
June 9, 2023
Photo of Kaitlyn with her book pick.

For National Indigenous History Month, Humber Libraries is collaborating with Indigenous Education & Engagement to highlight new and diverse Indigenous voices, histories and experiences across Turtle Island.

For this Friday's feature, learn about Kaitlyn's book selections: Bob Joseph's 21 Things You May Not Know About the Indian Act and his sequel, Indigenous Relations: Insights, Tips & Suggestions to Make Reconciliation a Reality.

Visit the Library Spotlight to read these books, or explore further titles based on her selection. 

Kaitlyn is a member of the Mohawks of the Bay of Quinte First Nation, living in Toronto. She is the Indigenous Community Engagement Coordinator at Humber College and actively works with her team to partner with Indigenous communities to develop outreach initiatives that are meaningful, authentic, and responsive to the strengths and diverse needs of Indigenous learners, families, and communities.


June 9, 2023

Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce that Dr. Linda Jin-Troendle will be the new Associate Dean, Graduate Certificates in the Longo Faculty of Business. Linda will join us officially on Monday, July 3.

Linda has more than 30 years of business and academic experience as a professor, program coordinator, and chair in postsecondary education. She is a transformative leader who has worked to motivate faculty and learners to explore challenging concepts inside and outside the classroom.

At Humber, Linda has achieved numerous milestones including the successful delivery of the Global Business Management Program at the International Graduate School (IGS) while supporting students and faculty at the Lakeshore Campus.

Linda is a highly qualified management consultant specializing in strategic planning and accounting for small businesses, including mergers and acquisitions.

Please join me in congratulating Linda. We all look forward to working with Linda as she shares her experience, knowledge, and wisdom with the Longo Faculty of Business.

Alvina Cassiani, PhD
Senior Dean, Longo Faculty of Business

BlackCat At ITS Best

June 8, 2023
Branislav Jeremic
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Please note that a section of the corridor on the second floor of the LRC Building at North Campus will be closed for construction from June 19 to July 6.

Access to the second floor from the service elevator will be restricted for emergencies only.

Please view attached constructed notice for alternate routes.

June 8, 2023

On Monday, June 12, Humber will launch the ‘Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey’ (OCSES) to all students in full-time, funded programming currently enrolled in semester two of a certificate or graduate certificate program (having started their studies in Winter 2023).  This survey will assess students’ experiences related to teaching and learning quality, program related knowledge and skills, work integrated learning (if applicable), and student services and resources. The results of the survey will allow the college to identify strengths and areas of improvement.

Students will receive a personal survey link through their Blackboard ‘Activity Stream’. From June 12 to June 23, facilitators will also support survey completion through dedicated in-class time. To encourage participation, students who complete the survey will have the option to enter a draw for a chance to win one of two $250 prizes of their choice (e-gift card or prize value towards tuition). 

For questions about the survey, please contact Jean O’Donnell at Jean.o’ Student’s questions about the survey can be directed to

June 8, 2023
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Please note that any Friendlier containers used for take-away at the President’s BBQ are due back by June 9. These containers are washed, sanitized, and re-used up to 100 times. Returning your container will help keep plastic out of landfills! 

Friendlier return bins are located at the LRC (near the front desk). Please scrape any food into the organics section of the 4-stream waste bins across campus, before returning your container.  

Don’t forget to the scan the QR on the container for a chance to win one of five prizes: 

  • $25 dine on campus gift card (2) 
  • Humber-branded soft-shell jacket (unisex) 
  • 1 golf lesson in the Humber golf simulator lab 
  • $25 Humber spa gift card 

To be eligible to win a prize, you must return and scan your container by June 9

If you have any questions, please email

June 7, 2023

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder defined by the DSM-5 as “a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development”.

Barriers common to post-secondary learners with ADHD include: 

  • Academic impairments: Less college readiness, lower GPA, fewer credits earned per semester, higher risk for discontinuous enrollment than among college peers without ADHD; lower rates of degree attainment than among peers without ADHD 
  • Slow and inefficient reading, frequent errors in math calculation, errors in the mechanics of writing composition (e.g., spelling, grammar)  
  • Serious problems with time-management, task-completion, organization, and memory  
  • Social impairments: e.g.  difficulty cooperating with others, problems making friends, saying inappropriate things  
  • Comorbidities, including significant rates of anxiety and mood disorders 
  • Higher levels of school disengagement and emotional difficulties than among peers without ADHD 

Suggestions for instructors on working effectively with learners with ADHD: 

  • These learners perform better if given a syllabus with clear explanations of tasks and specific due dates. As the semester progresses, regular reminders of impending deadlines. 
  • Start each lecture with a summary of material to be covered or provide a written outline. At the conclusion of each lecture, review the major points. 
  • These learners may tend to "drift" mentally during class. They are better able to pay attention when the class material is stimulating and the format varied (for example, lecture alternating with presentations and class discussion). 
  • Avoid providing verbal instructions only for assignments. Always provide a printed or digital copy of assignment instructions. 
  • For large projects or assignments, consider a scaffolding approach. Set deadlines for each part, e.g.: proposal of an essay topic, a written plan or outline, a first draft, and a final edited version. 


Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué.

June 7, 2023
Piranes Rajeswaran

At the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, we understand the importance of home maintenance and the challenges it can bring. We are currently in the process of developing a comprehensive offering called "Home Maintenance Basics," and we want to ensure that it meets the needs and expectations of homeowners, renters, and all individuals. We have an exciting opportunity for you to be part of a focus group where your voice will be heard, and your input valued!

By participating in our focus group, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Share your experiences and challenges related to home maintenance
  • Influence the development of the "Home Maintenance Basics" offering
  • Provide valuable feedback on the content, format, and delivery of the resource
  • Help us understand the specific topics and areas of home maintenance that matter most to you
  • Connect with like-minded individuals who share your interest in home maintenance

We are seeking a diverse group of participants who are homeowners, renters, or individuals interested in home maintenance. No matter your level of expertise, we value your perspective. Your feedback will play a vital role in shaping this offering and making it relevant to a wide audience.

The focus groups will be conducted on Thursday, June 22 and each will last approximately one hour. We will have three different time slots you can choose from. We will be hosting the sessions at the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology - NX201. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided for the sessions

To express your interest in participating in the focus group, please fill out the online form.

Spaces are limited, so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible and we will reach out to you to finalize your selection for the focus group.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, and suggestions on how we can make "Home Maintenance Basics" an invaluable resource for homeowners. Together, we can empower individuals to confidently tackle home maintenance tasks and enhance the overall well-being of their homes.

As a show of our appreciation, two lucky participants will win a $25 gift card.

Thank you for considering this opportunity, and if you do sign-up come ready to speak about your experience and insights about home mainenance.

June 6, 2023
Gourmet Express menu

Check out what we have in store this week. Enjoy freshly made meals and baked goods prepared by students in our culinary and baking programs.  

In store this week:  

  • Poached shrimp ane salmon escalopes with poached fennel and tomatoes 
  • Veal saltimbocca, veal involtini, veal piccata Milanese with roasted tomato sauce, farfalle pasta primavera with cream sauce 
  • Broiled lamb loin with mushroom & rosemary sauce, caramelized root vegetables and polenta 
  • Chicken chasseur with turned carrots, zucchini & Yukon potatoes 
  • Assorted sushi 

Pricing and product availability are subject to change.

Summer Hours of Operation
Monday to Thursday: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.  
Friday: 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

June 6, 2023
mitchelle mercado
Students and Staff in blue and pink Orientation T-shirts taking a photo at the Lakeshore Courtyard outdoors in nice weather

The Orientation Team within Student Success and Engagement (SSE) is excited to begin collaborating with academic faculties and campus partners in preparation for Fall 2023 Orientation. We look forward to working with you all to support new students in their transition to Humber College.  

Orientation will comprise of virtual pre-arrival events, online guides, and resources, program-focused Meet Your Faculty sessions, and on-campus events and activities.  

Outline for Fall 2023 Orientation:

August 4 - 25: The Orientation team will be offering pre-arrival Orientation programming such as “Meet Your O-Team" sessions. Pre-arrival Orientation programming is designed to provide students with an opportunity to have all their Orientation questions answered and connect with the Orientation team and peers before they come on campus.

August 22: Meet Your Equity and Student Life Team Q&A for incoming Fall 2023 students virtually. This will provide students with an opportunity to meet their Equity hubs and student life departments, learn about their services and how they can get involved.

August 28 - 30: The International Graduate School (IGS) campus will be hosting their semesterly Welcome to IGS sessions in-person on campus for incoming IGS students only.  

August 30 - September 1: In partnership with our academic faculties, we will host Academic Orientation with our Meet Your Faculty sessions. These sessions will be a mix of virtual and in-person, on-campus. We will contact academic faculties for more information in the coming days.  

September 5 - 29: Orientation, with the support of our campus partners, will host Welcome Events for students. This programming will focus on well-being and social connection, and we will continue to promote services and resources available to students throughout their time at Humber. We will reach out to campus partners with further information on how to get involved.  

September 5 - 22: Orientation will be hosting Ask Me Stations on campus every day to further support the needs of our students during their first year.  

We welcome feedback from all our partners and appreciate the continued support from the college community.  

If you have not previously been involved with Orientation but would like to partner with us in welcoming students in Fall 2023, please reach out to


Kimberly Daniels (she/her)  
Manager, Equity & Student Life
Mitchelle Mercado (He/Him)  
Coordinator, Orientation & Student Life Programs
Aynur Rabbani (she/her) 
Student Life Facilitator, Orientation Programs
June 6, 2023

Jenna Donelson is moving on to a new role at Queen’s University as Executive Director, Government Relations and will be leaving Humber in late June. I am excited for Jenna to pursue this new opportunity and sad to have to say goodbye to one of our talented leaders in External Affairs and Professional Learning. 

Jenna joined Humber in 2019 in a new Public Affairs Manager role. She focused on engaging government and other key stakeholders to advance the college’s strategic goals, and in recognition of her achievements and effective collaboration, Jenna became Director, Public Affairs & Strategic Engagement in 2022.  

While at Humber, Jenna has worked to raise awareness about the Humber Cultural Hub with all three levels of government, played a key role in the successful advocacy to empower colleges to grant independent nursing degrees and helped inform provincial policies for colleges throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Jenna was also instrumental in working with the government in developing standalone PSW training, upskilling funding and Humber’s Blue Ribbon Panel response. Throughout the last five years Jenna has led numerous government events and campus visits featuring Premier Ford, Federal and Provincial Ministers and other notable elected officials and dignitaries.   

I have no doubt Jenna will be successful in her new role at Queen’s University, working with their Senior Leadership Team and helping to support students and colleagues through her work. 

Please join me in congratulating her and wishing her all the best.

Kelly Jackson
Vice President, External Affairs and Professional Learning
