
June 20, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Information Technology Services has three "operational excellence nights" scheduled for the coming year. During these scheduled nights, most (if not all) technical services will be temporarily unavailable.

Understanding that shutdowns of any kind are inconvenient, they are necessary so Information Technology Services and its network of partners can carry out critical infrastructure activities on behalf of the Humber community including:

  1. Patching/updating hardware and software assets against security threats to keep Humber's data safe
  2. Testing the organization's business continuity solutions to mitigate against unexpected service interruptions
  3. Optimizing the performance of key business systems to ensure a consistently positive end-user experience

Operational Excellence Nights for this year, as well as the next two years, are as follows:

2023 Dates 2024 Dates 2025 Dates
March 11-12 March 9-10 March 8-9
June 24-25 June 22-23 June 21-22
November 11-12 November 9-10 November 8-9

Each of the scheduled nights will start Saturday evening and carry forward early Sunday morning.

IMPORTANT: Work of an urgent nature may, occasionally, necessitate additional service interruptions. In such cases, Information Technology Services will make every effort to schedule the work (with advance notice) early in the morning, late at night, or over a weekend to minimize the impact to operations.

Questions? Concerns? Please contact:

Karim El-Ramady, Associate Director of Infrastructure & Operations, at

Need help? 416.675.6622 x8888 I

June 20, 2023
Roman Fuzak
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The CDFM team began rehabilitation of some concrete and asphalt areas across North Campus on June 20, 2023. As such, some areas will be temporarily inaccessible for short periods of time. This year's work is geared toward making our campus safer for pedestrians. The work will be concentrated to two main areas:

  1. Presidents Way, in front of the campus, will receive two new speedbumps and a raised concrete crosswalk. Also, the interlock at LRC drop-off loop will receive maintenance. The area in front and behind the parking kiosk will be intermittently closed to car traffic between June 22 and 25.
  2. Arboretum Blvd, behind the college, will receive two new speedbumps (by Building S, and FX) and a new raised concrete crosswalk close to the main entrance to the Daycare (Building JF). The road directly in from of JF will be closed between June 22 and 25 for thru traffic, however Daycare/DX Receiving will remain accessible from the West (entrance E) and access to the backyard and Building L will remain available from East (entrance A).

This project is weather dependent and is scheduled to be completed on July 4. We kindly ask that all the drivers reduce their speed while passing through the construction zones. Should you have any questions, please reach out to Roman Fuzak at

Thank you.

June 20, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The third floor of Building E will be closed for renovations starting the week of June 19 through to August 27, 2023.

All stairs and the passenger elevator will remain open to serve floors above and below, but access to the third floor is restricted to authorized personnel only.

June 19, 2023

Menu for week of June 19 to June 23

Please join us at the Staff Lounge and the Street Café for lunch.

North Campus just got Friendlier. All meals will now be served in Friendlier containers. #REUSEHUMBER

Monday, June 19

  • Roast beef with onion jus
  • Canadian barley and lentil stew
  • Maple mashed potatoes
  • Steamed vegetables and salad

Tuesday, June 20

  • Pork loin with apple sauce
  • Cheese tortellini ratatouille
  • Herbed Yukon gold roast potatoes
  • Garlic bread, steamed PEI vegetable medley and salad

Wednesday, June 21

  • Chili poutine
  • Vegetarian chili poutine
  • French fries and salad

Thursday, June 22

  • Baked chicken with balsamic maple glaze
  • Three sister vegetable stew
  • Wild rice and grain pilaf
  • Steamed vegetables and salad

Friday, June 23

  • Fish and chips
  • All Canadian mac and cheese


June 19, 2023

Another convocation is now in the history books. Thank you to everyone associated with the delivery of the convocation ceremonies last week. A few stats to put the week in perspective: 10 ceremonies, 8,449 total graduates, 5,123 graduates crossed the stage, and approximately 28,000 guests in attendance over four days.     

Convocation is the celebration which required all of our efforts and hard work. We were able to create a celebration where memories were made and student success was recognized. I would also like to thank the volunteers who supported us. you shelved your regular work to come out support the Registration Office during these events and for that I am grateful. 

I am not the only one who witnesses the efforts (and magic!) during the event. Below is one of the emails I received that I believe truly summarizes our efforts:

“My thanks also to the Registrar’s Office convocation team, for their consistently incredible job orchestrating and managing this week of large scale, complex events, with three ceremonies per day, involving thousands of grads and their family members, and hundreds of Humber staff, volunteers, and important stakeholders. All your work is recognized and truly appreciated”.

I would like to extend a special thank-you to the team who worked closest with me from the beginning to the end of every long day. Thank you for all the moments of crazy, jokes and all the new stories we added to the Convocation Chronicles.

Together we made the celebration a lasting memory in the minds of thousands of graduates and guests. Collectively, we worked together as a team and did an outstanding job. 

I hope everyone was able to relax and catch up on some well-deserved rest over the past weekend. In case anyone was wondering, our next Convocation is November 2-3!


Rhonda Harrison
Chair, Convocation

June 19, 2023
Patrons dining at a table in the Humber Room

Your on-campus student-run restaurant lab, The Humber Room, is open for lunch!   

Join us this week for our prix fixe service style and a different menu each day. Enjoy a three-course fine dining experience for a set price.

This is our last week of service before reopening on July 18, 2023.

The Humber Room is a live learning lab for our students and a culinary and service experience for guests. Our menu selection and service style change every week based on our curriculum. Enjoy your culinary experience led by our Culinary Management and Baking and Pastry Arts students and service provided by Event and Hospitality Management students.    

Make a reservation

View this week's menu

Hours of Operation
Tuesday & Wednesday 
Doors open at 12 p.m. 

Seating guests between 12 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.   
Service ends by 1:30 p.m. 

June 19, 2023
Desta McCalla

Accessible Learning Services shares some best practices considerations:

  • Accessible Learning Services recognizes that there may be multiple faculty assigned to teach the same course section.
  • For Humber specifically, if the new faculty member taking over is assigned as an instructor of the course on MyHumber/Banner, then they may already notice student Accommodation Letters on the ALS Faculty Web Portal
  • If faculty are teaching the first half of a course only, we recommend that they alert faculty teaching the second half of the course to any students who have an Accommodation Letter. 
  • Remember, although most student Accommodation Letters are available on the Faculty Web Portal, some students prefer to share their letters directly with faculty independently and these will not be reflected on the portal. 
  • We encourage faculty taking over the course to reach out to students with Accommodation Letters and confirm the letter has been reviewed.
  • Questions about accessing the faculty web portal, can be addressed to  

Visit our ALS Information for Faculty website to learn more about accommodating students with disabilities. 

Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.

June 16, 2023
Kimmy Do

On Monday, June 12, 2023, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences (FLAS) hosted the Forward Together Symposium, a day-long event aimed at fostering collaboration, sharing innovative ideas, and advancing equity and inclusion within the Faculty. The symposium featured a diverse program of breakout sessions and panel discussions, covering a wide range of topics relevant to teaching and learning in today's ever-changing world.

In the plenary session that set the tone for the day, John Stilla, FLAS Senior Dean, emphasized the importance of creating an inclusive, equitable and collaborative working and learning environment for employees and students and discussed strategies to move “Forward Together”.

Throughout the day, attendees had the opportunity to attend breakout sessions led by faculty members from various disciplines. These sessions covered a wide range of topics, including rethinking grading practices and essay writing in an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) framework, implementing Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles in essays and long writing assignments, and nurturing a culture of academic integrity in the classroom.

Other sessions focused on decolonizing pedagogical approaches, integrating equity, diversity, and inclusion into curriculum and pedagogy, and creating more seats at the table through justice-based equity work. Presenters shared their research, experiences, and best practices, providing valuable insights for their colleagues.

The FLAS team is proud to present the following guiding principles that will shape its working and learning environment:

  1. We will foster intentional relationships with the people with whom we engage, the communities to which we belong, and the land on which we reside to cultivate a space in which each person feels safe, seen, heard, and valued. 
  2. We will cultivate an empathetic culture of trust and mutual respect allowing us to work effectively across difference while fostering belonging. 
  3. We will make a difference by helping learners recognize and overcome barriers and by creating inclusive learning environments that foster critical thinking and creative problem solving and encourage lifelong learning and global citizenship. 
  4. We will promote integrity and trust in our communities by listening, respecting diverse views, and being accountable to ourselves and one another. 

The FLAS Forward Together Symposium proved to be a valuable platform for faculty and staff members to learn together, share their expertise, and support one other. By moving forward together, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences is forging new paths in providing a quality liberal arts and sciences education for all students and fostering a sense of belonging and connectedness within the FLAS community.

June 16, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Centre for Innovation in Health & Wellness (CIHW) is committed to creating solutions that support a healthier tomorrow for everyone. Advocating for community health and wellness, health equity and the prevention of chronic diseases, CIHW is seeking staff/faculty members to submit expressions of interest for new and exciting research projects. Open to all Humber staff and faculty.

Research Areas:

  • Health Technology & Innovation: Research involving using new AI tools
  • Chronic Disease Prevention & Management: Type 2 diabetes
  • Mental Health and Youth
  • Black Health and Health Equity: Senior care, mental health
  • Early Childhood Education Community Programming: Needs assessment study

Opportunity Details

These are short-term opportunities; approximately two to five hours per week over a six-month to 12-month period. Course release time and project-related costs would be available. For further information and to submit your expression of interest, please contact Dr. Vanita Varma, Director, CIHW at

Deadline: Submit your Expression of Interest no later than June 29, 2023. 

Drop-in to say goodbye.

Jonathan Kim, Associate Dean of Information and Communications Technology at FAST, will be retiring at the end of July.

In honour of Jonathan's retirement, we'll be holding a gathering on Friday, June 23 in Barrett CTI 108 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

RSVP by Wednesday, June 21. 

Please come by and share your best wishes with Jonathan.
