How to View Benefits Waiver Dashboard

Learn how to perform this action in the HRMS.


1. Sign onto HRMS using your single sign-on ID and password.

2. Click on ‘Talent Acquisition’ Tab.

3. Select ‘Recruitment’ Icon.

4. Select ‘Oracle Business Intelligence’ on the top ribbon or Select ‘Oracle Business Intelligence’ on the left side.

5. For the First Time Accessing the Report, Select ‘Catalog’ on the top ribbon

6. On the Left Hand Side under Folders, navigate to the ‘Company Shared Custom Reports Dashboards.’

7. On the right hand side, under ‘Benefit Waiver Dashboard’, Select ‘Open.’

8. For subsequent times accessing ‘Oracle Business Intelligence’, under ‘Home’ Ribbon.

9. Under ‘Recent Dashboards,’ select ‘Open.’