Past Events

  • When:
    May 27, 2021 7:00pm to 7:45pm
Online via YouTube Premier on
Joe Andrews
Text Logo for 12th annual Humber Orangeville Student Success Awards

The 12th annual Humber Orangeville Student Success Awards Event will honour several Orangeville student award recipients while congratulating the entire final graduating class of the Orangeville Campus. There will be a few surprises included.

This virtual event will be first played on YouTube Premiere at on Thursday, May 27 at 7 p.m. 

You can RSVP for the event here.

More information will be posted here soon.

  • When:
    May 27, 2021 7:00pm
Virtual Thesis Show - Industrial Design at Humber poster

Hello Humber,

The Industrial Design program is proud to present its 2nd Annual Virtual Thesis Show.

Click here to join 

Select a student's thesis project, scroll halfway down the page on the right, and then select a short video of the project.  

Enjoy the show!

Patrick Burke  
Program Coordinator, Industrial Design

  • When:
    May 27, 2021 12:00pm
Raeshelle Morris

Discover the simplified application and decision processes that will enable funding for your applied research project.

The mutually beneficial projects are expected to result in economic benefits and build impactful longer-term collaborations between Humber and industry partners.

This interactive workshop will acquaint participants with the process of applying for NSERC Engage grants. Topics to be covered:

  • Understand the context and motivation of government funders
  • Funding opportunities for applied research at colleges
  • Constructing compelling grant proposals
  • Understanding the peer review process
  • Common pitfalls/weaknesses in proposals

There are multiple Engage Workshop dates available. Interested participants only need to attend one date listed below:

  • Thursday, May 27, from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Register here

For more information on this workshop please contact Raeshelle Morris at

About NSERC Engage Grants:

NSERC Engage grants are designed to give innovative companies that operate from a Canadian base access to the knowledge, expertise and capabilities available at Humber. These grants are intended to foster the development of new research partnerships by supporting short-term research and development projects. Full details will be covered in the workshop.

  • When:
    May 27, 2021 9:30am
  • When:
    May 28, 2021 9:30am
Microsoft Virtual Training - Teams and OneDrive

Save the date!

Virtual Training with Microsoft: 

Teams Meetings (with a strong focus on lobbies)
May 27 at 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Join on Microsoft Teams

May 28 at 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Join on Microsoft Teams

Everyone is welcome  See you there!This is a free, virtual training session with Microsoft. Copy the link in your calendar event and join us for an informative session on the particular day and time. 

  • When:
    May 26, 2021 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Hanadi Alnawab
Clubhouse event

Join the Digital Business Student Association on Clubhouse as we chat with three graduates of the Digital Business Management BComm program. They will share their career adventures as well as tips and insights for our current students.

Guests: Amanda RiceUche Umolu, and Rorey Rose

Moderated by: Mackenzie Klin and Sameha Dahir

Click here for the link to join the event (and hit the bell to save it!).

  • When:
    May 26, 2021 2:00pm

Join Arboretum staff online for a chat about birds and other nature topics.

The Nature Exchange is a casual virtual conversation about all things nature. Drop in to hear members of the Arboretum's Nature Interpretation team share stories and answer your questions about the wild plants and animals of the GTA. You are welcome to join the conversation or just listen in.

The theme for this Nature Exchange is What Can We Learn from Birds? as part of the Toronto Bird Celebration

This is a free, drop-in event open to all.

No registration is required. You can learn more about the Nature Exchange on the Arboretum website, or simply join the event on May 26 at 2 p.m.:

  • When:
    May 12, 2021 12:00pm
  • When:
    May 19, 2021 12:00pm
  • When:
    May 26, 2021 12:00pm
Judy Tavares

CAPLA presents webinars at noon EDT on May 12, May 19, and May 26. Use this link to get a special price on the whole series, or select individual sessions below to register.

May 12, 2021 - RPL 101: An Introduction to RPL in Canada
Speakers: Lauren Waples, Red River College, and Doreen Leong, College of Pharmacists of British Columbia
Session Description: RPL practitioner Lauren Waples will facilitate this introductory session that will include topics such as:

  • The Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment (CAPLA)
  • What is prior learning?
  • Where does learning occur and how is it recognized?
  • Who is involved in RPL?
  • Assessing prior learning
  • CAPLA’s Guiding Principles for Quality RPL Practice in Canada
  • Steps in the RPL process
  • Implementing RPL

Providing an example of a sector using RPL procedures and tools, we are pleased to welcome Doreen Leong, Director of REgistration and Licensure for the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia, to report on how the occupational body uses RPL to improve access and maintain standards of practice within the profession.

Register here for the individual session. Register here for a special price on the whole webinar series.

May 19, 2021 - RPL Assessment Practice: Methods, Tools, and Processes
Speakers:  Laura Malbogat & Mark Gallupe
Session Description: Join experts as they discuss and describe a variety of methods for assessing prior learning. Laura Malbogat's presentation is titled "The Art of Making Assessments - Meaningful is Possible," and Mark Gallupe's presentation is titled "Portfolio-Assisted RPL Assessment."

Register here for the individual session. Register here for a special price on the whole webinar series.

May 26, 2021 - Will the Micro-credential Craze Reset the Recognition Agenda in Canada?
Speakers: Mike Luff, Canadian Labour Congress, Dan Piedra, McMaster University, and Dr. Nan L. Travers, SUNY Empire State College
Session Description: Join panellists as they respond to a variety of recognition and micro-credential questions such as:

  • Are post-secondary education (PSE) credentiallers able and willing to use micro-credentials (MC) as pathways into traditional diplomas and degrees?
  • How do MC originating outside of the academy differ from other kinds of assessment and recognition of workplace learning required of PSE evaluators?
  • Is a micro-credential better than no credential at all when looking for employment in particular sectors?
  • How can recognition of MC contribute to improving access and equity?
  • Is Canada’s competency assessment and recognition culture ready for MC? (for example among employers, occupational bodies) If no, why not? If so, where are the promising practices?
  • Discussions about lifelong and life-wide learning, along with RPL/PLAR implications, have been going on in Canada for over 30 years. What do you think will make a recognition of learning culture ‘stick’ today?
  • Should all micro-credentials include a digital badge? 
  • Who will become the navigators, advisors and advocates for adult learners and others who may need support in developing their ‘blockchain-anchored digital identity’?

Register here for the individual session. Register here for a special price on the whole webinar series.

We hope you'll join us!

Full speaker bios and session descriptions coming soon to CAPLA | Canadian Association for Prior Learning Assessment (CAPLA).

  • When:
    May 26, 2021 10:00am
Regan Mancini

Back by popular demand, we’ve added one more virtual Humber Tomorrow all-employee consultation session as the first three sessions sold out.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021 at 10-11:30 a.m.

Come out and share your thoughts on the future of Humber and post-secondary education, and comment on Humber’s priorities/actions for the last two years of its strategic plan.

Click here to register.

Participants must register in advance. Register early - attendance will be limited to better enable opportunities for participation. Once you register and it is confirmed that you have a spot, an email will be sent to your inbox with the meeting link. Registration will close once a session is full.

Unable to attend? Consider completing the online feedback form or holding your own consultation session with your colleagues by using our consultation toolkit by May 28.

Want to see what you missed at the last three sessions? Watch the recordings on WeAreHumber.

Need an accommodation? Contact

Want more information? Visit the WeAreHumber website.

  • When:
    May 25, 2021 9:00am
  • When:
    June 4, 2021 4:30pm

Advisor Training 2021 is fast approaching, taking place from May 25 to June 4. We have an entire two weeks of sessions lined up for us to learn, connect and refuel our work. This year, we have two amazing keynote sessions you don't want to miss!

Tuesday, May 25 at 9 a.m.
Naming it. Reckoning with Our Truths.

The experiences of Black, Indigenous, and people of colour (BIPOC) professionals in the workforce are often challenging and nuanced, particularly for those with intersecting identities. Many companies and organizations express the importance of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI); however, the experiences of BIPOC communities tell a different story. In this interactive talk, we will name the realities faced by BIPOC communities and discuss ways that we can navigate the post-secondary environment, in a sustainable and healthy way.

Hosted by:

Natalie Elisha - Equity Projects Specialist, University of Toronto

Martina Douglas - Specialist, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, World Vision Canada

Friday, June 4 at 10:30 a.m.
Eugenia Duodu

Growing up, Eugenia had a passion for science but trouble relating this to her journey within the education system. Despite numerous and complex barriers, with the support of her community and key educators, she managed to successfully pursue her passion and earned a PhD in Chemistry. Today, she is the CEO of Visions of Science. She will share her journey with science, the education system and her passion for social change.

Hosted by:

Eugenia Duodu is the CEO of Visions of Science Network for Learning (, a charitable organization that empowers youth from low-income communities through meaningful engagement in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math).

To register, click here.

For more information on Advisor Training, visit:

  • When:
    May 14, 2021 1:00pm
  • When:
    May 21, 2021 1:00pm
  • When:
    May 28, 2021 1:00pm

Digital Fluency is one of the skillsets mentioned in Humber’s Learning Outcomes (HLOs), but what does it mean to be digitally fluent? Join us for this three-part mini-series as we explore what is means to teach our students to be digitally fluent and what doing so might look like in our course outlines, in our classes, and in our assessments. Each session will include a blend of presentations and hands-on activities to help participants craft strategies to teach this HLO to their students in authentic ways.

Click here to register

Part 1 - Friday, May 14 at 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
What digital fluency is and why it matters

Part 2 - Friday, May 21 at 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Adding Digital Fluency to your outlines and critical paths in authentic ways

Part 3 - Friday, May 28 at 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
​Participants workshop specific plans for digital fluency outcomes, critical paths elements and assessments

