
March 8, 2019
Adelia Marchese
Support Students Like Me. Donate Now. 416.673.0152 or

As a Humber employee, you have a unique opportunity to join us in extending your support of our students in a very special way. 

Every day, across the college, we hear about one of our students who is struggling with their finances. For many of our students, financial support is the only way they can pursue a postsecondary education.

Your gift to the Humber Gives campaign will help Humber students like Cassandra by providing awards and scholarships so they can focus on their studies instead of their finances. Watch this short video to see how your support can make a difference. 

Join us and make a donation through payroll deduction, monthly giving, or a one-time gift, to make giving easy.
Please know that 100 per cent of your donations go directly to student scholarships.

We hope our students can count on your support.

Wanda Buote
Humber Gives Co-chair 2018/19
Dean, Education & Training Solutions

Alvina Cassiani
Humber Gives Co-chair 2018/19
Dean, The Business School



March 8, 2019

Thank you for celebrating Open Education Week with the Centre for Teaching and Learning and Humber Libraries.

If you still have questions about what makes a resource open or how you can adopt, remix, or create OERs, we have good news for you. College libraries from across Ontario have collaborated to produce an OER Toolkit.

The OER Toolkit provides information to help faculty understand, engage with, and sustain OER in their work and practice.

Do you have ideas for using or adopting OER but are looking for collaborators? Here are some ways Humber Libraries can help you:

  • Collect and do initial vetting of supplementary materials
  • Use advanced search skills to find exactly what is needed
  • Give options for ways that students can access resources
  • Advise on how to make resources more accessible
  • Advise on issues of copyright and fair dealing
  • Advise on the use of Creative Commons licenses

Source: list adapted from The Learning Portal, CC BY 4.0.

Want to learn more?

Contact Humber Libraries’ copyright department:

Contact Humber’s Director of Digital Curriculum: Theresa Steger (

March 8, 2019
Stephen Preware
Image of Sarah Lam, a Powerlifting athlete from Humber Lakeshore who is breaking both records and barriers

Happy International Women's Day!

Today, and in the days ahead, we should reflect on the achievements of women and remember that there is still a significant amount of work that needs to be done to achieve gender balance in our society. We all need to play a role in moving the needle because a balanced world is a better world.

@LifeAtHumber would like to share the story of Sarah Lam, a powerlifting athlete from Humber Lakeshore, who is breaking records and barriers.

Watch Sarah's Interview


About Life at Humber
Life at Humber is the student communications team within Student Success and Engagement. We work with talented media students from Humber and UofGH, using their unique perspectives to develop media content that’s timely and relevant to the student experience – all while providing them with meaningful work-integrated learning opportunities. If you haven’t had the chance, check us out on any of the WeGotYou media channels below, or at

Facebook / Twitter / YouTube

March 8, 2019
Karina Butzek-Morris

In honour of International Women’s Day, we spoke to a few of our alumnae and posed the question:
"What lessons have you learned in life to be successful as a woman?"  Click here to see what our featured alumnae had to say:

Dr. Jill Andrew, Ph.D.
Child and Youth Worker, 1998

Becky Coles
Broadcasting – Radio, 2002

Justine McNeil
Child and Youth Worker, 2014

Lisa Morales
Broadcasting – Radio, 2004

Donna O’Brien-Sokic
Creative Cinematography, 1982

Amber Payie
Broadcasting – Radio, 1994

Kelli Saunders
Marketing, 1985

Asis Sethi
Film and Television Production, 2007

Happy International Women’s Day!


March 8, 2019
Zahra Brown
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

In Honour of Women

The Women Who Walk Miles To Feed Their Families
Thank You
Women Who Love When No Love Is Returned
Thank You
Women Who Dance The Stories Of The Ancients
Thank You
Women Who Lose Their Children And Keep On Going
Thank You
Women Who Speak Their Truth To Educate Others
Thank You
Women Of Beauty Who Know Their Power Is To Share
Thank You
Women Who Mother When Mothering Is Called Upon For Healing
Thank You
Women Who Love Men Enough To Respect Their Differences
Thank You
Women Who Love Themselves Enough To Come Forward
Thank You
Women Who Know The Truth Of Their Soul
Thank You
In Honor Of You
We Honor Women
And Say
Thank You

Written by Joana Ukali

March 7, 2019
Humber's Panopto Support Team
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster


It’s here! Humber’s new academic video streaming platform, Panopto, is now live and available to all faculty and staff.

Designed to help you record, edit, search, and stream curriculum videos, Panopto will help you better engage with your learners, and easily share content with your colleagues.

Some of the world’s top academic institutions are already using Panopto, and we can’t wait for you to discover the many ways that it can help you innovate in teaching and learning.

Top five things to discover on Panopto, once you login using your Humber credentials:

  1. Click the “Create” button to find out how easy it is to create and upload a quick, accessible video using your desktop or mobile device.
  2. Use the “Browse” functionality to discover videos that have already been made available for you to use from our early users.
  3. Find out just how powerful Panopto’s “Smart Search” really is (search names, text on PowerPoints, spoken word, and more…)
  4. Activate one of the many Blackboard Integrations within your course (mashups, portals, and more!)
  5. Create your very first “Video Quiz” and watch the results flow into Blackboard’s Grade Centre.

There are a number of workshops available, beginning as early as this upcoming Monday, March 11, 2019. Please see the attached PDF for a workshop listing, our visit the CTL Calendar of Events.

Login today and get a chance to win* by visiting:

If you have any questions about Panopto, please feel free to contact us at the email below:

Humber’s Panopto Support Team:


*Panopto Launch Contest:
Humber employees can get up to five chances to win a $25 gift card. The earlier you login and activate your account, the more chances you have to win. Winners will be selected daily between Thursday, March 7, and Wednesday, March 13, 2019, at random. No winners will be drawn on Saturday or Sunday. If you are picked once, you will not be eligible for a further draw within this contest.

Note for University of Guelph-Humber:
The University of Guelph-Humber is developing a separate environment for Panopto which integrates with Desire2Learn. Panopto will be available for the UofGH community in the future. See Who Can Use Panopto? for more information.

Note for Ensemble Video Users:
If you already had videos on Ensemble Video (Humber’s video streaming pilot), you will find that they have been seamlessly migrated into Panopto. A message with further details has already gone out to Ensemble Users.

Panopto is proudly brought to you by the Centre for Teaching & Learning and Humber Libraries.

March 7, 2019

Our warmest congratulations to faculty member Lorne Opler who has recently been selected to speak at the upcoming Canfitpro World Fitness Conference this August. He will be speaking on the topic of Motivational Interviewing - a counseling technique aimed at helping clients overcome barries to achieve success. 

For more information on Lorne's topic and session time, please click here.

March 7, 2019
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Starting: Saturday, March 9 at 6 p.m.
Ending: Sunday, March 10 at 8 a.m.

Affected Services: All technology and information services will be unavailable as of 6 p.m. including Banner, MyHumber, Blackboard, e-mail, corporate websites, Wi-Fi network, and lab computers.

Reason: Systems in the main data center will be shut down in order to facilitate regular maintenance work.

Please note: First Robotics will not be impacted by the maintenance. Information Technology Services is working alongside First Robotics to ensure the success of the event.

March 7, 2019
Heidi Marsh
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

We are pleased to share the March edition of Scholars & Co.

This month, we are celebrating a Teaching Innovation Fund first: A TIF film screening! Although many of the SoTL projects that we fund evaluate the impact of a teaching practice or approach, some are geared toward the development of a new teaching tool. In this case, the tool that was developed is a documentary, titled The Struggle Back, which will be used to educate Humber students as well as community and justice agencies on the challenges associated with addiction and mental health. The project was an inter-disciplinary endeavour, completed by Arun Dhanota (SSCS), Dan Rowe (MSIT), and a team of students. It will be screened on Thursday, March 21 at the Lakeshore Campus.

See the full story on page 1 of the newsletter for further details and to register to attend the screening.

March 7, 2019
Ravneet Mann
Workshop North Campus Lakeshore Campus
Conversations with Chris Mar. 11, 2019 – North: D225I
Register: 9:50 to 11:35 a.m.
Not available
Class Surveys and Feedback with Google Forms Mar. 11, 2019 – North: D236
Register: 11:40 a.m. to 1:25 p.m.
Mar. 12, 2019, Lake: F103
Register: 12:35 to 2:20 p.m.
Community of Practice: Entrepreneurship Mar. 12, 2019 – North: D236
Register: 12:30 to 2 p.m.
Not available
Creating Videos with Adobe Spark Mar. 13, 2019 – North: D225J
Register: 2:25 to 3:15 p.m.
Mar. 12, 2019 – Lake: D112
Register: 11:40 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Getting Writing Done - Part 2 Mar. 14, 2019 – North: D236
Register: 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Not available
Writers' Collective Not available Mar. 15, 2019 – Lake: F103
Register: 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Community of Practice: Supporting Humber's International and Multilingual Learners  Mar. 15, 2019 – North: D236
Register: 10:45 to 11:35 a.m.
Mar. 29, 2019 – Lake: F103
Register: 10:45 to 11:35 a.m.

Visit the CTL Calendar of Events for a complete list of workshop offerings. 
