
April 16, 2020
Ginger Grant
SSHRC Partnership Engage Grant

Overview of Grant

SSHRC's Partnership Engage Grants are designed to address the short-term needs, challenges and opportunities of researchers and institutions. These grants are meant for a researcher and a single partner organization from the not-for-profit, public or private sector, and put a strong emphasis on the relevance to, and involvement of, partner organizations.

Value: $7,000 to $25,000
Duration: one year
Application Deadline: June 15, 2020


Partnership Engage Grants are expected to respond to the objectives of the Insight program and the Connection program. These grants provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. The small-scale, stakeholder-driven partnerships supported through Partnership Engage Grants are meant to respond to immediate needs and time constraints facing organizations in non-academic sectors. In addressing an organization-specific need, challenge and/or opportunity, these partnerships let non-academic organizations and postsecondary researchers access each other’s unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities on topics of mutual interest.

SSHRC welcomes applications involving Indigenous research, as well as those involving research-creation.

Future Challenge Areas

SSHRC invites all applicants to review Imagining Canada’s Future’s 16 future global challenges and to consider addressing one or more of these areas in their research proposal. This is not an evaluation criterion for merit review and does not offer additional or dedicated research funds for this funding opportunity.

Application Process

All interested researchers are asked to forward the following to the Applied Research & Innovation (ARI) contacts listed below, by April 30, 2020:

  1. A synopsis of the project
  2. Name of the industry and/or community partner
  3. Curriculum vitae (CV)

Once the above is submitted to ARI, we will forward you the application package. We will also be offering an online information session. Please register here after sending the above to ARI.


If you have any questions, please reach out to us:

April 16, 2020

Further to the earlier communication below regarding amended T4s, this is to confirm that any amended T4s were mailed via Canada Post on April 15 to the home address we have on file in our Human Resources Management System (HRMS). On April 3, a direct e-mail communication was sent all employees who were receiving an amended T4.  

We are providing you with an update following the memo you received from Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) within your 2019 T4 envelope. The memo indicated that we anticipated a greater number of amended T4s would be issued this year as a result of implementation of our new Human Resources Management System. We originally indicated the majority of amended T4s would be issued by the end of March. We suggested delaying the filing of your personal tax return until Monday, April 6 to avoid having to refile your taxes, should you receive an amended T4.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has deferred the deadline for filing personal income tax returns to June 1, 2020. In keeping with this new deadline, and due to the impact of COVID-19 on HROE remote working arrangements and the remote working arrangements for the annual third party CAAT Pension reconciliation process, the timeline for the amended 2019 T4(s) to be issued is being adjusted to mid April.

Amended T4s were mailed by Canada Post on April 15. The amended T4s will be mailed to the home address we have on file in our Human Resources Management System (HRMS).

Your amended T4 were to be uploaded to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) website by April 15. If you have a personal CRA account, you will be able to securely view your tax form details when you login to your personal CRA account.

It’s a challenging time for everyone right now, and we appreciate your understanding and patience.

For general inquiries please contact our HR Support Centre, and someone will be available to assist you.

There are three ways to connect with our HR Support Centre:

  1. Call us at (416) 675-5001
  2. Chat with us at 
  3. Submit an e-form at

Visit our FAQ section on the HRMS Knowledge Base for additional information on T4s.

Thank you.

April 16, 2020

Humber College has a new Professional Development Policy provision that awards scholarships for post-secondary, degree and graduate programs. All full-time (admin, support, academic) employees are eligible to apply for a scholarship up to 50 per cent of their annual tuition fees, up to a maximum of $5,000 per year. Awards are available for programs up to four years in duration.

Due to the current situation, the application deadline date has been moved to May 31, 2020. All full-time employees interested in applying, can find more details on the application process and forms in the links below:

Visit the HROE Learning and Development site for details on all Professional Development offerings.

April 15, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:

Office of Sustainability

Humber’s Sustainability Specialist, Devon, is making a ton of organics now that he’s always home. Here’s a picture of the amount of organics his household generated in TWO days! ⁣He might be running out of room, but he would rather have an overflowing green bin than a garbage bin!⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Are you up for the Challenge?

It’s week 2 of the Humber Earth Month Challenge and @sustainhumber has new activities this week.

Take of picture of yourself doing each challenge and post it on your Instagram page, plus use #HumberEarthMonth for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.

A winner will be announced by the end of the week! ⁣⁣Make sure your account is public so The Office of Sustainability can see your pictures. Good luck!

Individual Tips From Humber Staff


Noreen Santilli, professor in the Advertising Copywriting program with FMCA has been running full live-streamed lectures from Week 11 – 14 for the two classes she teaches. It's been very successful with excellent attendance. Last week she ran a lively session on TV commercial shoots and production, inviting numerous guest speakers from the industry to join, including a producer, commercial director and a client services director (Clare Dietrich, Ian Letts of the Perlorian Brothers, and Tim Binkley). Students were very engaged and appreciated the session, and the time and knowledge the special guests imparted.

Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 15, 2020

We understand that working from home is new to many of us and this sudden change can be overwhelming. As we adjust to our new work environments and form new habits, it is important that we continue to strive to work as securely as possible. To support you in your new surroundings, we would like to share some simple tips/advice to help you remain secure.

  • Do not use your personal computer for work if a device has been provided by work.
  • If you are using your personal computer or mobile device for telework, make sure you have enabled basic security features like passwords etc.

Please contact the I.T. Support Centre if you experience any issues.
416.675.6622 x8888 |
A212 (Lakeshore) or NX210 (North) 

ITS Security Team

April 14, 2020
Candice Warner-Barrow

Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness (HROE) - Learning and Development team is pleased to provide this curated list of learning resources to support you through these unprecedented times. These resources include: videos, e-learning short courses and publications that can be used to address ‘just-in-time’ and immediate training needs as well as provide opportunities for you to develop general skills. We have also included content relevant to the current remote working situation and COVID-19.

Overviews of these resources are provided below, via the links:

  1. Healthy Work From Home Resources
  2. General Training Available Via L&D’s E-Learning Resources

We are also working on identifying other offerings that might be of benefit or interest to you, and if you have recommendations, please email the OE team at

April 14, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:  

Humber Ad Copywriters

Humber Ad Copy Writers

Follow @HumberAdCopyWriters for bonus tips on working from home. Featured above, Laura Biggar has her executive assistant on hand, to make sure she schedules consistent work and break hours. While working from home, it’s easy to lose track and work all day. Good advice Rhubarb!  

Applied Research & Innovation

Applied Research & Innovation

ARI's project coordinator, Camila Pena Peraz, did a fantastic job with her desk project this past weekend. Who wouldn't want to work from such a fashionable spot?

Individual Tips From Humber Staff


Guillermo Acosta, Senior Dean, Faculty of Media & Creative Arts and his family are spreading good vibes in their neighbourhood and brightening up the mood in their community through art projects: chalk driveway art and window art. Follow along in this journey on Instagram with #letsallbewell and #letsmakemorerainbows.


Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to

April 14, 2020

Tune in to Band Together, a show where we go live coast to coast with an artist for an hour as they play original songs over the airwaves.

  • Monday, April 13 – Adrian Chalifour (Victoria, BC) at 5 p.m.
  • ​​​​​​​Tuesday, April 14 – Taylor Knox (Toronto, ON) at 5 p.m.
  • ​​​​​​​Wednesday, April 15 – T. Thomason (Nova Scotia) at 5 p.m.
  • ​​​​​​​Thursday, April 16 – Storry (Toronto, ON) at 5 p.m.
  • ​​​​​​​Friday, April 17 – Dear Rouge (Vancouver, BC) at 5 p.m.

How to listen:

  • You can listen live on the dial 96.9
  • Online at
  • Through the RadioPlayer Canada App

You can also follow all our updates on social media

April 14, 2020

Summer Term Required Course Materials

Currently the Campus Bookstores at both campuses are closed and our staff have no access. All the preparation for the summer term is currently being done remotely by the two store managers. 

For this reason, at this time we also do not have access to our course material managers emails to see what has already been sent. Therefore, if you could please resend your course materials requirements for the summer term to the managers emails address for your campus, noted below:

Winter Textbook Returns

For faculty currently teaching a winter term course: If you could please post the information below to your course site it would be most appreciated. The Campus Store would like to ensure your students who have rented your course materials for this term are able to return them without penalty once the course is completed

For students with rentals, Follett (Campus Bookstore) is extending the April 22 rental return date without penalty for this academic semester. Once your course is completed for this term, please return your rented textbook using the Purolator prepaid label provided by the Campus Bookstore from which you originally rented.

To receive a prepaid label, please:

  • Email your contact information to either A) North Campus Bookstore at or B) Lakeshore Campus Bookstore at
  • Please include your first and last name, your complete mailing address, email address and phone number.
  • Prior to the end of the term your campus bookstore will email you with a Purolator prepaid shipping label.
  • Please package your textbook(s), attach the prepaid shipping label and take your package to the nearest Purolator drop-off location to be returned. (Note: the Campus Store cannot arrange pick-up). Please also include your name and telephone number with your book inside the package.

Jeff Snook
Store Manager
Humber North and University of Guelph-Humber Campus Store
Email: | |

April 13, 2020

As we continue to work and learn at home, it’s important to stay connected to our colleagues and our community. To help keep us all connected, we created the #HumberAtHome series. We want to know about how you are taking care of your well-being right now, how your teams are adding a bit of fun into your interactions, and which resources are helping you.  

Here are some examples of what members of the Humber community are doing to bring their community together:  

The Office of Sustainability


April 11 was National Pet Day and @SustainHumber shared some of their new coworkers.  

Café LinX

Check out @cafelinx for a tutorial on how to make your own delicious Dalgana iced coffees.

Individual Tips From Humber Staff: 

Marilyn Campbell with Humber Arboretum shares her week’s version of #HumberEarthMonth challenges. She hung up her laundry to dry (starting with the reusable bags she washes regularly) and, as always, used the power bar to shut down her home office. She planted her seeds a little earlier, but look at them go!


Please send us your #HumberAtHome photos, video clips and stories to
