Stop Vacation Accrual while on an Unpaid Leave or on a Long Term Disability (LTD)

Learn how to perform this action in the HRMS.


1. Sign into the HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password.

2. Click ‘My Client Groups’.

3. Click ‘Person Management’.

4. Enter ‘Effective as of Date’ and the ‘Name’ of the person.

Note: Complete all the required fields marked by an asterisk (*) and at least one field by a double asterisk(**).

5. Click on ‘Search’.

6. Click on required name from the list.

7. Click on ‘Tasks’ pane on the right.

8. Select ‘Manage Employment’ from Personal and Employment.

9. Click on ‘Edit’ tab and select ‘Update’.

10. Enter ‘Effective Start Date’.

11. Select ‘Leave – Unpaid’ from the actions list.

12. Select the applicable leave type from the action drop-down menu.

13.Click ‘OK’.

14. In the assignment status select applicable leave status (e.g. ‘LV-Leave Without Pay’, ‘LV-LTD’).

15. Click on ‘Review’ to ensure all the entries are correct before submission.

16. Click on ‘Submit’.

17. Click ‘Yes’ in response to the warning message.

18. Click on ‘OK’ for confirmation.

19. Click on ‘View History’ to ensure the updates to employee’s assignment status reflect correctly.

Note: Click on the link of the specific assignment to see the details.

20. Click on ‘Done’.