Edit Employee Time Cards

Learn how to perform this action in the HRMS.


1. Sign into the HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password.

2. Click My Team.

3. Click Manage Time Cards.

4. The Time Management Dashboard provides a summary of the team’s time card statuses.

4.1 Select the From Date and the To Date and status of the time cards will appear based on the selected date range.

4.2 Click on each status to view the details of time cards.

Submitted status will show time Submitted by employees.
Saved status will show time cards Saved by employees.
Entered status will show time cards Entered by employees.
Approved status will show time cards Approved by the manager.

** Only SUBMITTED time cards will generate a bell notification to the manager. ** 

4.3 Click Team Time Cards on the left side to create and edit time cards.

5. Click Team Time Cards.

6. Enter the dates in the From Date and To Date fields.

Note: To choose a specific employee on the team enter name in Person Name field. 

7. Select Submitted from the drop-down under the Status field.

8. Click Search.

9. Click on the cell beside Person Name for the specific employee(s).

10. Click Edit and Approve.

Note: Delegates with Time Card Editor Role will not be able to approve time cards. 

11. Make the necessary edits.

Note: Comments can be recorded to inform the employee of any edits and/or if any additional information is required by the Manager. 

12. Click Next.

13. Click Submit and Approve.

14. Click OK for confirmation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is there a certain day of the week by which the approval should be done?

Tuesday is the last day to approve hours on time cards. Managers will receive a weekly email notification of ‘Unapproved Hours’, which must be approved by 5:00 pm.

Can I edit an employee's time card at any time?

You can edit a time card at any time as long as it has not been transmitted or processed by payroll. The time card payroll status can be confirmed on HRMS.

Will the system automatically approve a time card if you just click approve?

The recommendation is for managers to click on the hyperlinked employee time card, read and validate the recorded time before approvals.

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