
October 3, 2023

Don't miss out on valuable insights and opportunities - remember to check out the October Longo Centre for Entrepreneurship online newsletter!

October 3, 2023

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Warmup week

For #CyberMonth2023, we’re stepping up our cyber fitness. It's all about stretching your cyber security muscles and taking things one step at a time! Cyber security is a shared responsibility, so join us accross the organization to promote cyber security by participating in Cybersecurity Awareness Month.

The best workouts always begin with a good warmup. This week, we'll lay the groundwork for the rest of the Cybersecurity Awareness Month, covering topics like common cyber threats, tools that can keep you safe online and simple steps to start and pratice getting cyber safe.

2023 Common Threats
This module explains some of the latest ways that cybercriminals are targeting you and the organization. It demonstrates two new spins on some old tricks to show how cybercriminals get information from you and access your computer as well as the organization's network.

To learn some common cyber threats, check out the training module "2023 Common Threats."

Secure Online Behaviour at Home
Here at Humber College, we want to ensure that end users maintain both security and privacy while fulfilling their job duties. This module focuses on how to strengthen those efforts by highlighting the importance of personal security.

To learn how to be secure online, check out the training module "Secure Online Behaviour at Home."

Just like starting a new fitness routine, finding the motivation to become your best, most safe self can be tough. But with the right coach (or your colleagues at Humber), you can accomplish even the most daunting tasks. Its all about warmup week!

Complete this week's training for an entry into our weekly raffle draw.

Week One's training material:

Please complete the online training course.
To support our planned activities and to experiment with new technologies, we will be delivering some additional materials within Microsoft Teams thereby enabling collaboration and employee engagement. To participate, join the GetCyberSafe Microsoft Team, and we will keep you informed as we release new material and activities. To join the Teams, do one of the following:

Option 1

Using Microsoft Teams Link

  • Follow this link: GetCyberSafe
  • This link will take you directly into teams.

Sounds Suspicious Right? That’s why we’ve included option 2.

Option 2

Using Teams Code

  • Open Teams (or access Teams through the Office Portal)
  • On the left side of the app, click the Teams icon  
  • Click Join or create a Team
  • Go to Join a team with a code (the second tile)
  • In the Enter code box, type the code: f16dht6.
  • Click Join, Go to Channel #CyberMonth2023

IT Security
Information Technology Services

October 3, 2023
Andrea Campea

Humber College is seeking students, staff, and faculty to join the Committee on Preventing & Responding to Sexual Violence. The Committee is comprised of students, staff, and faculty volunteers from Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber and will work to grow existing policy, support, and awareness initiatives, and ensure compliance with legislative requirements.

The deadline to indicate your interest is October 13, 2023 at 9 a.m. via the online application form.

Committee mandate:

The Committee is responsible for providing thoughtful, objective, and strategic leadership to the implementation of sexual violence prevention, awareness and education initiatives, including policy development and supports. A successful Committee will see increased awareness and engagement, a culture of courage as evidenced by increased disclosures and reporting, and a culture of consent that is broadly understood and embraced by the campus community.

The Terms of Reference can be found on our website.

The main objectives include:

  • To provide a forum to discuss local, national, and global trends, issues, and initiatives as they relate to sexual violence prevention and response on post-secondary campuses; 
  • To ensure that the College is in compliance with the legislative requirements outlined by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities, the Ontario Human Rights Code, and the Occupational Health & Safety Act; and
  • To work collaboratively to guide and increase campus awareness efforts, initiatives, and interventions that address and prevent sexual violence.

Time commitment: Committee members are asked to commit to the following:

  • Attending 1-2 Working Group meetings per month, October through April (meetings last approximately one hour);
  • Completing 1-2 hours of Working Group projects or tasks per month, October through April;
  • Communicating updates and information with your respective department and networks at the institution;
  • Communicating with Working Group Leads in a timely manner (2-3 business days).

The full Member Roles & Responsibilities can be found on our webpage.

How to apply: Please complete the online application form.

Questions: If you have questions pertaining to the Committee on Preventing & Responding to Sexual Violence Call for Membership, please contact the Office of Student Community Standards at For information about the Committee, please visit the Committee's wepbage.

October 2, 2023
Humber Advising Services

Fall 2023 Pre-Arrival Group Advising 

Each year, Advising & Career Services invites new students to participate in pre-arrival group advising sessions - giving each learner a chance to ask their "1 Big Question" prior to arriving at Humber.

This year, our advising team supported over 900 new students in these sessions - answering their questions, and connecting them to campus resources, services and supports at Humber.


  • With the support of Humber's Institutional Analysis and Planning team, our pre-arrival group advising data shows that these sessions positively impact learner retention, persistence, and GPA by approximately 10 per cent
  • These group sessions ran over the course of six weeks (July 17 to August 25), and were offered to learners in domestic, international and mature student formats
  • Our Career & Student Success Advisor's (CSSAs) facilitated a total of 84 pre-advising group sessions
  • We connected students to over 15 campus partners, such as the International Student Centre, Peer Assisted Learning Support (PALS), Accessible Learning Services and many more

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this Fall 2023 Pre-advising term a great success. Please also note a special thanks for the CSSAs, the International Student Advising team, and Thereasa Gordon, who all worked hard to make the Fall 2023 pre-arrival advising program a huge success!

October 2, 2023

One of our own will be completing a presentation on October 4, 2023 for the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI). Edward Li, a student from the Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness, will present the work that he has completed with an international group of students for the upcoming International Day of Action for Academic Integrity.

Join Edward to hear about the great student resource he created with other students that resulted in an infographic and mindmap around the ethical use of artificial intelligence. You can register for this session by going to International Day of Action website.

If you have questions about this message please contact Jennie Miron at


October 2, 2023

Your on-campus student-run restaurant lab, The Humber Room, is open for lunch!  

Join us this week for our family style service. 

Enjoy a bit of everything we have to offer during this week’s menu.  

The Humber Room is a live learning lab for our students and a culinary and service experience for guests. Our menu selection and service style change every week based on our curriculum. Enjoy your culinary experience led by our Culinary Management and Baking and Pastry Arts students and service provided by Event and Hospitality Management students.   

Make a reservation!  

View this week's menu    

Hours of Operation

Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday 

Doors open at 12 p.m.    

Seating guests between 12 - 12:45 p.m.    

Service ends by 1:30 p.m.     

For group reservations of 10 guests or more, please email

October 2, 2023
Progress Pride Flag

The 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG) is inviting interested faculty and staff who identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community to join the ERG. The ERG helps advance a culture at Humber that is accepting and inclusive for all 2SLGBTQ+ staff, faculty and students through outreach, community development, events, and consultation.

The 2SLGBTQ+ ERG meets once a month (currently virtual) to engage in event planning, workshops, guest speakers, and discuss current topics at Humber College. We are always looking for new ideas, events, and opportunities to further engage our community within the ERG and Humber College.

Aligning with Humber’s Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, the ERG brings together employees who share a common identity, characteristic and set of interests. We work to create a culture of inclusion that enhances employee engagement and further supports Humber’s vision and values.

October 2, 2023
Miyabi Nowzari

Here are the highlights of this month’s new and improved features in Blackboard Ultra. For more details, please follow the links below:

SafeAssign Direct Submit

The SafeAssign Direct Submit tool allows instructors to check for plagiarism using the SafeAssign tool in the Books & Tools section. Simply Upload or Copy/Paste the document through the SafeAssign tool to generate an Originality Report or to add it to the institutional database. Instructors can view the status of the submission in the Direct Submit page.

  • Maximum supported file size is 10 MB
  • Supported file types are .zip, .doc, .docx, .docm, .ppt, .pptx, .odt, .txt, .pdf, .rtf, and .html.
  • Copy/Paste option: There is an option to enter a title for the submission and paste the text.

Instructors can organize the table entries by: Item Name (alphabetical order), Matching Score (from highest to lowest or vice versa) and Submission Date (from newest to oldest).

Delegated grading distribution by group membership

Instructors can assign graders to groups of students with the new Delegated Grading option. This new option allows instructors to easily distribute the grading workload for an assessment to multiple graders, which is a common practice in large classes.

It can be used with all group types. However, this first release of Delegated Grading only supports assignment submissions from individual students.

At least one Group Set complete with Groups must be present in the course before using the Delegated Grading option. After selecting the Delegated Grading option from the assessment setting panel, click “assign graders” to select the appropriate Group Set. Instructors can assign one or more graders to each group in the group set. Graders assigned to a group of students will only see submissions for those students on the assignment’s submission page.

Partial credit auto-distribution for correct answers for Multiple Choice questions

In the past, instructors had to manually enter a value for the partial credit percentage for each option in multiple choice questions with multiple answers. This new feature auto-distributes partial credit across correct answers to improve grading efficiency and save instructors' time. The values are editable for further customization.

Sorting controls for manually added gradable Items

Sorting controls in the Gradebook help instructors quickly organize information. Instructors can now use sorting controls on the grades page for manually created items. The controls can sort Student Names, Grades, Feedback, and Post Status in ascending or descending order.

Please note that instructors can only sort one column at a time. Sorting another column will reorder the items according to the new column.

Last access course alert default set to 15 days

The default value for "Number of days a student is inactive" is now set to 15 days. The previous default of 5 days was considered too short to trigger an alert. The frequency of access to Ultra courses depends on factors such as workload or class meeting recurrence. As before, instructors can adjust or remove course alerts as needed.

Student Activity report for Assessments enhancements for small devices and the Mobile app

Enhancements have been made to the Student Activity report for Assessments on small screens, enabling instructors to view a student’s Name, Grade, Late Submission Indicator, Date Opened, Date Started, and Attempts. This allows instructors with busy schedules to quickly access the report from a variety of devices.

Instructors can also download the report in CSV format. However, due to space constraints, the activity timeline chart is not available on small devices. Additionally, the “Time to open” metric has been removed from the Student Activity report based on user feedback.

The full list of October updates is available on the Blackboard Help Center website.

Need additional support? The IL Support Centre is here to help!

October 2, 2023

We are grateful for your generosity in support of Humber Gives this past year. Your dedication to Humber students shines through in the work that you do every day. Thanks to you, and the Humber donor community, over 1,000 students received scholarships and bursaries at a time when they needed it most.

In Recognition

Look for your name on the Humber Gives webpage as well as the digital screens in Gratitude Hall and beside the Advancement and Alumni office. This list recognized all faculty and staff who supported Humber Gives from September 2022 through to September 2023.
Please note that changes to your recognition name can be made at any time by contacting Meagan Shepherd at

Our Gratitude

If you haven't picked up your "Thanks a latte" gift card and cookie from the Advancement & Alumni office, please stop by and say hello during regular office hours.

Thank you again for making a difference and supporting student success through Humber Gives.

Wanda Buote & Alvina Cassiani 
Humber Gives Co-Chairs

September 29, 2023
Jamie Even (he/him/his), Work Integrated Learning Officer

Attention all faculty, staff, and students in the Humber Community! Limited openings remain for FHP Student Personal Training for the Fall 2023 semester. Don’t miss out on your last chance to register for a Student Personal Trainer.

Student Personal Trainers complete this training as part of their work-integrated learning in the Fitness and Health Promotion diploma program.

If I register for a Student Personal Trainer, what does this program include?

  • (1) initial consultation, health screening, and goal setting session.
  • (1) Initial and (1) final fitness assessment.
  • (9) in-person training sessions throughout the semester for (1) hour each week at the
    Humber Fitness Centre - North Campus.
  • Development of a workout program customized for you from
    October to December 2023.

A fee of $75.00 (non-refundable) will be applicable to participate in this program. 

Complete your registration form on our webpage.
