What is the Knowledge Base (KB)?


This Knowledge Base (KB), is a one-stop repository and learning resource that houses content that support various roles to execute HR related functions on the HRMS. This self-directed online repository houses a library of content such as: job aids (KB articles), short videos, forms and other resources that support you in building your knowledge and in executing actions on the HRMS. The KB is structured for users, such as yourself, to be able to access learning content anywhere and at any time that is convenient to your schedule.

Please take a few moments to watch the brief overview video: 

KB Structure

The KB has been structured according to learning paths that are associated to specific role types within the HRMS. Each learning path contains courses on various topics and subsequent lessons for those courses.

Learn by role

There are five (5) roles with available content in the KB from which to learn, they are: Manager, Delegate, Employee, HR and Candidate. You can access the path for your specific role to start your learning and to access content. Click on one of the buttons below to get started –

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