
October 19, 2022
Harleen Sachdeva

Join Humber’s Broadcast-Broadband Convergence B²C Lab for a three-day workshop with Mark Corl, SVP of Emergent Technology Development of Triveni Digital, and explore the ATSC 3.0 protocol stack in detail.

The ATSC 3.0 is an IP-based television terrestrial transmission standard currently rolling out in the U.S., The IP’s backbone enables datacasting, an IoT application, and it enables convergence with other IP-based networks, including LET/5G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc. The ATSC 3.0 system is the only IP-based of its kind and the most efficient one-to-many delivery system in the world.

3GPP (the global mobile standards development partnership project) recently approved a new study item to study non-3GPP broadcast technologies' potential inclusion in the 5G ecosystem. This would be alongside other non-3GPP RANs such as Wi-Fi, Satellite, Bluetooth, etc. The new study item has the potential to be a game-changer for broadcast technology, including ATSC3.0, and its success can pave the way to get broadcast receiver chips in phones.

There are many ways to interconnect ATSC 3.0 with a 5G system where it can serve as a capacity multiplier - at the PHY layer, the IP layer, the Core layer, and within the handset. The B²C Lab is installing a 5G core into the Lab in 2023 to facilitate further research, which will establish Humber College as the only industry research lab in North America with both ATSC 3.0 and 5GC ecosystems exploring convergence in broadcast-broadband technologies.

If you'd like to learn more about this new technology being developed at Humber’s B²C Lab, contact us and let's work together in this exciting new area of research.

To participate, send an email to Harleen Sachdeva at

October 19, 2022
Risha Toney
Student writing in a notebook

#DidYouKnow ... 

When identifying institutions where they’ve studied previously, our Ontario Graduate Certificate students indicated the following universities.  

  1. University of Toronto 
  2. York University 
  3. University of Guelph 
  4. Ryerson University 
  5. Wilfred Laurier University

October 19, 2022

Accessible Learning Services is working to enhance institutional EDI knowledge of disability and academic accessibility.

  • Testing Services is available by appointment only for Humber and Guelph-Humber learners who are registered with Accessible Learning Services.
  • Learners are required to make an appointment on our scheduling site prior to coming on site to complete testing. More information about the learner process can be found here. You can also review the step by step instructions in this video.
  • Please note that learners may choose not to use Testing Services for every assessment.
  • Learners must advise faculty prior to each assessment of their intent to utilize their testing accommodations and write in the Test Centre. Once this is confirmed with learners, faculty must submit their assessment to Testing Services no later than 3 days prior to their requested write date.
  • At the time of booking their exam, learners can choose the date, time and location for their test and select the accommodation(s) they wish to activate.

Visit the Services for Faculty page for information regarding our test submission options and to access some frequently asked questions.

Please email with suggestions for topics that you would like addressed through the Communiqué.

October 18, 2022
Christie Knapp

Do you have a project that needs to be completed during the winter or summer semester? Are you looking for someone who can assist you with:

  • Understanding your users and how to reach them
  • Research and competitive analysis
  • Identifying product or service touchpoints where users may be dissatisfied
  • Prototyping a web or mobile application
  • Project management, tracking campaign progress, and recommending initiatives to improve customer retention
  • Collaborating with a developer to create a web or app

Our highly qualified User Experience Design graduate students are currently available and ready to assist you with your project for a minimum of 160 hours.

*Project hours are used for Work-Integrated Learning (placement course).

For more information, please contact Christie Knapp at

October 18, 2022
Ginger Grant
Connected curriculum map

Are you interested in exploring how to maximize engagement in your classroom? How to develop high-impact learning that lasts?

We are forming a small study group that embeds an introduction to research into your classroom (whatever subject you teach). Birthed at the University College London, it is a framework that allows students to participate in research and make strong connections across disciplines through various research projects. It is a way of producing the context for your students that directly links them to the subject matter. The intent of this framework is to incorporate a more inclusive curriculum by giving students more exposure to the disciplinary knowledge of scholars representing a global perspective.

Interested? Please join the new Connected Curriculum study group. You will find it under SoTL Communities of Practice on teams.

We are also available to come into your classroom for a 'research chat' if desired – it is part of our mission to make research accessible to everyone.

October 18, 2022
A picture of the ten ICMF 2022 Student Fellows

Enjoy a creative exploration by upcoming musicians and filmmakers brought together by Humber College and the Aga Khan Museum as a part of the Intercultural and Creative Music Fellowship of 2022. Each bringing their lived experiences, the seven musicians and three filmmakers (all Humber students) explore interconnectedness across cultures with seven compositions of music, film, and poetry that delve into themes of belonging, time, and the shared culture of the modern age.

This project was produced by Humber's Centre of Creative Business Innovation in the summer of 2022.

Watch the music video and the creative process film

Student Fellows:

  • Luis Anselmi - Piano, Venezuelan Cuatro
  • Maria Aragon - Voice, Guitar
  • Elena Arsenchuk - Film and Television Production
  • James Griffith - Woodwinds
  • Brittany Iwanciwski - Violin
  • Dhaivat Jani - Drums, Percussion
  • Kaku Kenyi - Film and Media Production
  • Tristan Oliver - Film and Media Production
  • Hiro Tanaka - Double Bass
  • Adina Vlasov - Acoustic Guitar, Vocals
October 18, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

October 19 to 21, 2022

  • Humber College Blvd and Hwy 27
  • Humber College eastbound lane closure from Arboretum Blvd to Hwy 27
  • Sidewalk and crosswalk closures on south side from Arboretum Blvd to Hwy 27
  • Minor field modifications will occur when needed to complete work safely and minimize impact on the public
  • October 19-21, 2022, approximately
  • 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • There may be overnight work
Work Description
  • Work on Toronto Hydro power poles on the south side of Humber College Blvd.

Detailed Decription

As part of the preparatory works for the Finch West Light Rail Transit (LRT) line, crews continue working on Toronto Hydro power poles on the south side of the road at the intersection of Humber College Blvd and Hwy 27. To safely complete this work the crews will close the eastbound cub lane from Arboretum Blvd to Hwy 27 and sidewalk on the southside from Arboretum Blvd to Hwy 27 from October 19 to October 21 from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Minor field modifications may occur when needed to complete work safely and minimize impact on the public.

There will be a Paid Duty Officer, flaggers, and detour signs to direct traffic, as needed.

We will continue monitoring noise and vibration levels during these activities to identify the need for mitigative actions.

Work Hours

  • Work will primarily occur Monday to Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. There may be overnight work if needed.
  • Signs are installed to keep residents informed about the closure.
  • Dates are tentative and may change. Please visit us at for up-to-date information.
  • Inclement weather or unforeseen circumstances may delay work activities.

What to Expect

  • Heavy trucks and equipment will be working in the area.
  • Due to the nature of the work, at times there will be dust, noise and vibration associated with this work.
  • Nearby businesses and residents can expect noise from excavators, bobcats, vacuum trucks and other construction equipment caused by road work activities.
  • Expect delays near work zones.
  • There will be a Paid Duty Officer, flaggers, and detour signs to direct traffic, as needed.
  • Please take extra care when walking near work sites, and always make eye contact with the driver before crossing in front of any equipment or vehicle.
  • TTC bus stops will be closed or relocated away from work zones, as needed.
  • Relocation of bus stops is done in consultation with TTC.
  • Access to TTC will be maintained at all times. Please visit for more information.

Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience.

Visit the website:

October 18, 2022
Risha Toney
Student writing in a notebook

#DidYouKnow ... 

That 64.7 per cent* of students who started at Humber in fall 2022 are age 20 or older? 

This means that most of our students have some previous college, university, or life/work experience. 

So, as we go about our day-to-day interactions with students inside and outside the classroom, take some time to consider how these experiences and knowledge can be recognized and contribute to our larger strategic and academic goals of becoming a transfer-in institution. 

*Numbers calculated based on Humber’s Tableau “Entering Student Profile” dashboard

October 17, 2022
Ian Crookshank
Picture of students celebrating Diwali in the Barrett Centre

Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber are committed to the principles of human rights, equity and inclusion. Monday, October 24, 2022, marks the celebration of Diwali. Diwali is a festival of lights and is one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Sikhs, and Jains worldwide. Many Humber students, faculty and staff will be celebrating Diwali. 

The Humber community is encouraged to learn more about and experience Diwali. You are welcome to visit Blog TO for a list of 10 Places to Celebrate Diwali

Students looking to connect with peers or engage in celebrations and activities can discover more through the First Year Experience (FYE) program, the Centre for Spirituality and Wellness, Black Student Support & Engagement (BSSE), the LGBTQ+ Resource Centre and Student Life programs.

Please be mindful that students, faculty and staff may require accommodations such as time off or extensions to celebrate. If you have questions regarding the duty to accommodate based on creed, please contact Nalini Jugnundan, Interim Director, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion, at

On behalf of the Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion and Student Success & Engagement, we wish you a happy and prosperous Diwali!

Ian Crookshank
Associate Vice-President, Learner and Career Success and Dean of Students
Nalini Jugnundan
Interim Director, Human Rights, Equity & Inclusion


October 17, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
All You Can Sustain menu

Tired of bringing your lunch to work? We've got you covered! Enjoy our All You Can Sustain menu and buffet service style this week in The Humber Room. Get outside your confort zone and try something new this week during our buffet service.

We are all about sustainability here in The Humber Room. Please be mindful of how much you can healthfully consume to minimize food waste.

For the month of October, 5 per cent of proceeds from The Humber Room and Gourmet Express will go towards Humber College's United Way Fundraiser! 

The Humber Room is a live learning lab for our students, and a culinary and service experience for guests. Our menu selection and service style change every week based on our curriculum. Enjoy your culinary experience led by our Culinary Management and Baking and Pastry Arts students, and service provided by Event and Hospitality Management students. 

View this week's menu

Hours of Operation
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
12 p.m. to 1:30 p.m.

For group reservations of 10 guests or more, please email
