
October 18, 2018

It is with much pride that I announce that Barbara Chyzzy, Professor and Program Co-ordinator (Bachelor of Nursing), successfully defended her doctoral study at the University of Toronto titled: Mobile Phone Based Peer Support to Prevent Postpartum Depression among Adolescent Mothers: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial.

Please join the School of Health Sciences in offering Dr. Chyzzy congratulations on this wonderful achievement.

Well done, Barbara.

Jason Powell
Dean, School of Health Sciences

October 18, 2018

An Executive Steering Committee from Humber and the University of Guelph undertook an operational review of the University of Guelph-Humber, conducted by Deloitte Consulting, in the Fall 2017 and Winter 2018. This was the first review done in the 20-year joint venture partnership.

The review identified a three-stage approach to address and implement recommendations:

Stage 1 (Immediate): Tactical and Operational

  • Review and revise service agreements to reflect best practices
  • To promote quality academic delivery
  • Improving faculty allocation and equity
  • Sharing best practices on student services and supports, including which should be shared resources

Stage 2: Strategic Planning

  • Develop a strategic plan for U of GH

Stage 3 (Long Term): Structure

  • Upon completion of strategic plan/direction determine appropriate governance and legal structure to enable long term success

As an immediate next step, the committee is moving forward with the establishment of U of GH Joint Academic Advisory and Service Agreements Committees. The Academic Advisory Committee will be co-chaired by Gina Antonacci, Associate Vice-President Academic and Cate Dewey, Interim Associate Vice-President (Academic). The Service Review Committee will be co- chaired by Ray Darling, University Registrar and Jason Hunter, Vice-President, Student and Community Engagement.

The full review and a summary presentation are available here.

Rani K. Dhaliwal
Sr. VP Planning and Corporate Services & CFO

October 18, 2018

Humber faculty and course material/textbook decision makers,

Winter will soon be upon us and the staff at both the North and Lakeshore Campus Stores would like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that we have begun to accept your textbook/course material orders for the winter (January) 2019 semester. Requests should be made by November 2, 2018. Receiving your list of required course materials allows us to source all available options (new, used, print, digital, etc.) for incoming students, as well as provide the optimum value to students who are selling textbooks back at the end of the term. Timely submission of requests ensures that we have plenty of time to source and order all of your materials before the start of winter classes.

Over the past decade publishers have implemented a wide variety of delivery options for their course materials. Each version has its own unique ISBN as an identifier. The Campus Store has the ability to provide all options for the majority of materials requested

  • Print textbooks (hardcover, soft cover and loose leaf)
  • Custom textbooks (reduced chapters or combination of multiple texts into a single volume)
  • Bundles - two or more print components, or a print version with a code to access online content. Please let us know if the online content is required for your course or simply recommended. This will assist us in providing more price options for your students.
  • Digital - PDF or Adaptive Learning version (i.e. MyLab, Connect, Wiley Plus, etc.)

To submit your list of course materials you may use our Online Adoption tool.

Scroll to the bottom of either homepage and from under the heading Faculty Services, select Online Adoptions.You will be asked to login or register. For first time users, the generic password for the North is 0947, and for the Lakeshore it is 0948. If you prefer a paper copy of your previous term information, either store this information upon request.

Please let us know if we can assist you in any way. We are here to answer your questions and will gladly walk you through the online adoption process should you require assistance.  We look forward to receiving your list of Winter course materials. 

With many thanks,

Indira Danraj
Course Materials Manager, Humber North Campus Store
Email or

Jim Killen
Course Materials Manager, Humber Lakeshore Campus Store
Email: or

October 18, 2018
Michelle Trumper
LandD Next Week  Lunch and Learns, Technical courses and Workshops
Date Workshop   Room Time    
October 22 Lunch & Learn:  Super Foods; Super Immunity Click here to register K107 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Athletics Leanne Henwood-Adam
October 22 MGR: Coaching for Performance Click here to register D207 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. Best Work Yet Susan Gregory
October 23 Lakeshore: IT Tools Orientation Click here to register A237 Lake 1 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. IT Dept Stephanie Maggs
October 23 CAAT Pension: Information Session Click here to register H407 1 p.m. - 4 p.m. CAAT Pension Sylvia Golebiowski
October 24 IT Tools Orientation: O365 / Webex Click here to register L132 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. IT Dept Stephanie Maggs
October 25 Tech: MS Excel II Click here to register L132 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. SNS  Beth Smith
October 25 Creating Balance Click here to register L118 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. Best Work Yet Sonia Grossi

Thank you for your ongoing support of L&D programming.

October 18, 2018
Ravneet Mann

Next week the CTL will be hosting a variety of learning and engagement opportunities. Please register at the links below.

Workshop North Campus Lakeshore Campus 

Creating an Effective Lesson Plan

Explore the elements of an effective lesson plan and receive a template to guide the design of lessons that maximize learning opportunities for all students.

Mon. Oct. 22, 2018, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. North: D236


Quick and Easy Diagrams with Lucidchart

Learn the basic functionality of Lucichart, a web app that allows users to collaborate and work together in real time to create flowcharts, organizational charts, website wireframes, mind maps, software prototypes, and many other diagram types.

Wed. Nov. 7, 2018 11:40 a.m. to 1:25 p.m.

Mon. Oct. 22, 2018, 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Lake: D112

Google Suite of Apps

Learn how the Google suite of free apps facilitates sharing and collaborating learning practices and explore the apps that are useful in an educational setting, inside and outside of the classroom. 

Thurs. Nov. 8, 2018, 1:30 p.m. to 4:10 p.m

Mon. Oct. 22, 2018, 1:30 p.m. to 4:10 p.m., Lake: D112

From White Board to Smart Board

Enhance your presentations in the classroom and in the boardroom with the latest electronic board technology.

Tue. Oct. 23, 2018, 1:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m. North: D236



Community of Practice: Math
Is the Pen Mightier Than the Chalk? For over a decade, tablets have been used at Humber to help foster learning. Some professors love them, some do not, and others are simply curious. Whatever your opinion, we would love to hear from you. 

Wed. Oct. 24, 2018, 3:20 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. North: F309


Assessment for Learning: Classroom Assessment Techniques
Discover how the use of classroom assessment techniques can improve the learning process, increase student engagement, and encourage students to produce quality work.


Wed. Oct. 24, 2018, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Lake: F103

Survey Workshop Mini-Series: Building your quiestionnaire using Survey Monkey
Planning or interested in developing a survey for a research project? This series is for you! 

Wed. Oct. 24, 2018, 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. North: D225J


Create Fun and Interactive Presentation with Mentimeter
Learn how to plan, design, and deliver your interactive presentation with Mentimeter and your events, presentations, lectures, and workshops innovative and memorable.

Wed. Oct. 24, 2018, 4:15 p.m. to 6 p.m. North: D225J


Tame the Classroom Touchscreen
Engage your students and improve your presentation skills when using the Sharp classroom touchscreen situated in the HIVES classrooms and other Humber spaces.

Thurs. Oct. 25, 2018, 10:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.


Mindfulness - Meditative Power of Breath
Take a break from your work day and regain a sense of inner peace, poise, and awareness through simple breathing techniques and meditation. 


Thurs. Oct. 25, 2018, 12:35 p.m. to 1:25 p.m. Lake: G204

Interactive Techniques that bring FUN into the classroom
This workshop is designed to provide you with a "go-to basket" of FUN and ENGAGING activities that can be used in any discipline to  motivate and engage your students.  



Thurs. Oct. 25, 2018, 10:45 a.m. to 12:05 p.m. Lake: F103

Refresh Your Technology Toolkit - MindMeister
Explore best practices in the creation and real-world application of mind maps by using state-of-the-art mind mapping software. 


Fri. Oct. 26, 2018, 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Lake: F103

e-Learning Workshops North Campus Lakeshore Campus
Enabling the Digital SFQ in Blackboard
Are you currently part of the Digital SFQ rollout? If so, enabling the SFQ tool in your Blackboard course site is a critical step in encouraging your students to fill out the SFQ.

Mon. Oct. 22, 2018, North: D225J

11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m

2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Tue. Oct. 23, 2018, Lake: D112

11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Managing Your Grades in Banner
It’s that time of year again!  At least once a semester faculty need to input their grades through MyHumber/Banner. Join this workshop and find how easy it can be to submit and manipulate your grades.

Wed. Oct. 24, 2018, North: D225J 

10:45 a.m. to 11:35 a.m.

6:05 p.m. to 6:55p.m.

Enabling the Digital SFQ in Blackboard
Are you currently part of the Digital SFQ rollout? If so, enabling the SFQ tool in your Blackboard course site is a critical step in encouraging your students to fill out the SFQ. 

Thurs. Oct. 25, 2018, North: D225J 

11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Thurs. Oct. 25, 2018, Lake: D112

11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

2 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

October 18, 2018

It's legalization day and our newest Et Cetera has all the answers on how legal weed will effect the Humber community.

You can check out the issue in PDF or online.

By the way, does your department or program bring in interesting speakers, host competitions or have current students (or recent grads, or faculty) working on exciting projects or winning awards?

Et Cetera would like to hear from you.

Contact or and tell us all about your neat projects.

October 18, 2018
Bharat Saini

Humber’s Employment Equity Program - Frequently Asked Questions

Humber College has identified in its 2018-2023 Strategic Plan, Pillar 3 that it will “Continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff.” One of the deliverables in meeting this strategic priority is to reestablish Humber’s Employment Equity Program (EEP).

Humber voluntarily complies with the Employment Equity Act. The Act has been in existence for approximately 40 years and is intended to remove barriers to full participation in employment for four designated groups: Women, Aboriginal Peoples, Persons with Disabilities, Visible Minorities/Racialized people and Humber has included Sexual and Gender Diversity.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Employment Equity?

Employment Equity is an on-going planning process used by an employer to:

  • identify and eliminate barriers in an organization's employment policies and procedures;
  • put into place positive policies and practices to ensure the effects of systemic barriers are eliminated; and
  • ensure appropriate representation of identified group members throughout their workforce.

2. Why is Employment Equity necessary?

The federal government has identified four designated groups that have experienced historical and current barriers to full employment opportunities and therefore are under-represented in the Canadian workforce. The identified groups experience high unemployment rates, lower than average salaries as well as a concentration in low-status jobs. Employment Equity measures are necessary to facilitate the removal of systemic barriers that may prevent members of the identified groups from full participation in the workplace.

3. Do questions on race or disability contravene human rights legislations?

Section 16 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and Section 14 of the Ontario Human Rights Code stipulates that it is not a discriminatory practice to collect information if it is intended to be used in adopting or carrying out a special program, plan or arrangement designed to eliminate discrimination of certain groups of individuals.

4. Who can complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire?

All full-time, part-time, contract and sessional employees are invited to complete the Employment Equity Questionnaire. Completion of Humber’s Employment Equity Questionnaire is voluntary.

5. Why do I have to include my employee number on the questionnaire?

The Employment Equity Act and its Regulations requires the Employment Equity Questionnaire have a unique employee identifier. Centre staff will conduct a workforce analysis based on the information provided. Every position at Humber is coded with a National Occupational Classification (NOC) code. In order for us to develop aggregate statistics based on NOC codes, Humber needs to be able to link employees’ equity data using the employee number to the NOC code. Once the workforce analysis process is completed, a report will be prepared to show the representation of designated groups in each Employment Equity Occupational Group.

6. Who will have access to the information that I provide on the questionnaire?

Completed Employment Equity Questionnaires are confidential and are only accessible by the Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Diversity at Humber College. To ensure confidentiality, the Employment Equity data is reported in an aggregate format and never on an individual basis.

7. How will the information be used?

The information that you provide in the Employment Equity Questionnaire will be kept confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form for Employment Equity purposes. In other words, the reported data will not contain any personal identification. The information will provide up-to-date knowledge of Humber’s workforce representation and will allow the College to identify where under-representation exists. It will also help Humber to target its efforts toward removing barriers that may exist in the College’s employment systems.

If you have questions pertaining to Humber's Employment Equity Program, please contact: Bharat Saini at 416.665.6622 x5160 or

The Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity thanks you for helping to build a more inclusive Humber.

October 18, 2018

Registration for the School of HRT Continuing Education holiday workshops is now open! Grab a coworker, friend or family member for a fun and unique evening together. The following workshops are just a few offerings available right now:

Wine and Chocolate Pairing
It's hard to imagine two more delicious topics to explore. We'll look at different chocolate styles and what wines work best with them. Be prepared for some hands on wine and chocolate experimentation. Hard work, but someone's got to do it! Register here: 
Tuesday, Dececember 11, 6 p.m. - 8 p.m., $60

Gingerbread House Decoration and Gingerbread Cookies
Get into the holiday spirit and enrol this season to build and decorate your very own gingerbread house. Our chefs will teach you the techniques of preparing an amazing gingerbread house and complement it with homemade gingerbread cookies. Register here:
Thursday, December 6, 6 p.m. - 10 p.m., $99

Spanish Wines and Tapas
Get the inside scoop on Spanish wines and see first-hand why tapas rules! Learn how to put on your own Spanish wines & tapas party at home. Register here: 
Wednesday, November 28, 6 p.m. - 9 p.m., $60

Please email for more information.

October 17, 2018
Ashfaque Khan

On behalf of the mailroom staff I would like to bring your attention towards a potential strike by the Canada Post Postal Workers effective early next week.

The Postal Workers Association is in legal standing to go on strike from Monday, October 22, 2018 onwards. Based on the news on TV Channels (CP24) a rotating strike is being planned in the early stages of the strike leading to a potential overall strike across all depots. We are hoping for a settlement between the management and the workers association. In lieu of this, the mailroom at the North and Lakeshore campuses will still do their daily mail runs however processing of any outgoing mail will depend on how Humber gets impacted by the strike. We will keep you posted as to updates around this strike and its impacts to mail service here at Humber.

We request, until the strike is settled, that you please check with the mailroom staff at x4443 (North) and x3245 (Lakeshore) before processing/planning any major outgoing mail as the mailroom is unable to store large mailings due to space shortage. Thank you.

Ashfaque Khan
Mailroom Coordinator

October 17, 2018

The International Day Against Contract Cheating was held October 17 and boasted the involvement of schools from around the world. All three campuses at Humber took part. Thank you to those people who came by the LRC North Campus, L Building Lakeshore, and 2nd floor Orangeville to post their message against contract cheating.

Contract cheating is defined as a third party completing an assignment or work for a student that is then submitted for a grade or mark. It is a form of academic dishonesty. It is helpful for faculty to understand how to prevent contract cheating. Here are some online resources and print sources that provide important tips to support faculty efforts in the learning environment:

If you have questions about contract cheating you can contact Jennie Miron at
