
April 27, 2020
Sacha Ally
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Taskforce
Institutional EDI Framework & Strategy – Summary Report
February 2019 to April 2020

In its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, Humber College committed to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. Dedicated to the same outcome, the University of Guelph-Humber and Humber College (Humber) are establishing and implementing an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) that addresses the needs of both students and employees. Below is a synopsis of the work completed to date.

The EDI Taskforce (Taskforce) established in January 2019, held its first meeting on March 1, 2019. The Taskforce, comprised of students, faculty, support staff, administrative employees, alumni, industry and community partners, developed its Terms of Reference and Vision Statement in the Spring/Summer 2019. This Vision Statement was later adapted for Pillar #3: Healthy and Inclusive Community.

An approved Implementation Plan comprising of four (4) program areas and five (5) streams with key deliverables guides the work of the Taskforce. Utilizing several communication modes, the Taskforce elicited feedback from the College community on a number of topics. These communication approaches included Communique posts, email campaigns, Knowledge Cafés, Lunch and Feedback sessions, presentations at Humber Townhalls as well as meetings with stakeholders. Feedback from the Humber community led to revised definitions for three key terms, equity, diversity and inclusion and the development of draft objectives that will form the basis of the Institutional EDI Strategy and Framework.

Taskforce members continue to participate in EDI capacity building education and training. Taskforce Leads maximize these learning opportunities by inviting the wider College community to attend the workshops. Both internal and external subject matter specialists facilitate these educational sessions. Examples of workshops include: Unconscious Bias & Challenges to Fair Assessment with Dr. Maydianne Andrade, Seeing the Racial Water with Dr. Robin DiAngelo, and Understanding Employment Equity Data with Olivia Batt, amongst many others.

To increase intentionality in senior leadership that communicates commitment to inclusion, the College-Wide Community & Engagement Strategy Working Group developed a series of EDI capacity building workshops for the senior leadership. While the senior executive attended a workshop last spring, we have had to postpone the session for Senior Deans, Deans and Associate Deans to the fall/winter 2020/2021 terms.

The Taskforce will launch two (2) Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). The African/Black ERG will launch this spring/summer 2020, and the LGBTQ+ ERG will launch this fall 2020. Additionally, all Taskforce Working Groups are refining the year-over-year draft objectives and tactics for their respective program areas. The updated objectives & tactics will be socialized across the College over the spring/summer/fall 2020 months to elicit additional feedback.

For more information about the work of the Taskforce, including sharing your EDI related ideas, information on upcoming meetings, and accessing EDI related resources, please visit:

A deep thank you to the Humber community for continuing to uphold our foundational values of equity, diversity and inclusion and to the members of the Taskforce for their commitment to building a more inclusive Humber.

April 24, 2020

The change to the delivery of our programs has had an impact on the services and learning experiences for students. As a result, we have made adjustments to program-specific ancillary fees for certain programs offered in Winter 2020. We have also reduced compulsory ancillary fees for Summer 2020.

We have received many questions about tuition fees. Post-secondary tuition and fees are established by the College in accordance with requirements from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. Tuition fees support the cost of academic program delivery and the general operations of the College.

Tuition is not specific to location or mode of delivery (in-person or online); it is primarily for the instruction, assessment and administration of program delivery, which is ongoing. As such, these costs are ineligible for refund or rebate.

To ensure students are able to plan for the upcoming term, all posted tuition fees are accurate and up-to-date. As always, financial aid information can be found on our website: Students may also email with questions or to apply for support.

Winter 2020 Term Fee Adjustment Overview

For the Winter 2020 Term only, program ancillary fees that were paid for supplies or activities that were not used or accessed during the remainder of the term have been assessed and a pro-rated refund has been processed for students in the programs/semesters listed here.

Parking permit fees have also been assessed and pro-rated refunds issued to parking permit holders from North, Lakeshore, 110 Carrier & Woodbine Downs, and off campus (Queen's Plate Drive).

Students affected by these fee adjustments have been contacted directly by the Office of the Registrar. 

Summer 2020 Term

For the Summer 2020 Term only, students will not be charged for the following items:

  • Athletics & Recreation – $75.54
  • Transcript Fee – $2.39
  • Campus Safety – $8.95

Total Reduction in Ancillary Fees for Summer 2020: $86.88

In addition, all Enhanced Student Experience Fees have been removed. Students will see an additional reduction of $55.95 in Enhanced Student Experience Fees.

In total the Summer 2020 Fees have been reduced by $142.83.

Summer 2020 Program Ancillary fees were also adjusted for the Creative Book Publishing program. The Semester 1 Program Ancillary Fee of $113.00 was removed as students will not have an opportunity to attend an event.

April 24, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:  

Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

David Scott, Media Studies Professor, is very proud of his students. Check out the inspiring work of Humber 2020 Photography Grads here. Even though it was a challenging time, these students worked diligently through it all.

Humber Arboretum

How's your tree planting technique? Join Beaver (aka Jimmy Vincent) here for tips as he plants a hop tree with his sons to celebrate Earth Day!

Individual Tips From Humber Staff


Ryan Patterson, Multimedia Video Producer with Government Relations, Marketing and Communications, likes to start his day with a morning hike with his kids. It sets the tone for a pleasant and productive work from home day.


Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 24, 2020

We understand that working from home is new to many of us and this sudden change can be overwhelming.  As we adjust to our new work environments and form new habits, it is important that we continue to strive to work as securely as possible. To support you in your new surroundings, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you remain secure.

  • Use your Humber email address, and not your personal email address, for all work-related communications. 
  • Hold confidential phone conversations away from others in your household.  
  • Do not let others in your household use your work account. 

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.
416.675.6622 x8888 |
A212 (Lakeshore) or NX210 (North) 

ITS Security Team

April 23, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Lakeshore Grounds Interpretive Centre

A new exhibit, “We Are Indigenous” in collaboration with the Aboriginal Resource Centre has been moving online. Video clips are being released of interviews with the featured artists, and imagery of the artwork is on Instagram and Facebook using the hashtag #WeAreIndigenous. The Virtual Artists' Reception for this exhibit will be Thursday, April 30 from 2 to 4 p.m. using the webinar feature on zoom. Each of the featured artists - two Humber alumni and one current Humber student - will speak about their work and how they express themselves creatively before the discussion opens to questions from attendees. Register here and you will be sent the Zoom instructions and link.

Radio Humber

Radio Humber wants to hear from you! Send a recording of your stories, PSAs, reflections, messages, commentary or other timely content that you think should be shared. For info and to send, email station manager

Individual Tips From Humber Staff

Reva Harknett with ITS celebrated Earth Day yesterday. She attended the Humber Arboretum Strategic Plan Launch Celebration and Tree Planting Ceremony on September 23, 2019. At the event, they had gifts of small herb plants and envelopes of seeds. She planted the seeds on April 5, 2020 and look at how healthy they are today.


Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 23, 2020

Like all Humber and UoGH staff, the Campus Bookstore has been working remotely for the past six weeks preparing for the summer term. As of April 27, the College has granted access to a limited number of staff members at each Campus Bookstore location to enter their campus to provide course materials and other items to students for the summer term.

We will be offering an online shopping experience. The physical store will not be accessible. Students will place their orders and we will process them in-store and ship them to their home or an address of their choice with 24-48 hours for a small fee. If an item is not available in our store, that order will be sent to another Campus Store within our chain for fulfillment. Delivery time for these will be 72-96 hours.

For this term we have attempted to provide both a print and a digital options for as many courses as possible. Please note that not all publisher's materials are available to the Campus Bookstore in a digital format. Digital format (access code) distribution can vary from providing the access code online to providing a printed code card via the mail. We are working with publishers to upload product to our system moving forward.

To place orders go to:

North Campus Bookstore or

Lakeshore Campus Bookstore

Since we have not been in-store for six weeks it will take us one to two weeks to receive our inventory and prepare for this new term. However, our goal is to be ready to fulfill orders for the first day of Humber classes (May 19).

For University of Guelph Humber, the textbook/course material list is active on your site now. We will hopefully will be receiving inventory next week for your May 1 start date.

Your patience is appreciated during these unprecedented times. While in the store we will be practicing physical/social distancing, washing our hands, wearing masks and gloves as well as sanitizing common areas of each store regularly.


Stay safe,

Jeff Snook
Store Manager, Humber North and University of Guelph-Humber Campus Store

April 22, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:  

Humber Lakeshore

The Humber PR post graduate certificate students with Professor Annette Borger-Snel and Rob Plant, just completed their final mock press conference/town hall meeting online. This authentic learning required mini groups of students to present a response to a case and deliver over video technology. This simulates what we are seeing by leaders in the news - delivering a message either to media or employees through video. In addition to the cases being presented, Annette brought in guests to evaluate - guests included experts in employee relations from top industries including packaged goods, infrastructure, government and finance. They also included members of the media to listen in and give valuable feedback to future PR students. People outside of the country who routinely prepare clients for media appearances on CNN, Fox, etc. were also enlisted. Other Humber staff who assisted included Hedy Korbee, Paul Cross and Robert Richardson.

Humber Child Development Centre

The staff of the Humber Child Development Centre have been staying connected with the children and families through regular Zoom sessions. The children love to see their teachers and classmates while participating in some (remote) group activities. The staff have also put together a list of resources for families and they would like to share with the rest of the Humber community here. Let Humber’s Registered Early Childhood Educators show you and your children how to make play dough, cook some healthy lunches and snacks, paint with items found around your home, and lots more! The staff wish all the best to everyone and their families.

The staff have also put together a list of resources for families and they would like to share with the rest of the Humber community. Download the activity sheet below and let Humber’s Registered Early Childhood Educators show you and your children how to make play dough, cook some healthy lunches and snacks, paint with items found around your home, and lots more! 

Individual Tips From Humber Staff


Annette Borger-Snel, Public Relations Professor, is making several masks for hospitals, families and essential workers. The masks are made with extra special fabric left to Annette by her late mom. Annette does this in her spare time to help and use her creative energy for good.


Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 22, 2020

We understand that working from home is new to many of us and this sudden change can be overwhelming. As we adjust to our new work environments and form new habits, it is important that we continue to strive to work as securely as possible. To support you in your new surroundings, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you remain secure.

  • Your operating system (like Windows, MacOS, iOS, or Android) and your software will occasionally receive updates. From time to time, a message will pop up on your device asking you to allow an update to be downloaded and install. Do the right thing and install updates as soon as possible, making sure they are running the latest version.

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.
416.675.6622 x8888 |
A212 (Lakeshore) or NX210 (North)

ITS Security Team

April 21, 2020
Melissa Beauchamp
Image of student in classroom on a red background, with words "Support our students: COVID-19 SOS fund"

Last week we launched our SOS (Support our Students) Fund to help those most impacted by COVID-19.

You may recall receiving a message from Chris Whitaker last Thursday to ask for your help.

In recent weeks, emergency bursary requests have soared to levels well beyond what we have ever seen. So many of our students rely on part-time jobs to help them afford their tuition, books, food and rent. But with only essential businesses operating right now, many of the jobs and work placements our students rely on have disappeared.

We have helped 2,300 students to date but there are thousands more looking for support. They need our help!

Every dollar truly matters and any amount that you can donate will make a difference. Plus, all donations made until April 30 will be matched by Humber so your support will be doubled!

We are truly overwhelmed by the generosity of our Humber community to date, especially at a time like this. A big thank you to our very own IGNITE for immediately stepping up to support our students, and to all of you who have recently made donations to the SOS (Support our Students) Fund to help those most impacted by COVID-19. Together, we will make a difference!

For those of you who haven’t yet had a chance to make your donation, click here to donate today and make twice the impact for our students!

If you didn’t receive the email from Chris Whitaker this past Thursday, please check your junk email folder. For more information on the SOS (Support our Students) Fund or how you can make a difference for our students, contact Melissa Beauchamp, Director, Annual & Leadership Giving at

April 21, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Humber Lakeshore

Students are showing their gratitude for Professor Noreen Santilli with the Advertising and Copywriting Program. She has gone out of her way with group discussions, fun activities and lessons to make her students feel as close as possible to the actual classroom.

Humber Arboretum

The Arboretum is kicking off Earth Week with a peek inside a composter! Learn why Nature Interpreter Laura (aka Squirrel) likes the drum-shaped composter she uses at home. Watch and learn here.

Individual Tips From Humber Staff

Lucia Weiler is a registered dietitian and professor with Health Sciences and Wellness. She’s also the co-founder of Nutrition for NON-Nutritionists and connects with the community to answer hot topic questions on food and nutrition every Friday at 1 p.m. live @Nutrition4nonnutritionists. Lucia also has more information available on nutrition tipsrecipes and trends.


Stefanie Galvanek, Curatorial and Communications Coordinator with Humber Galleries received the book, "How to Give Your Cat a Bath" written by Humber College professor Nicola Winstanley and illustrated by John Martz, over the holidays. Both Stefanie and her daughter pour over the pages and get a chuckle out of its funny illustrations and witty narrative every day. Stefanie’s daughter calls it her "bath book." As you can see, this favourite book is always in easy reach and at the top of her book pile.


Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to
