
November 16, 2017
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

When is Chrome River going live?

The entire set of functionalities will be released over two phases:

  • Purchase Card (P-card) – November 21, 2017 (Phase 1)
  • Travel & Expense – Spring 2018 (Phase 2)

How do I access Chrome River?

On November 21st, all users with a Banner Finance profile will be able to access Chrome River via Humber College Single Sign-On (SSO). The URL for Chrome River will be This link can be accessed using any device (PC/Mac and Mobile) with an internet connection.

What is the address for emailing receipts to Chrome River?

When emailing a receipt image to Chrome River, please send it to For ease of access, this address can be saved to your email contacts.

To ensure Chrome River receives your emailed receipt image, use either your Humber email account or an alternate email address that you have added to your Personal Settings in Chrome River. You should receive an email notification from Chrome River indicating that your receipt was received. Please visit the Humber Finance website ( to access the Job Aid on adding an alternate email address in Chrome River.

Where do I approve my transactions for my November P-card statement?

Credit Card transactions with a statement posting date prior to and including November 20th:

  • Process and approve in BMO Details Online
  • Cardholders will have until November 30th to complete their November 2017 statement submission in BMO Details Online
  • Any transactions with a statement date subsequent to November 20th appearing in BMO Details Online should be ignored as they will be processed within Chrome River.

Credit Card transactions with a statement posting date of November 21st and beyond:

  • Process and approve in Chrome River

See the attached PDF for a calendar view of the transition to Chrome River

Where can I find more information on Chrome River?

Please visit for questions and answers related to Chrome River. If your specific question is not listed, please use the “Ask a Question” section to submit your question.

Please visit for Chrome River Job Aids.

How will I be informed?

For Phase 1 deployment – Weekly updates on the Humber Communique.

For Phase 2 deployment – Timely information will be provided once this phase begins.

If anyone has any questions and/or suggestions, please contact:

Kelly Morrow
Associate Director, Financial Services 
416.675.6622 x5093
Paula Borges
Manager, Financial Systems, Technology & Training
416.675.6622 x4408
November 15, 2017
Aman Hehar

As part of the Phase 1 implementation of Humber’s Integrated Energy & Water Master Plan (IEMP), Facilities Management is upgrading toilets, urinals, faucets and showers across both campuses to reduce water consumption.

Construction started October 30th, 2017 and the project is anticipated to last approximately four months.

Expect washrooms to be temporarily closed while the upgrade is in progress. We are making every effort to limit the impact of closures.

This is a great step forward for Humber in reducing its water consumption and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

Additional details on the IEMP can be found on the Capital Development & Facilities Management website here

If you have any questions please contact Aman Hehar at x4455.




November 15, 2017
Beth Cook
416.675.6622 x2987

Humber College is pleased to announce the launch of a new Occupation-Specific Language Training (OSLT) program in Entrepreneurship and Sales & Marketing. This program has been designed speci­fically to help newcomer entrepreneurs and/or those who have a background in sales and marketing from outside Canada.

It will provide newcomers with the sales and marketing terminology required to run a business effectively or to enter the sales and marketing ­field in Canada.

OSLT Entrepreneurship and Sales & Marketing seeks to help newcomers:

  • Improve their work-related language skills
  • Understand Canadian workplace culture
  • Produce impactful presentations in a marketing context
  • Participate effectively in business meetings
  • Communicate in a manner that generates sales interest
  • Develop strong interviewing and networking skills

Job-search support, networking and mentoring opportunities are also available.

Program Start Date: January 16th, 2018.
We are now accepting applications for the January 2018 intake.

Click Here to learn more about this program!

November 14, 2017
Don Henriques

Food Service operating hours on Saturday, November 18th, 2017 for Open House

North Campus

Residence 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Starbucks 7:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Java Jazz 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tim Hortons 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

Lakeshore Campus

Lake Café 8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tim Hortons 7:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Starbucks  9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
November 14, 2017
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Human Resource Management System (HRMS) Project team is happy to announce its first version of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's) for the HRMS Project. The Project team hosted many information sessions with stakeholders where questions were collected and evaluated to give insightful answers that brought about a better understanding of the HRMS. We are happy to note that during the lifecycle of the project, and as information changes, future versions will be released to reflect updates on the Project.

If you have further questions that are not reflected in the FAQ’s, please do not hesitate to reach out to the project team at    

November 14, 2017
Kavelle Maharaj

Santa's looking forward to seeing everyone on his Good List at the 15th annual Humber Staff and Children’s Holiday Party. Santa and Mrs. Claus are ready to have their pictures taken with all the kids that come to "Slumber at Humber"!

Don’t delay, buy your tickets here: There is a surprise draw for persons who purchase their tickets before 12 p.m. on Monday November 20, 2017. 

**Prize Winner will be announced at the party**.

Date: Saturday, November 25, 2017
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Where: Lakeshore Commons Building - 19 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Drive
Cost: $8.00 for children (12 and under), $10.00 for adults (includes breakfast) 

Remember to bring your canned item and wear your comfy pajamas!

November 10, 2017

As you may be aware, a college wide contest was launched for a logo for the HRMS Project implementation at Humber College. The winning submission for the HRMS Logo competition stood out from over twenty other submissions as being distinctive in visual impact, having a creative tagline, legibility, adherence to Humber’s branding standards, uniqueness and creativity.

We are happy to announce that Sydney Lawson, a 4th year Guelph Humber Student in the Media program, specializing in Digital Communications was selected as the winner. Sydney has a strong passion for design and digital marketing, and currently works as the Graphic Designer for the Student Life Department. She has recently started a freelancing design business, and is looking forward to her future in the always-changing digital media world after graduation.

On behalf of the Executive Sponsor – Lori Diduch, Co-Sponsor – Scott Briggs and the HRMS Project Team we thank all participants who submitted their entries and to formally congratulate Sydney Lawson for her winning Logo

A complimentary FAQ’s is also attached that would answer any questions that you may have about the HRMS.

November 10, 2017
Kellie Elliot
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

For the duration of the current faculty strike, there will be free yoga classes offered in A100. Every Tuesday and Thursday from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Come on by, ready to flow.  There are no changerooms available, so please come to class already dressed in your comfortable clothing. There are yoga mats available to use, but you are more then welcome to bring your own if you prefer!

Email for any other questions or concerns.

Click the link below to view or print the flyer attached.

Looking forward to seeing you!

November 10, 2017

College Council Highlights - October 12, 2017

Humber College Council (HCC) held its second meeting of the 2017-18 academic year on Thursday, October 12th at the Lakeshore Campus. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives and important issues, College Council reports the highlights of its monthly meetings. For more information or to provide feedback on the highlights, please contact or

Bargaining Update

Gina Antonacci [Associate Vice-President, Academic] and Lori Diduch [Vice President, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness] presented a bargaining update.

Christa Hinds [Manager, HR Client Services and Academic Relations] and Gina Antonacci have been working closely with the Union over the last few weeks in regards to contingency and work stoppage planning. In the event of a work stoppage, all post-secondary courses and continuing education activity will be stopped. It is likely that a few select offsite activities will continue such as athletic events. There are concerns that some students are not aware of the potential work stoppage so there will be ambassadors at the North and Lakeshore campuses on October 16th to provide strike information to students. Student questions can be referred to the Dean of Students via email.

It was also noted that the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and technologies will continue to be provided during a work stoppage. A hotline will be set up with those who feel uncomfortable crossing the picket line. All public transportation will not use the bus loop, but rather stop on Humber College Blvd.

Office 365

Steve Camacho [Director, Technology Services, ITS] presented on the implementation of Office 365.

Office 365 is a suite of cloud-based software services from Microsoft. It is not software that you install but rather is a service we subscribe to that works with existing software. Office 365 is complementary to the Office Suite of products such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Other products include e-mail, calendaring, OneDrive and Office Online. Office 365 is hosted by Microsoft in Canada.

There are numerous organizational benefits, including: the capacity to grow without additional licensing costs, monthly updates and releases, increased storage, infrastructure managed by Microsoft, and improved disaster recovery.

Over 600 employees have migrated to Office 365 with plans to finish migration for all staff by early 2018.

Enrolment Report and Enrollment Planning

Gina Antonacci, Barb Riach [Registrar, Office of the Registrar] and Kelly O’Neill [Dean, Program Planning, Development and Renewal] provided an enrolment report and noted the SEM process informs the five year enrolment plan.

Enrolment Update:

Barb Riach noted that the spring/summer semester had an audited enrolment of 4,961, which exceeded the  target of 4,589. The projected audit for fall 2017 is expected to be 26,290, which will exceed the budget target of 25,971. An audit will run November 1st and will help inform the budget model. It is expected that Humber will meet the budget target established in annual enrolment planning for winter 2018. Over the next week, the Registrar’s Office will begin to receive applications for fall 2018.


  • Large growth in certificate programs and technical programs. Many of those students will continue at Humber after completing a certificate
  • Growth in fully online programs
  • Increase in online courses—these are often the first sections that fill
  • Over 400 students were awarded block-transfer and advanced standing into a diploma program based on their previous education
  • 1,400 students received recognition for 2,785 courses completed at other domestic and international postsecondary institutions.

There was a significant increase across the board in international students. It was noted international students are condensing studies to meet work permit and residency requirements and are often completing in 75% of normal completion time.

Program Planning, Development & Renewal would like HCC members to have more participation in the program planning process and can send feedback/suggestions to

The next meeting of College Council will be held Thursday, December 7th at the North Campus. For meeting highlights, supporting materials, or opportunities to provide feedback please visit the College Council website at:

November 10, 2017
Kavelle Maharaj
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Karaoke! Face painting! Pillowcase decorating!

These are just some of the fun activities happening at the 15th annual Humber Staff and Children’s Holiday Party on Saturday, November 25th. Tickets are now on sale, so grab some soon! Only $10 for adults and $8 for kids 12 and younger.

Don’t delay, buy your tickets

Date: Saturday, November 25
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Where: Lakeshore Commons Building 

Remember your pajamas and your canned food item for the Daily Bread Food Bank!
