
May 31, 2022
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
List of employees celebrating Career Milestones in May

Congratulations to all our employees celebrating Career Milestones in May, 2022!

The following employees are celebrating their 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20-year anniversary with Humber. We encourage you to reach out to your colleagues to congratulate them on their Career Milestones!

1 Year

5 Years

10 Years

15 Years

20 Years

Anthony Nguyen

Melissa Churly

Crystal Bhikha

Bruce Thomson

Janice Dundas

Amirhossein Tavangar

Jessica Camara

Farlou Casalda

Suhayl Khan


Mehrdad Tabrizipour

Simran Sivia

Corina Todt

Andrew VanTwest


Nilufar Poshtiban

Gary Sousa

Lisa Anketell

Scott Iles


Saba Sedghizadeh

Farzad Rayegani

Keith Manalo

Sylvie Pierobon


Hossein Pourmodheji

Regan Mancini




Rafael Perez

Thomas McKercher




Shahriar Ghahremanian

Alison Coulter




Adil Hanif

Navisha Singh




Dapinder Singh

Karina Butzek-Morris




Christina De Oliveira





Parisa Pouladzadeh





Ahmed Sagarwala





Frank Cappadocia





Laura Belgiorgio





Although we do our best to ensure we don't miss anyone, sometimes it happens. If we have missed anyone on this list, our sincere apologies. Please let us know so we can correct our records and ensure the employee receives recognition. 

Questions? Please email us at 

May 31, 2022

Please join me in congratulating Larisa Duravetz as the successful candidate for the role of Associate Dean, Continuous Professional Learning, beginning Monday, May 30. 

Larisa joined our Faculty in 2016 to lead the Work Integrated Learning department as well as help us achieve our internationalization goals and objectives. Over the years, Larisa has developed a centralized WIL structure for FMCA, built a strong team that oversees the WIL component for 33 diverse programs and over 4,000 students, coordinated international initiatives across 28 academic programs, and cultivated existing and potential partnerships with post-secondary institutions around the world including Asia, Europe, South America, and New Zealand.

In addition, Larisa has cultivated a deep understanding of college policies and procedures, utilizing this knowledge to contribute to important strategic initiatives at the college-level including the Internationalization Committee, the Experiential Learning Working Group, and Program Advisory Committees. She has also successfully secured grant funding with Mitacs and CEWIL among others. She also led the implementation of the college-wide Career Services Management software for our Faculty called Symplicity.

Larisa holds an MA in Leadership Studies from the University of Guelph and a Bachelor of Social Sciences from the University of Ottawa. She also holds an International Development Graduate Certificate from Humber and has completed the TESL Canada Certificate. 

Please join me in welcoming Larisa to her new role.

Guillermo Acosta

Senior Dean, Faculty of Media & Creative Arts

May 30, 2022

Join us at this year’s Showcase, the place where our Humber community can GATHER as one to explore the learning successes we have achieved over the past academic year.

On June 9, we will gather both virtually and in-person across three locations — the North and Lakeshore Campuses, and the new International Graduate School — to share our stories so we can further adapt and transform higher education at Humber. As we continue to cultivate new ways of communicating and connecting, it is essential that we take time to commune. Together, let’s spark new collaborations and innovations as we support each other — and our students — on our unique and transformational journeys.

Registration opens soon.

Showcase Website

May 31, 2022

Effective May 24, 2022 the mileage reimbursement rate is $0.58/km. Please review the Expense Reimbursement Procedure section 5.4 for more information regarding use of personal vehicle.

All employee reimbursement requests must be electronically submitted via Chrome River. Please ask your Business Admin to submit a Grant or Revoke Finance Security eForm if you do not have Chrome River access and need to submit a reimbursement request.

Financial Services will be offering weekly virtual Chrome River training sessions until August 2, 2022.

If anyone has any questions, please contact:

Kelly Tsoumagas
Director, Financial Services

Staci Lindsay
Manager, Accounts Payable

Chrome River Training for Reimbursable Out-of-Pocket Business Expenses (non-Pcard Holders)

Name Submitting Travel & Expense Reimbursement Requests via Chrome River
When Offered every Tuesday until August 2, 2022
Time 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  Select a date and register

Chrome River Training for Humber Pcard Holders

Name Submitting Pcard Transactions and Out-of-Pocket Claims via Chrome River
When Offered every Tuesday until August 2, 2022
Time 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.
  Select a date and register
May 27, 2022

Dear Humber Employees,  

President Whitaker is retiring at the end of next month and we are inviting you to celebrate his time and impact at Humber at the upcoming President’s BBQ. The BBQ is on Wednesday, June 8 at 12 p.m. at the Residence courtyard at the North Campus.  

We hope that you will be able to join us in person as we reflect on memorable moments, share best wishes for the future and gather for lunch together. There will be brief speaking remarks and a video presentation beginning at 1:00 p.m. RSVP here. To support our sustainability commitments, we are asking everyone to RSVP to minimize potential food waste.  

We also hope that you and your teams will help create lasting memories for President Whitaker by contributing to his Kudoboard. You can add a message along with a video, photo or GIF that will help commemorate his time at Humber. Please add your message by June 27 as we will share all appropriate submissions with Chris on June 30.   

We look forward to seeing you on June 8.  

Gina, Jason, Kelly, Lori, Sanjay and Scott


May 27, 2022
Elisabeth Springate, Communications & Events Coordinator, Innovative Learning
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
New episode of the Staff Lounge Podcast: Perspectives—What We've Learned

Perspectives: What We've Learned launches today!

On May 27 and 28, 2022, Humber College hosts the annual Part-Time Teachers’ Conference virtually for all Ontario part-time post-secondary faculty. In this episode Professor Shirantha Beddage explores the theme of the conference “Perspectives: What We’ve Learned” with two of Humber's part-time faculty. Dr. Betsy Moss and Professor Carri-Ann Scott reflect on how the pandemic impacted their lives and their teaching practice.

What valuable lessons did they learn while teaching remotely? As we return to campus, how will their teaching practices adapt? Are they inspired to bring any new-found methodologies back to the classroom?

“I’ve thought about where my energy is going in my teaching. For sure in the first part of the pandemic I put a lot of energy into content creation. My video lectures were complex and had a lot of effects to emphasize what I wanted them to learn…  I’ve switched emphasis from content development so that I have more time for connection with students… Recognizing how much labour that good online teaching includes for content creation—and not holding myself to some kind of impossible standard—was a learning.”
—Betsy Moss, Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences

“Really we are [still] in emergency remote learning, which is very different from distance education pedagogy. And creating actual distance education classes takes exactly what you’re talking about. It’s the time and the effort and the resources and the skills management and the video editing and all the wonderful pedagogy… but that’s not where we were.”
—Carri-Ann Scott, ECE PT Instructor, Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness

Further Resources


May 27, 2022
Kelly Tsoumagas

I am pleased to announce that Nick Wilcox will be joining the Humber College Financial Services Team as Associate Director, Financial Services.

Nick brings with him almost 10 years of finance experience, both in the not-for-profit and audit sector. In his previous roles, Nick has provided leadership and project management expertise to improve accounting processes, oversaw all finance functions and was able to transition from paper-based to digital systems.  

In addition to his Bachelor of Business Administration with Honours from Wilfred Laurier University, Nick also holds his Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) designation.

With his highly engaging and collaborative work style, he will foster creativity and build on the strengths of the Financial Services team members to identify and implement opportunities for improvement and efficiency. Nick will lead Financial Services through various priorities to meet the operational and strategic goals of Financial Services and Humber College.

Nick will begin his new role on May 30, 2022 and will report directly to me, overseeing the operations of the Financial Services Team. 

Please join me in congratulating Nick, and welcoming him to our team!


Kelly Tsoumagas
Director, Financial Services

May 27, 2022
Ginger Grant
Collage of photos of students talking around a desk

Working on your PhD? Are you feeling stuck and alone? We’ve got you!

Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation is setting up a focus study group, especially for PhD candidates. Why?

  1. Study groups are instrumental in keeping you accountable.
  2. Study groups are a safe space to share your hurdles and learn from each other.
  3. Study groups provide an opportunity to teach others, and, in turn, serve as a great way to learn.
  4. Study groups deepen your learning by interacting with candidates who provide constructive feedback.
  5. Study groups are a great way to build a Community of Practice.

Ph.D. candidates are welcome and invited to join. 

Send an email to Dr. Ginger Grant, Dean, Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation at expressing your interest.

May 27, 2022

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term priorities outlined in the institution’s Strategic Plan. To ensure the Humber community is informed of upcoming events, new initiatives, and important issues, HCC reports the highlights of its monthly meetings through this medium.

HCC held its seventh meeting of the 2021-2022 academic year on Thursday, May 12, 2022.


Jenna Donelson, director, Public Affairs and Strategic Engagement provided an overview of the college’s Government Relations department. Government Relations at Humber focuses on building relationships with the Government of Ontario’s civil service and political staff and working on mutually beneficial priorities. This involves bringing them to campus and meeting with them virtually or at Queen’s Park. For example, Humber recently worked with the Government of Ontario on changing the policy that required Humber to partner with a university in order to offer a standalone nursing program. The Government Relations office also supports all other areas of the college that interact with government.


Ercole Perrone, chief executive officer, IGNITE provided an overview of IGNITE for council members.

IGNITE is a non-profit and the only official voice for Guelph-Humber and Humber students. They are a for impact organization like a professional association and are independent from Humber and interdependent with Humber. They have permanent staff and a Board of Directors that turns over every year. Each year, they conduct a reputation survey with students through a market research firm. In 2022, they received an 8.38/10 score.

IGNITE’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan focuses on three pillars:

  1. Student Life: supporting students in getting the most value out of their student experience
  2. Personal Life: support for their growth as a person
  3. Future Life: preparing students for their life after college/university.

The organization’s 2022-23 priorities include a focus on:

  • Leadership and Advocacy: amplifying student voices and advocating on their behalf when it comes to affordability, accessibility, accountability and quality of their campus experiences.
  • Career Success: advocating for compensated work-integrated learning and mentoring programs.
  • Well-Being and Financial Security: continuing to challenge food insecurity and address mental health access, particularly for equity-deserving students
  • Program Audit: to review all of IGNITE’s programming and adjust student fees accordingly.  


Ginger Grant, dean of Research and Innovation, presented on her department’s current initiatives which are divided into three streams:

  1. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL): Focuses on why we teach the way we do and how to make it exciting and engaging.
  2. Applied Research: Focuses on various areas of research, such as social innovation (community development), artificial intelligence, and sustainable architecture
  3. Humber Press: Focuses on publishing Humber’s research through journals and other venues.

Applied Research is currently looking at the way we work. For more information on Humber’s Applied Research, visit the Office of Research and Innovation’s 2020-2021 Annual Report.


Janet Almeida, associate director, Operations of the Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness, acting director for the Arboretum and Jimmy Vincent, coordinator of education, Camps and Outreach at the Humber Arboretum presented on the Arboretum’s history and current initiatives.

The Arboretum was conceived in the 1970s. Students envisioned a living lab where they could put their learnings into practice. The Arboretum is a project of the City of Toronto, the Regional Conservation Authority, the City of Etobicoke and Humber. It is a thriving natural ecosystem and outdoor learning space that advances the highest potential and well-being of the community through strengthening the Humber community’s relationship with nature and with each other. It offers opportunities for students to engage in nature – from environmental stewardship to work placements, co-curricular activities and simply socializing with friends.

For example, the current Learning by Leading™ Program was developed by the University of California at Davis Arboretum and Public Garden and is based on the idea that students learn best by taking leadership in helping to solve real-world problems. The Arboretum was selected as the only public garden in Canada to be part of a pilot project to create a network of Learning by Leading™ programs at public gardens across North America. For more information visit the Learning by Leading Program website and to learn more about the Arboretum’s learning programs, visit the Learn tab on their website.

Over the last few years, the Arboretum has been revitalizing the Humber Pond and connected Humber Wetland that plays a key role in managing runoff water from Humber College's north campus before it reaches the Humber River. The project is a collaborative initiative to improve the pond’s water quality while increasing natural habitat for wildlife, providing new social gathering spaces for our community, and creating an outdoor classroom and living laboratory space for students. For more information, visit the Pond Project website.

Recently, the City of Toronto’s Indigenous Affairs office contacted Humber about making the Humber Arboretum one of the Seven Sacred Fire Sites within the City of Toronto.


Lori Diduch, vice-president, Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness provided an overview of the process Humber followed to select its 5th President and CEO. Efforts were made to obtain a diverse and qualified group of candidates and to profile Humber’s strengths and unique polytechnic education profile.

The search commenced in the fall of 2021. A Presidential Search Advisory Committee was created, a survey was conducted, and stakeholder groups were consulted. Materials were developed and posted on the Presidential Search Website, including a position profile and About Humber video to showcase Humber to the new candidate.

Ninety-one strong applicants were secured. Thirteen were presented to the Search Committee and eight candidates went through two rounds of interviews. A finalist was interviewed by the Board and the Board is currently finalizing next steps. The candidate will be announced shortly, and they will assume their position in the summer/fall.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be in September when the fall academic term commences.

For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact For supporting materials or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact

May 27, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

Rudi Fischbacher has accepted the role as the new Dean, Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts at George Brown College. Although I am sad he is leaving Humber, I am incredibly proud of his accomplishment.

Rudi has had a successful 27-year career at Humber in a variety of contracts and full-time roles. His love for the culinary arts led to several achievements during his tenure as Program Coordinator and Associate Dean.

Rudi was the Program Coordinator from 2003-2014 for Culinary Management, Culinary Skills and Apprentice Cook programs. He took the lead in certifying the Culinary and Apprentice program with the World Chefs Association for ‘Quality Culinary Education’, differentiating the program in Canada. He coached students for Skills competitions and formed the Humber Culinary team for the Olympics in 2008 and 2016 securing the gold medal.

Rudi was instrumental in supporting strategic partnerships in the design and delivery of custom training for management development. He took the lead in developing new scholarships and pathways for students to study abroad at the University of the Arts in Florence, Italy for the Culinary and Baking programs.

As Associate Dean in the Faculty of Business, Rudi supported the strategic goals of the faculty by designing and delivering certified Master Chef and Working Chef programs for the Canadian Culinary Federation. Along with the Director of Operations and Resource Management, Rudi led the transformation of the Receiving and Purchasing department. He also led the Hospitality and Culinary team in the redesign of the Humber Room concept and the reopening of the Gourmet Express.

During the pandemic Rudi and his team were leaders in supporting many shelters, students living on campus and the homeless facing food insecurities.

Rudi we are proud that you were an integral part of the Humber community supporting students and especially those in need.

Thank you for your service at Humber and best of luck.

Alvina Cassiani, PhD
Senior Dean, Faculty of Business


