
February 10, 2022
Human Rights Education & Training Team

“Thievish”, “wicked” and “useless.”

That's how Onesimus' slave master described him. But do you know that it was information from Onesimus that helped to save the lives of hundreds of smallpox victims and perhaps kicked off the vaccine movement?

See Black staff and students as intelligent with the ability to hold and generate knowledge through critical and transformative thinking. 

How an Enslaved African Man in Boston Helped Save Generations from Smallpox - HISTORY

Black History Month: Onesimus Spreads Wisdom That Saves Lives of Bostonians During a Smallpox Epidemic | History of Vaccines

February 10, 2022
Anju Kakkar
Headshot photo of Soheila Pashang

Humber’s Office of Research and Innovation (ORI) would like to highlight a passionate social innovation researcher and faculty member Dr. Soheila Pashang as our Faculty Rock Star of the week.   

Soheila has spent more than 14 years teaching and researching social justice. As a professor in the Faculty of Social & Community Services (FSCS) at Humber, she is committed to teaching, learning, and expanding the conversation around diversity. Soheila notes, “Diversity is considered a sensitive topic, but it should not be. It is part of our reality in life.” Her commitment to diversity ignited her latest research, Pedagogy and Practice: Teaching Diversity in Classrooms.

The research is a prominent example of Humber College’s dedication to supporting research projects under the umbrella of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), now incorporated into the family of Humber’s Office of Research & Innovation. With funding from SoTL’s then-Teaching Innovation Fund (now restructured and replaced as the Seed and Cultivate Research and Innovation Funds), the research project started in 2018 and became a collaborative, multi-year endeavour.  

Learn more about Soheila and the research project, “Faculty Rock Star: Soheila Pashang, PhD Sheds light on her research team’s project: Pedagogy and Practice: Teaching Diversity in Classrooms.”

February 9, 2022
Hana Glaser

Happy February everyone! This month, we're coming to you with lots of opportunities so keep your eyes peeled for design challenges, jobs opportunities, and art calls.

Check out our latests opporunities for students in our February newsletter.

February 9, 2022
Franc Jamieson
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Math & Writing Centre presents free Academic Integrity and APA Workshops. All Humber and Guelph-Humber students are welcome.

If you work with students who may benefit from this opportunity, please let them know about it and share the attached posters.

Please note the following schedule:

Academic Integrity Workshops

Available every week from February 15 to April 15 except Reading Week:

  • Tuesdays at 12 p.m.
  • Wednesdays at 4 p.m.
  • Thursdays at 12 p.m.

APA Workshops

Available every week from February 15 to April 15 except Reading Week:

  • Mondays at 12 p.m.
  • Tuesdays at 2 p.m.
  • Wednesdays at 5 p.m.
  • Thursdays at 11 a.m.

To sign up, students can follow these steps:

  1. Register in our online booking system at
  2. Select the Writing Support Winter 2022 schedule
  3. Click on one of the APA or AI Workshop slots (after February 14)
  4. Fill out the form
  5. Click on “Create Appointment"

If students need help signing up, they can visit our Virtual Front Desk or write to us at

Thank you.

February 9, 2022

The College Employer Council has posted Certainty for Coordinators on its website.

More information is also available on the CEC’s website and the OPSEU website.

February 9, 2022
Desta McCalla

Enhancing Institutional EDI Knowledge of Disability and Academic Accessibility:

  • Make documents accessible from the start: it's easier than reverse engineering a document to make it accessible.  

  • Be wary of using old material. It is less likely to be accessible.  

  • Ensure all electronic learning materials are compatible with screen readers and other assistive technologies used by blind and low vision students. For support with how to create accessible electronic learning materials you can contact Innovative Learning.  

  • When adopting textbooks and eBooks, speak with the publisher about the accessibility options offered to students. EBooks are not necessarily accessible. Some publishers do not consider accessibility requirements creating numerous barriers for students. Advocate through your communication with publishers to make materials accessible with screen readers. If the material is not accessible, consider using a different publisher. 

  • If your program uses specific software as part of the curriculum, consult with the vendor to ensure their software meets accessibility requirements. This will reduce barriers for blind and low vision students.  

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.

February 9, 2022

Advising & Career Services’ online Alumni Interviews and Coffee Chats will be continuing in 2022 with brand new guests. Please feel free to share widely with your student and alumni networks, as our content contains helpful insights from a wide variety of Humber staff and alumni to support students with navigating their career journeys.

Episode 14 of Advising & Career Services' Coffee Chat Session is now live on YouTube.

Our guest is Haidaly Sayago, International Student Ambassador.

Visit our website for full details, and to access all of our past interviews and content.

For any questions or concerns, please email

February 9, 2022
Duy Ha
Trainee orientation for refugee trainees at the Buru Buru Training Centre in Kenya.

Humber College has been awarded support from the Fund for Innovation and Transformation for the Entrepreneurship + Digital Livelihoods + Creative Arts Socio-economic empowerment of refugee women in Kenya initiative. With a total value of $198,692, the testing project will run for 12 months to address the entrepreneurship and digital problems refugee women face in Kenya.

Humber’s International Development Institute (IDI), with support from Humber’s Faculty of Business, Centre for Entrepreneurship and Faculty of Media and Creative Arts, will work with CAPYEI aiming to address three challenges in Kenya — women’s access to livelihoods and entrepreneurship opportunities, opportunities to commercialize artistic talents, and overcoming obstacles posed by COVID-19.

Through this project, IDI and CAPYEI will impact refugee trainees and local male and female artists by giving them the tools needed to participate in online economic opportunities and generate self-sufficient income.

For more information and how to get involved, contact:

Clarisse Estebar
Program Specialist at International Development Institute

February 8, 2022
Occupational Health & Safety Services

Updated COVID-19 Awareness Training

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, Humber has maintained a COVID-19 Safety Plan that outlines the key measures in place to prevent the spread of COVID-19.  The Safety Plan is posted publicly and is available on the page. The most recent version of that plan is now available and can be found here:

All employees are encouraged to review the safety plan regularly, as there may be ongoing updates as the situation continues to evolve. 

COVID-19 Training

The COVID-19 Awareness Training course will no longer be offered on Blackboard.  Effective February 8, 2022, employees will instead, follow these *new* steps as part of their onboarding process:

  • All new employees are required to review Humber’s COVID-19 Safety Plan, whether you work on campus or remotely.
  • The COVID-19 Safety Plan is to be reviewed within two weeks of your start date or prior to coming on campus, whichever comes first.
  • After reviewing the COVID-19 Safety Plan, new employees are required to complete Humber’s COVID-19 Safety Plan Acknowledgement Form.

Employees who previously completed the COVID-19 Awareness Training on Blackboard do not need to take further action. If you have not done the training to date, please follow the steps listed above.

If you have questions about the COVID-19 Safety Plan or the acknowledgement form, please email

February 8, 2022

The College Employer Council has posted An offer with zero concessions on its website.

More information is also available on the CEC’s website and the OPSEU website.
