
October 17, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Longo Faculty of Business is pleased to share with the College the September edition of the monthly Dean's Newsletter.

Visit the Longo Faculty of Business webpage to read the latest newsletter from the Dean

October 16, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities. At its first meeting of the academic year, College Council welcomed presentations on Humber Inspired, the College’s 2030 visioning exercise, and from Indigenous Education and Engagement on conducting land acknowledgements.


Tyler Charlebois, Director, Centres of Innovation Network and Partnership Development

Humber has launched Humber Inspired - a visioning exercise to think ahead to 2030 and beyond and set the vision of where the college wants to take Humber together. It is an opportunity for the Humber community to dream without parameters, to think about the future, and what role they want Humber to play in it. Over the fall, Humber will engage with staff, faculty, students and Industry and community partners, and alumni in multiple visioning sessions. During the fall reading week, on Monday, October 23, Humber will host Inspiration Day for all to participate. At HCC’s November meeting, they will consult with HCC and ask them to think about what their sector will look like in 2030. Throughout the process, the Humber community can submit their ideas at or send an email to


Elijah Williams, Associate Dean, Indigenous Education & Engagement          

Humber has embraced Land Acknowledgements to recognize the positionality of the institution within the territories that Indigenous peoples have been calling home for thousands of years and individuals to understand the deep and enduring relationships that exists between Indigenous peoples and place. They serve as a good conversation starter and an entry point that encourages individuals to consider their own role and responsibility when it comes to reconciliation/resurgence and encourages individuals to consider the importance of land for their own growth and development and for the health and wellness of all people, in the present and future. Land acknowledgements are an Indigenous worldview as they connect place and peoples. For more information on conducting land acknowledgements, visit Humber’s Indigenous Education and Engagement website. HCC members will be given the space to practice delivering them at each meeting.


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held virtually on October 19, 2023.


For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact

For supporting materials, meeting minutes, or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact

October 16, 2023

JJ Mart is now open! JJ Mart is a convenience store offering a variety of grab and go items.

Located at the North Campus on the bottom level of the parking garage. 

Hours of operation

Monday to Friday - 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday - 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.

October 16, 2023

After 24 years in the Ontario College System (six and half years at Humber), Cynthia Mckeich, Director, Libraries has made the decision to retire. Her last day on campus will be December 8.

Cynthia came to Humber in 2017 to lead Humber Libraries and continue the growth of an already strong department. Her core beliefs of collegiality, partnerships and excellent student service have placed Humber Libraries as a leader in the college system.

Under Cynthia’s leadership the library launched the Idea Lab, a library initiative designed to support digital fluency at Humber College. Additionally, the Humber Archives were expanded, and a fabulous new Archives space was created.

In 2022, Cynthia was key to the launch of a province-wide new college library system called Page 1+. Under Cynthia’s leadership Humber Libraries was a leader among the 22 participating college libraries (through College Libraries Ontario) supporting other colleges with their implementation.

Cynthia believes strongly in EDIB and partnerships and her work with Indigenous Education & Engagement resulted in beautiful Indigenous designed wrapped pillars in the library and a dedicated display case for Indigenous artifacts and related library materials. She was also key in bringing The Canadian Library project to Humber which resulted in a beautiful display of wrapped books to honour Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women and Girls and 2 Spirited people.

Under Cynthia’s leadership administration of the University of Guelph-Humber Library Services was integrated into Humber Libraries. Cynthia and her team continue to demonstrate a high level of collaboration working with faculty, staff, students, and administrators at UGH, the University of Guelph Library and Humber College.

Cynthia was a valued leader within the Students and Institutional Planning team, a member of many college-wide committees and provincial library committees and enjoyed working with colleagues across many departments and across the province.

Please join me in thanking Cynthia for her contributions to Humber, the University of Guelph-Humber, and to College Libraries Ontario. We wish her all the best and hope that with her full attention, in her retirement she will finally get a hole-in-one on the golf course!

Jason Hunter
VP Students and Institutional Planning

October 16, 2023
Heather Lowry

As promised in the New and Improved Features in Blackboard Ultra - Sept 2023 Update Communiqué post, an update on the status of IL's pilot of the new AI Design Assistant tool in Blackboard follows. 

AI Design Assistant will be available to instructors as an optional tool within Blackboard by early November. Watch Communiqué and BbHub for updates.

Update, GenAI resources and more details:

Over the last seven weeks, a multidisciplinary team in Innovative Learning has tested the AI Design Assistant tool against its promise to support, simplified course creation, content-based test generation, rubric creation and image sourcing. We have found the tool to be helpful when getting started with some common processes including rubric creation and course creation prompts. Some flags include the need for very careful awareness of bias within image selection, limitations when requesting prompts for topics usually screened as sensitive content, and the ongoing requirement for the content expert's critical review of the prompts and resources suggested by the AI Design Assistant tool. More information, tips, resources and options for providing feedback will follow when the tool is released.

Please be reminded of the resources available via Innovative Learning to support GenAI in the Classroom, and Humber's Statement on Generative AI. Blackboard's framework for the use of GenAI in the LMS is available here: Anthology's Trustworthy AI Approach.

We look forward to continuing to explore this tool with the Humber community.

October 16, 2023
Diners seated around a table

Your on-campus student-run restaurant lab, The Humber Room, is open for lunch!

Join us this week for our à la carte service style. 

Select the dish of your choice, each individually priced.

The Humber Room is a live learning lab for our students and a culinary and service experience for guests. Our menu selection and service style change every week based on our curriculum. Enjoy your culinary experience led by our Culinary Management and Baking and Pastry Arts students and service provided by Event and Hospitality Management students.

Make a reservation

View this week's menu

Hours of Operation

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
Doors open at 12 p.m.

Seating guests between 12 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.
Service ends by 1:30 p.m.     

For group reservations of 10 guests or more, please email

October 16, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

As part of the Finch West Light Rail (LRT) project, crews will be performing final paving on Finch Avenue West between Hwy 27 and Martin Grove Avenue.

This work will begin on October 23, 2023, and will last until Fall 2023, approximately. 

Minor field modifications may occur when needed to complete work safely and minimize impact on the public. There will be overnight work if required.

There will be a Paid Duty Officer, flaggers, and detour signs to direct traffic, as needed. 

October 16, 2023
Cat looking in mirror with reflection of a lion

Using genAI (ex., ChatGPT)? Sometimes the outputs they generate are incorrect. Check the accuracy of all facts, quotes, and ideas (


October 13, 2023

There is still time for students to submit to the International Center for Academic Integrity's (ICAI) International Day of Action (IDoA) contest. 

ICAI is sponsoring a Student Creativity ContestStudents can submit a creative submission (such as a poster, short video, poem, article, t-shirt design, photograph, blog post, recipe, etc.) on the theme of “Championing academic integrity in the age of AI”. Please share information about this contest with your students and encourage them to create submissions. Prizes up to $150 USD will be awarded! The contest deadline is 11:59 p.m. ET on October 18. Complete contest rules and a submission form are available at the following Student Contest Rules

October 13, 2023
Donations flyer

The Faculty of Health Sciences and Wellness' Early Childhood Education program is organizing the collection of books, craft or school materials and toys for Early Childhood Educators in St. Lucia at this time. A donation box has been placed in the M200 FHSW reception area. 

Donations will be accepted until Thursday, October 26

Thank you in advance for your generousity.

Questions can be directed to ECE Professors, Roxana Zuleta ( and Danielle Pusateri (, and Program Support Officer, Lucy Koncan (
