Enter Pregnancy and Parental or Parental Extended Leave
Learn how to perform this action in the HRMS.
Please be advised – there is a Known Issue when executing this process.
Please review the workaround to resolve this issue before proceeding.
This knowledge article will show you how to enter pregnancy and parental leave.
STOP – If employee has multiple assignments, please be advised – there is a Known Issue when executing this process. Please carefully read the note under step 10 for Employees with Multiple Assignments.
1. Sign into HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password.
2. Click ‘My Client Groups’.
3. Click ‘Person Management’.
4. Enter ‘Effective as-of Date’ and the ‘Name’ of the person.
Note: Complete all the required fields marked by an asterisk (*) and at least one field by a double asterisk(**)
5. Click ‘Search’.
6. Click on the required name from the list.
7. Click on the ‘Actions menu’ (orange button) on the right-hand side.
8. From Absences, select ‘Absence Records’.
9. Click on ‘Add’ tab.
10. Select Pregnancy, Parental/Parental Extended Leave as the absence type .
*Note: Regular Part-Time – Entering the expected Planned or Actual End Date*.
As a Regular Part-Time Employee you are entitled to Job Protection and are entitled to the full duration weeks of the absence leave.
For all other NFT employees, ensure to adjust the duration of the absence reflecting the End Date of the assignment. Should the leave period be shorter than the end date of the assignment then enter the actual End Date.
For Employees with Multiple Assignments: before applying the leaves the Non-primary assignment should be end dated and changed to ‘Inactive-No Payroll’ effective the start date of the leave.
11. Enter the ‘Expected Date of Childbirth’.
12. Enter either the ‘Planned Start time’ or ‘Actual Start time’ if known.
Note: When you enter Actual Start time, it will automatically override the Planned Start time.
13. Enter either the ‘Planned End time’ or ‘Actual End time’ if known.
Note: When you enter Actual End time, it will automatically override the Planned End time.
14. Confirm the ‘Planned Duration’ or ‘Actual Duration’ which will be displayed in weeks.
15. Click ‘Submit’.
16. Click ‘OK’ in response to the confirmation message.
17. Click on the ‘Tasks’ pane on the right.
18. Select ‘Manage employment’ from personal and employment.
19. Click on ‘Edit’ tab and select ‘Update’.
20. Enter ‘Effective Start Date’.
21. Select ‘Leave Paid’ from the actions list.
22. Select ‘Pregnancy/Parental Leave’ from the action reason.
23. Click ‘OK’.
24. In the assignment status select ‘LV-Pregnancy Leave /LV-Parental Leave’.
25. Click on ‘Review’ to ensure all the entries are correct before submission.
26. Click ‘Submit’.
27. Click ‘Yes’ in response to the warning message.
28. Click ‘OK’ in response to the confirmation message.
29. Click on ‘View History’ to ensure the updates to employee’s assignment status reflect correctly.
Note: Click on the link of the specific assignment to see the details.
30. Click ‘Done’.
Ensure future dated Time Cards are deleted before the date expected to go on a Pregnancy/Parental Leave, future-dated time cards will not be processed effective the start date of absence.