
January 5, 2024
Degree Breadth Committee

The Degree Breadth Committee is calling for proposals for new breadth elective courses for Humber degree students. For details regarding the process for development of breadth elective courses at Humber, including a step-by-step guide, a searchable inventory of approved breadth courses, a short proposal form, and a variety of resources for developers, visit for our Degree Breadth Committee website at

Proposals will be reviewed by the Committee in March or April (depending on the number received).

In order for a proposal to be considered, it must have the support of your department (as indicated by the signature of your Associate Dean/Dean on the form) and be submitted via e-mail to by end of day February 23, 2024

Chris Irwin
Chair, Degree Breadth Committee

January 4, 2024
Humber Press
Co-workers views graphs on a desk

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is pleased to announce the publication of Demystifying Organizational Health: What is it and Why Does it Matter? by Fatima Momin, Tanvi Joshi and Chelsea Alasa-As.


As organizations seek to develop high-level leadership skills, improve employee engagement and work towards long-term growth, the theory and application of organizational health have begun to gain increasing importance both in the business world and in academia. Through a review of existing literature and business reports collated from research databases such as JSTOR and Research Gate, this essay provides an overview of key concepts of organizational health by dismantling commonly held myths on the topic. It emphasizes the role of leadership, growth mindset, creativity, innovation, psychological safety and vulnerability-based trust in this process. Maintaining consistency across these practices is critical to gaining long-term results. Benefits of organizational health include psychologically empowered employees, increased employee engagement, improved communication, strong leadership, higher profits and sustainable organizational growth. The essay concludes with highlighting the need for the development of organizational health within the Canadian context, particularly for marginalized groups.

Read the full article

About JIPE

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is an online, open-access journal for peer-reviewed papers that mobilize knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. JIPE is electronically published by Humber Press at Humber College’s Office of Research & Innovation. JIPE is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. To learn more about JIPE, please visit or email  

January 4, 2024
Blue Friendlier Containers with food

Have you noticed the blue containers used at Street Café, L Commons cafeteria, Food Emporium, LinX Lounge, and the Staff Lounge? That’s Friendlier! 

Friendlier is the reusable food container program active at Humber North and Lakeshore campuses helping to reduce single-use packaging. The containers are picked up on-site at Humber, washed, and then delivered back to campus for all students, staff, and faculty to use. These containers can be reused up to 100 times. This is one of the ways Humber is reducing waste on campus. 

How it works:  

  1. Receive your meal in a friendlier container and pay a $0.50 deposit 
  2. Enjoy your meal and scrape what is left into the organics bin 
  3. Scan the QR code on the back of the container using the Friendlier app 
  4. Return your container to a blue Friendlier collection bin (available throughout food service areas) 
  5. Receive your deposit back within 1-2 weeks on the Friendlier app (click here to download on Apple or Android)  

If you have any questions, please ask the food service staff or email

January 4, 2024
Lakeshore Campus map

The Humber Cultural Hub is pleased to announce the activation of 10 new Electric Vehicle Chargers! The chargers are located in Parking Lot #1 behind building B. These spots are available to staff, students, faculty, and members of the public needing a charge. 

Building low-emissions transit options, like EVs, into the design of the Cultural Hub is an example of Humber’s commitment to national leadership in the development of sustainable campuses. Promoting electric vehicles on campus, and providing access to other modes of sustainable transportation, is critical to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.   

Learn more about this award-winning building, and how it's helping de-carbonize our campuses.

January 4, 2024
Bhavi Gandhi
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Humber Research Analyst logo

As we enter the new year, you realize that you have projects piling up. Why not kick-start the year by supercharging your projects with a talented researcher working with you? 

Are you in search of a skilled and talented individual capable of providing support in the following areas?

  • Data collection, research design, information retrieval, and survey design
  • Designing and implementing research projects for international or domestic populations
  • Qualitative and quantitative data collection, analysis and interpretation
  • Project management, proposal writing, and literature reviews
  • Students are knowledgeable with SPSS, Excel, and data visualization tools

Our highly qualified research analyst graduate students are available full-time, for 12 weeks from January to March (flexible end and start dates) to assist you with your project.

Moreover, do you have valuable industry contacts/connections swamped with work, who could potentially host a student? Feel free to share my information, and I am happy to connect them with our research talents. 

Don't miss out on the opportunity to make the connection between Humber's RAPP program and your network.

Act now to secure your dedicated student researcher. For more information or to get started, please reach out to Bhavi Gandhi at

Project hours are used for Work-Integrated Learning (placement course).

January 4, 2024

Here are the highlights of this month’s new and improved features in Blackboard Ultra. For more details, please follow the links below:

AI Design Assistant – Authentic Assessment prompt generation

AI Design Assistant now includes a new feature that helps instructors create more authentic assignments. When creating a new assignment, instructors will see an ‘auto-generate assignment’ button. This button enables instructors to automatically generate an assignment title, prompt, and set the cognitive level. Similar to other features of AI Design Assistant, by providing a description and complexity, more desirable prompts can be generated. Instructors can also select cognitive level, or use “Inspire me!” option to let AI automatically select the level. This feature assists in generating new ideas and writing descriptive prompts to create authentic assessments.

Delegated Grading improvements

Blackboard Ultra allows instructors to delegate grading tasks to graders. However, anonymous grading and assigning graders were mutually exclusive options. With the new improvement, this restriction is removed; instructors can now assign graders to grade anonymously from the assessment Settings panel. This provides more flexible options to instructors.

Improved attempt display in Flexible Grading

Instructors can allow multiple-attempt assessments using Blackboard Ultra, which could encourage more submissions from students. Regardless of the attempt aggregation model, the result of the most recent attempt was displayed in the Gradebook.

With the new improvement, the attempt display is based on the grading status and attempt aggregation model. This helps students and instructors to see more intuitive and accurate grades and grading status based on the selected aggregation model.

Sorting controls in Students view for assessments graded anonymously

When grading assessments anonymously in the flexible grading view, instructors can now sort submissions in Students view by submission date, either from oldest to newest or vice versa. This feature was added to improve the usability of anonymous grading.

Enhanced grid view

There are multiple enhancements made in the Gradebook grid view in this release. These enhancements help instructors navigate Gradebook more easily.

  • Reduced the size of column icon and reduced white space. This enables more columns visible without scrolling.
  • Removed group names and highlighting group assessments. This improves row visibility.
  • The course name moves up and hides when vertically scrolling. This also improves row visibility.
  • When hovering over a truncated student name, the full name displays in a tooltip.
  • Student IDs are displayed beneath student names. This helps in distinguishing students who have the same name.

Total & Weighted Calculations

Instructors need a variety of calculation columns in the Gradebook. To accommodate the diverse needs of instructors, now the Gradebook provides Total Calculation Columns to be added to the Gradebook. This allows more flexible grading which Overall Grade column currently offers, including weighted calculations, and dropping the lowest or highest scores.

Category information on the Gradable Items page

Previously, category information is only available from the assessment editing window and in the Overall Grade column. To provide greater clarity and efficiency, now the category column is available from the Gradebook.

Attempt logs for enhanced assessment integrity

Assessment attempt logs can be a great way to understand how students are working through the assessment. Now attempt logs are available to instructors from the Context Menu on Submission page, and Grades tab under “student overview”.

The log provides the start and submission timestamps, and question specific details for Tests. For anonymous grading, this becomes available only when the grade is posted and anonymity is lifted.

Unused files management

File management is an important part of using shared storage space in an institution. Now Blackboard Ultra allows instructors to detect unused files so that either these can be deleted, or utilized properly in a course. This provides a way for instructors to effectively manage files frequently and efficiently.

The option to view “Unused Files” is available from the three-dot menu (…) on the Content page.

Batch Edit: Change to specific date and/or time

Now batch edit allows instructors to override the existing date and time (show on/hide after/due date). This provides convenience to instructors when multiple items require date changes.

Grade visible to students in Gradebook when item is hidden by release conditions

In Blackboard Ultra, when an assessment item was hidden by release conditions, the grade of the item was also hidden from students. This caused confusion among students and faculty. Now students are able to see their grades regardless of release conditions of assessments. Instructors no longer have to worry about hiding grades by setting release conditions.

The full list of January updates is available on the Blackboard Help Center website.

The full article is also posted on BB Hub: New and Improved Features in Blackboard Ultra – Jan 2024 Update – Faculty Blackboard

Need additional support? The IL Support Centre is here to help!

January 3, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

As part of the Finch West Light Rail (LRT) project, during the testing and commissioning phase, Light Rail Vehicles (LRVs) testing will be conducted between Keele Street and Humber College Boulevard along Finch Avenue West. 

To safely perform the testing, Paid Duty Officers will assist with traffic and pedestrian crossing at each intersection to allow the train to clear the intersection safely. Testing will be conducted between 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., approximately, from January 2, 2024, to May 31, 2024. 

January 3, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Screenshot of monthly newsletter

Happy new year, Humber!

The January edition of the WeGotYou Monthly Splash is here.

In this month's issue, we're bringing you notable highlights from last semester, top videos, Humber Hawks updates, and events, including orientation, to keep you in the loop.

We invite you to explore the WeGotYou Monthly Splash.

January 3, 2024
Apply for scholarships now - help cover tuition and learning costs

We are pleased to announce that winter scholarship applications will be open January 5 to February 2. Please help spread the word to your students! 

Last year, more than 1,000 scholarships were awarded to Humber students. 

These scholarships were made possible by Humber’s incredibly supportive community of donors and alumni, including our very own faculty and staff who donate through Humber Gives

This semester, we have even more scholarships waiting to be matched with just the right student! 

Scholarships not only support students financially, but they help students reach their full potential.  

Please support your students by encouraging them to apply for scholarships by February 2. 

For more information, please visit our Student Scholarships website or contact

December 21, 2023

That's a wrap for the fall term and the rest of 2023! You're invited to take a moment to see what was new and exciting in the Office of the Registrar this past term with the Fall 2023 issue of the RO End of Term Wrap Up.

Take care and here's to another successful year ahead.
