Updates and Announcements
Tax Form Information
T4 Tax Statements (Statement of Remuneration Paid Forms) for 2024 are now available to be downloaded from the Human Resource Management System (HRMS).
Introducing askHumBee: The HRMS ChatBot
Your 24/7 digital assistant for instant answers to all your HR questions, making your experience faster and easier than ever!
Log in to the HRMS and askHumBee.
Human Resource Management System (HRMS)
Knowledge Base (KB)
Knowledge Base (KB) Structure
The KB is organized according to learning paths that relate to roles that perform actions on the Human Resource Management System (HRMS). Each learning path contains content on various topics that help roles build their capability and confidence.
Learn by role
There are five (5) roles with available content in the KB from which to learn, they are: Manager, Delegate, Employee, HR and Candidate. You can access the path for your specific role to start your learning and to access content. Click on one of the buttons below to get started –