
June 16, 2021

Further to last month’s announcement of Rani Dhaliwal’s retirement at the end of 2021, I want to share how we will continue the important work of supporting critical industry and institutional partnerships currently happening within the Transformation and Strategic Partnerships portfolio.

Tyler Charlebois, Manager of Strategic Partnerships will join the academic division and report to me, effective January 2022. Tyler will continue to coordinate efforts to support the Humber-Seneca Polytechnic Partnership as well as the development and maintenance of critical cross-faculty and cross-divisional industry relationships. He will also provide leadership and central support to Humber’s Centres of Innovation network in collaboration with Humber’s academic leadership team.

Many of us work closely with Tyler already and we are excited to welcome him to the academic division.


Gina Antonacci
Associate Vice-President, Academic

June 16, 2021

The University of Guelph and Humber are exploring the opportunity to move our successful joint venture, the University of Guelph-Humber (UofGH) to a new location in downtown Brampton.  

The City of Brampton has been of interest as a potential location for UofGH for more than a decade, given its strategic location in the growing GTA and the fact that many students come from the Brampton/Peel area.     

Today, Brampton City Council unanimously supported a motion to work with the University of Guelph and Humber College on the potential relocation of the University of Guelph-Humber (UofGH) to Brampton’s new Centre for Innovation. The UofGH partners and the City of Brampton will now look at this opportunity in more detail and depth. No final decisions have been made, however, if a relocation were to take place, the earliest it would take place is fall 2025.

More information can be found in a news release that was shared with local media today.

June 16, 2021
Darren Richards

The team at T+L Creative continues to roll out new and exciting video tools for Humber faculty. We’re pleased to announce that Animoto is now available for faculty to use on a first-come, first-served basis.

Animoto is the perfect tool to create engaging, photo and text-based videos. Ideal for 1 to 2 minute videos, simply select from 1000s of licensed images, hundreds of music tracks and dozens of templates. No attributions are required. It's fun and, best of all, it's simple to use.

For more information about Animoto, or to request access, visit our new Animoto page on the T+L Creative microsite. Animoto is licenced to you for 365 days once approved.

June 16, 2021

Enhancing Institutional EDI Knowledge of Disability and Academic Accessibility: 

  • Many students miss assignment deadlines or miss tests/exams. For some students with disabilities, it could be due to a flare-up in their condition, which can be unpredictable in nature and often outside of their control. 

  • It can be difficult for faculty to balance academic rigor and accountability for what students are to learn, with a fair and manageable process for those who miss required tests/exams and assignments. 

  • Consider creating a contingency supplemental assignment or make-up test/exam that can be pulled out during the semester as needed.  

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué. 

June 15, 2021
Regan Mancini

Lead, Transform, Differentiate

The first phase of Humber Tomorrow wrapped up on Friday, May 28, 2021.

THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to our consultation sessions, including our multiple moderators, and completed the online feedback forms. We appreciate you adding your voices to Humber Tomorrow.

If you missed the sessions, the videos have been posted on the Humber Tomorrow Town Halls & Consultations tab of the WeAreHumber website. The summaries can be found on the Humber Tomorrow Strategic Priorities & Actions tab.

For more information on the Humber Tomorrow process please consult our Overview of Humber Tomorrow's Development Process or write us at

June 15, 2021
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Jennifer Reitano (she/her), professor and program coordinator of the Fashion Arts and Business program, explained that her passion for ethical and sustainable fashion has been guided through a lifetime of advocacy in the fashion industry. 

“I didn’t realize [the sustainable impact I had] at a young age when shopping thrift and second-hand, but since working in the fashion industry, I’ve witnessed the negative environmental impact caused by the industry,” said Jennifer. 

As an influential leader in the industry, Jennifer has made a positive impact through various roles, including board director for Fashion Group International, director of education for Toronto Men’s Fashion Week and social media reporter for Samsung at the 2014 Olympic Games.  

This year, Jennifer will be a board member of the Canadian International Fashion Film Festival

Jennifer’s advice for anyone looking to get involved with sustainability-related projects is, “Find your passion project and do your research on how you can get involved. If there isn’t a group that fits your needs, you can always create your own.” 

To learn about the three fashion programs at Humber and their commitment to sustainability on-campus, find the full feature story.

June 15, 2021
Diane Pellicone
Image of lighted question mark

The Nuit Blanche Fellowship team is hard at work engaging in the ideation and production of a dynamic, multi-disciplinary artistic project and they need the public's help.

If you have some time to spare, please take one to three minutes to fill out their survey. It hopes to gain some insight into how people have felt throughout the pandemic. The data collected from this survey will help inform the team's artistic direction and make it a more holistic experience for future participants. 

The deadline to complete the survey is Sunday, June 20, 2021. We appreciate your time and energy in helping the Fellowship team with their project. To participate, please click the link and follow the instructions.

(Image by Emily Morter from Unsplash)

June 14, 2021
Tiny Town Internship logo- hand holding miniature CN tower

The Centre for Creative Business Innovation has partnered with the City of Toronto to re-envision the miniature model of the city called Tiny Town located in Toronto's City Hall. A team of interns are gathering user information to help them better understand how the model can function for different user groups and what should be included in their design process.

Contribute your perspective and help us create a unique Tiny Town experience by completing this survey

Kindly respond by Tuesday, June 22.

June 11, 2021
Person riding a motorized scooter

Recently, we celebrated incredible achievements by our graduating students at the annual ACIDO Rocket Show 2021 Design Competition. Humber students took home five awards, including First and Second place in the 2021 Rocket category. This is a tremendous accomplishment from our students among the elite design schools within Ontario.

Each year, the Association of Chartered Industrial Designers of Ontario (ACIDO) hosts “Rocket” – a design competition for Ontario’s graduating industrial designers. Graduates nominated at the top of their class from Carleton University, Humber College, OCAD University, and Sheridan College have the opportunity to pitch their final year thesis projects to a jury of select industry professionals with the top winners announced at the Rocket Awards Ceremony. This year, ACIDO moved the competition online to continue providing Ontario’s top graduates with the means to display their final year thesis projects and a chance to win awards and prizes. Through the ACIDO awards, student participants and award recipients received industry recognition for their work. 

The 2021 Rocket awards are given to the student projects that represent the best in show. 

The winners impressed the design jury through their design process including project definition, design research, concept development, implementation, final prototype, graphic presentation, and verbal pitches. These awards are sponsored and supported by Onshape, a PTC Business; Eventscape; CAD MicroSoultions Inc.; Forest City Casting, and Cortex Design Inc.

Congratulations to our Humber student winners:

  • 1st Place Winner of 2021 ROCKET
    Henry Boy for project Vagaboard
  • 2nd Place Winner of 2021 ROCKET
    Bradley Staite for project Neo Ink
  • SPECIALTY ROCKET 2021 Prototyping Award
    Stephen Bykowy for project Horizon / Sponsored by Eventscape
  • SPECIALTY ROCKET 2021 Market Ready Award
    Henry Boy for project Vagaboard / Sponsored by designforce
  • SPECIALTY ROCKET 2021 Sustainability Award
    Moriah Gonidis for project pakk / Sponsored by Inertia

About the Senior Level Thesis Projects and Virtual Thesis Show 2021

The Senior Level Thesis is the culmination of the Industrial Design student’s career here at Humber. It is the result of continuous development over the course of the academic year leading to this capstone project. The Senior Level Thesis projects encompass four essential criteria (four pillars) of human-centric design approach and the understanding of full-bodied, three-dimensional physical interaction of user, product and environment. The projects generate innovative solutions using research-driven, evidence-based designs which focus on the user experience.

The Senior Level Thesis projects are supervised by Professor Catherine Chong, and Professor Sandro Zaccolo, with Teaching Support Assistant, Reece Bennett. This year, our graduating students prevailed over the challenges and successfully completed their Thesis capstone projects despite the additional hardship of working under severe restrictions. They learned new skills and techniques. Ultimately, they re-imagined new ways of working, innovation came from thinking inside a literal “box”. On May 27, 2021, we celebrated their accomplishments at the graduate Virtual Thesis Show titled INSIDE THE BOX. This show represents the culmination of four years of dedication and commitment to design excellence, with recognitions and validations from design industry professionals.

June 11, 2021
Anju Kakkar

In 2020, Humber College received CCSIF (College and Community Social Innovation Fund) funding through grants from NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council). Ann Corbold is leading the research project entitled “Community Agency Partnerships: Best Practices for the Creation of Healthy Communities”, as the principal investigator, in partnership with local community organizations. 

Follow along through our Q&A session with Professor Ann Corbold here.
