical emergency” is defined as an acute illness or accidental injury that requires immediate, medically necessary treatment prescribed by a doctor and “emergency services” as any reasonable medical services and supplies, including advice, treatment, medical procedures or surgery, required as a result of an emergency. These definitions have not changed.  Sun Life will treat a medical emergency resulting from COVID-19 in the same way as any other medical emergency outside of Canada.

Employees who are currently abroad, but not in quarantine and cannot return home will continue to have access to out-of-country coverage up to the 60-day limit under the Plan. After this time, they will not have out-of-country coverage.

If an employee or their dependent needs the immediate attention of a doctor for a medical emergency, they must contact Allianz for assistance:

In the USA and Canada call: 1-800-511-4610
From anywhere else: 1-519-514-0351
Fax: 1-519-514-0374

Allianz is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Dedicated Plan Member COVID-19 Webpage

An email was sent out on behalf of Jacques Goulet, President of Sun Life Canada, to all plan members regarding a dedicated Sun Life webpage for COVID-19. Plan members can refer to this page for updates regarding COVID-19, along with resources for staying healthy and informed, and how to weather market volatility. Colleges may refer their employees to the webpage, or directly to Lumino Health. Lumino Health has launched a stress and anxiety explorer to help employees find information, resources and solutions that are relevant for them. This can help employees understand stress and anxiety, find resources and support, and discover Canadian mental health partners that offer resources and solutions.

March 17, 2020

Due to the college closure, Accounts Payable is accepting emailed travel and expense claims (completed with FOAP's and receipts) and emailed cheque requisition forms.

If signatures cannot be obtained for the travel and expense claims or cheque requisitions, AP (accounts payable) will accept the approval via email from the approver.  

Also, emailing vendor invoices to is the preferred method of submitting invoices for payment.

March 17, 2020
Sorsha Heard

Be sure to check out our online Blackboard training opportunities. Sessions will also be recorded and made available online. For more information please click Virtual Training.

Tuesday, March 17
4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Blackboard Content Creation
Importing and building content

Wednesday, March 18
9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Blackboard Collaborate Session
Engaging users

12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Blackboard Content Creation
Importing and building content

3 p.m. – 5 p.m.
Blackboard Basics
How to for beginners

Thursday, March 19
4 p.m. – 6 p.m.
Blackboard Content Creation
Moving in content

Friday, March 20
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Blackboard Basics
How to for beginners

March 17, 2020
Sorsha Heard
Humber Faculty, we've got you!  We've been developing the Learning Continuity Kt to support you through the transition to remote lesson delivery!

Humber faculty, we've got you!

We've been developing the Learning Continuity Kit to support you through the transition to remote lesson delivery.

March 17, 2020
Allison Scully
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We have extended the date to submit a proposal to March 25, 2020.

Advising & Career Services at Humber College conducts an annual Advisor Training Conference. Each year, the Advisor Training Conference has a theme reflected in aspects of holistic approach to student advising. The attendees of this conference will be from Humber College, University of Guelph Humber and Humber Community Outreach and Workforce Development. 

This year our theme is Advising Without Silos: Collaborating for Student Success. The training conference will be taking place on May 27 at the North Campus and May 28 at the Lakeshore Campus. Please mark your calendars. 

On behalf of our Advisor Training Program Committee, we are excited to launch a new opportunity to our colleagues. This year we are encouraging staff and faculty who are interested to submit proposals to present. Sessions will be scheduled for approximately one hour. If you are interested in submitting a proposal please complete the Presentation Proposal Form.  

Deadline to submit a presentation proposal has been extended to March 25, 2020. Successful presentations will be contacted by end of March/early April. We hope that you will submit a proposal and join us as we continue to advance the field of advising and student success at Humber.
