
May 17, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Picture of cooler bags

Plan to be outdoors this long weekend? Do you anticipate many picnics during the warm weather? Keep your food cold with a cooler bag from Gourmet Express! Available for only $8, these cooler bags are sturdy, stylish and affordable. For a limited time only, while supplies last. 

Store Hours
Monday to Friday
8 a.m. to 3 p.m.




May 17, 2022

I am pleased to announce that given an increase to scope of responsibility over the past academic year, Ian Crookshank’s title will be changing to Associate Vice-President, Learner and Career Success and Dean of Students. In September of 2021, after an external review leading to a reorganization, the Department of Student Success and Engagement expanded to include Community Employment Services, given the alignment of work with the Career Centre and departmental involvement with Humber’s Work Integrated Learning Strategy.

In 2019, Ian joined Humber College as Dean of Students, and has provided direction to Student Success and Engagement with an unwavering focus on putting students first. Throughout the pandemic, Ian and his team have dealt with issues ranging from individual students in acute crisis to working with college and external partners to provide scalable solutions that ensured that as many students as possible could seamlessly continue with their education despite unprecedented challenges.

Ian is a student affairs professional with more than twenty years of experience at numerous institutions in Ontario, and is an important asset to the college as we move forward together to ensure students succeed in meeting their personal, academic and career goals. Please join me in thanking Ian for his work at Humber to date, and in congratulating him for taking on this important enhanced role.

Jason Hunter
Vice-President, Students and Institutional Planning

May 16, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Meet the Meeting Owl!  

Information Technology Services is excited to offer Meeting Owl Pro training and coaching sessions for Humber staff and faculty.   

The Meeting Owl Pro is an all-in-one, 360-degree camera, mic, and speaker making it the perfect tool for collaborative hybrid teams. In these sessions you’ll learn about the Meeting Owl’s core features, best practices and how to run flawless hybrid team meetings with seamless platform integration.  

Meeting Owl Features:   

  • 360-degree camera and speaker  
  • 1080p camera  
  • 18-foot audio pickup radius  
  • Advanced setting through mobile application   
  • Integrates with Microsoft Teams  
  • Automated Camera Focus on current speaker 

Learn more about the Meeting Owl by signing up for Meeting Owl Hybrid Coaching Sessions.  

May 16, 2022
Humber Libraries

In order to provide easier access to the O'Reilly Safari Learning Platform and ProQuest eBook Central collections, the Library is switching to an authentication model where users log-in directly to the platforms with their Humber credentials.

This change will take place on June 6 for O'Reilly and June 8 for eBook Central.

What this means for eBook Central users:

  • eBook Central book links in Blackboard or Library Course Resources pages won't change.
  • Bookshelf items and notes will not be moved over to a new user profile. Please see the vendor support guide for options.

What this means for O'Reilly web and mobile users:

  • O'Reilly/Safari book links in Blackboard or Library Course Resources pages will not redirect and must be replaced.
  • Email for assistance with updating any O'Reilly book links. 
  • Playlist items and notes will not be moved over to your new user profile. Please see the vendor support guide for options.

Questions about library resource access can be directed to

May 13, 2022

Convocation is soon approaching and we are looking for staff to support the event. Convocation is taking place from Tuesday, June 14 to Friday, June 17 at the Toronto Congress Centre (TCC) - North Building. The full schedule can be found on the Humber Communique.

We are scheduling staff to work shifts from 8am-6pm and/or 5pm-9pm. Please fill out the Spring 2022 Request for Staff form by Friday, May 20.  We will do our best to accommodate your shift request; however, we may need to modify requests to ensure there is sufficient coverage.

Breakfast and lunch are provided to staff working the day shift at the TCC (one-hour lunch break). Similarly, dinner is provided for staff working the evening shift (5 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. dinner break). 

Staff are responsible for arranging their own transportation to and from the TCC - parking is free. Directions and a map can be found on the Toronto Congress Centre website. For those driving to the TCC, mileage will be paid accordingly. Instructions will be sent following the event.

Thanks again for making Convocation an amazing and memorable event for the grads and their guests!


Rhonda Harrison

May 13, 2022
Diane Pellicone

Humber Galleries is pleased to announce the opening of a new, college-wide exhibition on Wednesday, May 18, 2022, as part of this year’s CONTACT Photography Festival

This group exhibition is called How to Remember for the Future and invites nine artists from the Humber College community to explore the documentation of unexpected experiences that affect their memories of a certain time and place. Through an open art call held earlier this year, we asked photographers what it means to create with intention in a world whose priorities and environments may no longer be predictable nor sustainable. And to what extent can these present-day experiences shape their own futures?  

Our nine selected artists are a mix of emerging and professional photographers, and include Humber students, staff, faculty, and alumni. Their installations have been dispersed across three campuses (Lakeshore, North, and Downtown) to not only increase their visibility but to also expose our entire college community to this event.  

Humber Galleries would like to thank Photography Professors David Scott and Lauren Cheong for their ongoing support and assistance during the selection process.  

The opening of this exhibition also marks a very important milestone for Humber Galleries, as we celebrate our TEN year anniversary this month! So keep an eye out for future exhibitions, programs, and announcements, we promise exciting times ahead! 

Follow along with this year’s CONTACT Photography Festival by tagging @humbergalleries and @contactphoto and using #CONTACT2022 


Image: John Kosmopoulos, Oqaatsut Homes 2, 2019. Courtesy of the artist

May 16, 2022
John Yolkowski
Four display cabinets in the Library full of archival material about Humber's presidents.

In honour of the retirement of Chris Whitaker as Humber’s President and CEO, the Archives has launched a major new exhibition, which is now available for viewing at the North Library. 

The exhibition, “Humber’s Four Presidents: A Retrospective,” draws on archival articles, promotional items, photographs, and digitized audio-visual material (accessible via QR codes) to tell the story of Humber’s growth under the leadership of its four presidents: Gordon Wragg, Robert “Squee” Gordon, John Davies and Chris Whitaker. 

With a display case devoted to each president, visitors can learn about Wragg’s response to student protests in 1970, hear four former Ontario Premiers pay tribute to Squee, see Davies and students contact with outer space, and find out what inspires Whitaker, all while seeing articles and photos chronicling Humber’s growth over the last 55 years. 

This exhibition can be visited at the North Library on the 4th floor of the LRC, Monday to Friday (during regular Library hours of operation) until August.  

The Humber Archives aims to capture the history and heritage of Humber College, and we are always keen to add to our collection—if you have any photos or memories of our four presidents you’d like to share, please connect with us. 

May 13, 2022
Ranjit Saini

The Pathways Department would like to invite you to celebrate Janice Dobson-Guzik and Mary Vesia’s retirement on June 1, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. at the North Campus.

For further details and to RSVP please email

May 13, 2022

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term priorities outlined in the institution’s Strategic Plan. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, HCC reports the highlights of its monthly meetings through this medium.

HCC held its sixth meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year on Thursday, April 14, 2022.


John Stilla - Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Chris Irwin - Acting Associate Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Regina Hartwick - Associate Dean, Indigenous Education and Engagement presented Humber’s new Leadership Graduate Certificate: Two-Eyed Systems Leadership for Sustainability.

Developed by Humber’s Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences and Indigenous Education and Engagement in partnership with VIA University College in Denmark and Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand, the program allows students to develop a set of skills to inspire, enable and support processes of systems change across sectors – skills that are increasingly recognized around the world as essential to achieving sustainable development.

Launching in Fall 2023, the program centres theory, guiding principles, and practice-based application of Etuaptmumk, or Two-Eyed Seeing in Mi’kmaq language, to encourage learners to intentionally and respectfully build new collaborative visions for the future, theories, practice-based applications and systems of relationality. It provides core theoretical and practice-based foundations that equip graduates with knowledges, experiences, and competencies necessary to lead systems-level change. Students who complete the program will have several options to work in the field of sustainability including working as consultants and advisors, researchers and analysts in resource management, sustainability, business and conservation fields within both the private and public sector.

The curriculum will be co-taught by Indigenous and non-Indigenous faculty who bring together the strengths, diversity, intersectionality, relationality, co-learning opportunities, and community-based interconnections inherent in Two-Eyed Seeing. Features include Land-Based Learning, Flexible Learning, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Work Integrated Learning.  

The program’s learning outcomes set out to ensure graduates are able to:

  1. Analyze complex real-world challenges in the context of disparate paradigms, conceptual frameworks and practice-based interventions to inform and support global frameworks for sustainability.
  2. Employ reflective practice to elevate personal development and inclusive practices as a systems change leader.
  3. Braid Two-Eyed Seeing conceptual and practice-based frameworks into project design, implementation and stakeholder communications to strengthen land-and-community-based relations
  4. Design collaborative interventions that address social, cultural, political, ecological and economic challenges and opportunities for equitable sustainable systems change.
  5. Advocate for land-based relationality and stewardship to promote global frameworks, ethical practices, and best practices for sustainability.
  6. Develop and implement leadership skills to address systemic challenges and advance global frameworks for sustainability in collaboration with various levels of government, industry and diverse communities.


Cynthia Mckeich - Director, Libraries, Alexandra Ross - Associate Director, Libraries, Ewan Gibson - Digital Fluency Librarian (Idea Lab), Christopher Rugo - eLearning Specialist, and Cheryl Mitchell - Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship, Faculty of Business presented on Humber’s Idea Lab that seeks to build Humber’s digital fluency. It provides studio spaces to enable students and staff in digital media projects (demo, interview, pitches, podcasts/audio recordings, videos, 3D printing, presentations, photography, etc.) and is designed based on three key philosophies: open to all, ease of access, and needs driven (responsive to students/employee needs). It offers workshops and online resources that support the Humber community to assist them in using the spaces and Humber’s Learning Management System (Blackboard Ultra). Currently situated at the North Campus Library, it will launch in Fall 2022 at Lakeshore’s Centre for Entrepreneurship (CfE). 

Based on feedback received from the Humber Community since its launch, the Idea Lab team conducted a consultation with HCC as to its name “Idea Lab” and whether to change it – and if so, to what. HCC is just one of many stakeholders being consulted.  


Audrey Wubbenhorst - Faculty, Faculty of Media and Creative Arts presented on the role of a college’s Board of Governors (the Board) to address requests from the community about the Board’s role.

The role of the Board starts with the definition of a college. A college is a non-profit corporation, charity, and crown agent, established under the Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology Act 2002, that is subject to regulatory oversight of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities (MCU) and its regulations.

The OCAAT Act and its Regulations sets out the college’s governance, such as board composition, size and terms, meeting quorum, requirements for chair and vice chair elections and for keeping accurate records and minutes of proceedings. It also requires that a college’s by-laws to be open for public inspection.

In terms of the composition, the Board composition requires an even number between 12 and 20 in accordance with the legislation (~1/3). The Board includes the President (as a voting member), one student, one academic member, one administrative staff member, and one support staff member (to be elected by students or relevant staff group) often referred to as “internal” or “elected” governors.

Quorum must be equal to the majority of the number of required Board members plus one (e.g., if 17 governors, a common quorum number would be 10). The Board must elect a chair and vice-chair annually or every two years, keep accurate records and minutes of its proceedings, and ensure that all meetings are open to the public (with stated exceptions), the public is given notice of such meetings (with some restrictions), and minutes are open to the public (e.g., matters of personal nature is to be closed to the public).

The Board’s role is largely to set the strategy and objectives for the organization, hire the President and CEO, and as much as possible, mitigate risk and plan for contingencies. A Governor’s duty, regardless of whether they are internal or external, is to the best interest of the college and not to any particular group.


Lindsay Walker - Associate Director, Office of Sustainability and Lisa Salem-Wiseman - Associate Dean and Special Advisor, Humber Institutional Learning Outcomes presented Humber’s sustainability update, including the Climate Action Plan and Humber’s Learning Outcomes.

Humber developed a Climate Action Plan in 2021/2022 - Humber’s road map to a net-zero future. It is a companion to Humber’s Integrated Energy Master Plan and outlines work done to date and where Humber plans to be by 2050. A key initiative underway is the district energy revitalization project that will revitalize Humber’s entire heating and cooling system.

The plan looks at the source of Humber’s emissions: Food (19%), Buildings (20%), and Commuting (53%). Initiatives to address these areas include providing more local food, meat free days, and improved vegetarian food offerings on campus; building retrofits, district energy, and net zero new buildings; hybrid and remote work, carpool and matching program, LRT, and electric vehicle charging stations.

The HLOs incorporates sustainability. Developed with extensive cross-college community consultation, the HLOs Framework includes key competencies that students and employers are looking for upon graduation: Key Mindsets (EDI, Sustainability, Systems Thinking), Meta-Skill (Critical Thinking), Skills in Action (Collaboration, Communication, Digital Fluency, Innovation, Leadership, Professionalism and Strategic Problem-Solving).

As the HLO framework continues to roll out, it will live in every aspect of the student experience, including the academic programming, experiential and work integrated learning, and non-academic/co-curricular programming. Currently, they already live in a variety of places across the college with plans to expand coming soon.

To measure the outcomes, the HLOS will be embedded into COSSID and a skills tacking software will be created. An HLO student self-reflection tool will guide students in articulating their skills development. SOTL research is currently underway as the team reviews the HLO pilots, and a mindset literacy assessment is in development.

In addition to the above, over the last year, the Office of Sustainability has led the installation of EV Charging stations, achieved the Bee City Campus designation, and will be rolling out or ramping up its office waste bin reduction program, OZZI program, carpoool matching app, sustainable building standards and GHG emissions inventory this year.

Specifically, the OZZI system and O2GO® Reusable Food Containers project aims to provide a cost-effective alternative to single-use, throwaway containers and avert waste from landfills and oceans. When program users order a meal, they pay a onetime $5 deposit for an O2Go Reusable Container and once emptied, they return it to a collection bin.  Upon returning the container, they receive a O2GO card which is traded in for another container when ordering their next meal.

In addition to completing Canada’s Greenest Employers 2022 application, plasn are underway for the next submission for a STARS designation. The Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System™ (STARS) is a transparent, self-reporting framework that enables colleges and universities to measure their sustainability performance. Designed to foster meaningful comparisons across time and higher education institutions using common measurements, STARS enables incentives for continual improvement, sustainability practices and performance sharing, and a stronger, more diverse campus sustainability community.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be on Thursday, May 12, 2022 through Microsoft Teams.

For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact For supporting materials or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact

May 12, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Graphic image of Storage Whiz Robot

A long time ago, in a college not so far, far away...

The time has finally come. B3-04 and IT Client Services, would like to take you on a voyage through space, your H-Drive and OneDrive space that is! After many years of using H-Drive, we will be saying good-bye on June 29, 2022. Some of you may have already booked or completed training, but whether you have or not, join us as we guide you through a successful transfer of your H-Drive to your OneDrive space! 

Choose your destiny with this fun, interactive video presented by IT Client Services. The link below will take you to Microsoft Forms where you will be presented with a series of video clip scenarios for you to choose from. Click the ‘play’ button on the first video to begin your journey! At the end of each video, you will be prompted to answer a question. Choose the answer that best suits you, and a new video will load for you to watch. You will know you are victorious, when B3-O4 gives you the title ‘Storage Whiz’! 

Choose your 'Storage Whiz' destiny!
