Access Course Material
(How to Complete a Course)

Welcome to the How-To Guide for LEARN! 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of accessing your course material, empowering you to make the most of this invaluable resource that will accelerate your professional development journey.


1. Access LEARN

Sign in to the HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password and then click on the ‘LEARN’ icon.

2. Open the Course Material

In the ‘Learning Catalog’ tab, select the course that you would like to complete by hovering the mouse over the course and clicking the ‘Enrol’ button.

3. Launch the Course Material

For Humber courses, click on the first activity listed under ‘required activities completed’ to launch the course material. For all other courses that are hosted externally, including LinkedIn Learning, click the ‘Launch’ icon to open the third-party website.









Note: The above screenshot is an example of a Humber course. However, if you’re taking a course that’s hosted outside of Humber, such as a LinkedIn Learning course, please see the screenshot below.

Note: LinkedIn will require you to log into your LinkedIn Learning account. Simply use your Humber credentials to login, if prompted.

4. Finish the Course Material

Note: If you are completing a LinkedIn Learning course, the actual learning material is in LinkedIn Learning. The Humber enrolment only serves to track your progress.

5. Evaluate the Course Material

5.1 You will need to submit an evaluation for all Humber courses to successfully complete them. Click on the ‘Evaluation’ icon under ‘required activities completed’ and answer each prompt.











5.2 After answering each prompt, click on the ‘Submit’ icon.

Tips & Best Practices

The best way to access LEARN is through Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox browsers. You can still access LEARN from a Chrome browser but will need to select ‘Ignore’ on notification pop-ups when accessing course material. This is a known Oracle issue.

Create a learning schedule that fits your workflow and lifestyle. Block out dedicated time slots for studying and completing course modules to stay on track and maintain consistency in your learning journey.

 Stay Flexible and Open-Minded. While it’s essential to have a plan, remain flexible and open-minded throughout your learning process. Be willing to explore new topics, try different learning formats, and adapt your approach based on feedback and experiences. Embracing flexibility allows you to seize unexpected learning.


If you are accessing the HRMS for the first time, you might encounter authentication errors. It is essential to confirm the accuracy of your credentials and permissions for the service connection.

Issue: Authentication error when accessing the HRMS.
Solution: Double-check the entered credentials and ensure that the permissions for the service connection are accurate. Seek guidance from your manager or contact the HR Support Centre.

Issue: Unable to access specific features or resources within the HRMS.
Solution: Review the permissions assigned to your account and contact the HR Support Centre for assistance.