
September 12, 2018
Chris Pankewich
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

The Centre for Teaching & Learning is pleased to announce the next call for applications for the Teaching Innovation Fund.

About the fund: The fund includes $1,200 per investigator and support in developing and conducting a research project about teaching and learning. There are typically two types of projects: “Build” projects, in which you develop and build a new, evidence-based teaching tool or approach, and “Impact” projects, in which you measure the impact of an innovative teaching tool or approach with your students. 


  • Submit your application by Friday, September 14 (see attached form).
  • Attend two Proposal Development Workshops in September and October. At these workshops, we will talk about methodological approaches for this type of research, and faculty will share and develop their research ideas together.
  • From October to December, you will develop and write your full research proposal.

For more information and to access the application form, see the attached documents. To hear from faculty that have previously conducted research with the fund, visit the CTL's youtube channel

The deadline for applications is Friday, September 14 at 5 p.m.

Applications may be submitted to

If you have any questions, please contact: Chris Pankewich, 416.675.6622 x5302,

September 11, 2017

Sometimes external organizations will contact schools or departments they know at Humber and Guelph-Humber and ask for use of space on campus. The department of Humber Conference Services manages the booking and rentals of campus facilities and services, including securing proof of appropriate liability insurance coverage, for all external clients.

When your school or department hosts an event or meeting and you have external individuals or groups participating, Humber/Guelph Humber is assuming the risk and responsibility for these groups or individuals while they are on campus. Should you receive a third-party request to use Humber or Guelph Humber facilities, please refer them to Conference Services. We will ensure that the appropriate documentation and agreements are obtained and handle the event logistics, such as catering.

If you are unsure of whether an event is considered external or internal, please contact us and we will ensure that the appropriate risk assessment is completed.

For more information, please contact Humber Conference Services:

Connie Sanfilippo, Manager x77124
Megan (Meg) Johnson, Event Logistics Liaison  
Sonia Rodrigues, Event Logistics Liaison  

Planning an Internal Event? Click here for a list of resources available to you

September 11, 2018

ARI Internal Funding - Cultivate Fund

The Cultivate Fund supports Humber employees engaged in original, externally-focused research and innovation by providing funding to employees exploring strategic research or innovation initiatives with an industry, community or academic partner. The Cultivate Fund application and review process is designed to be competitive, transparent, and equitable.

  • $25,000 max per project
  • Funding period: one year maximum
  • Applications are accepted year round, on an ongoing basis.

The application and guidelines can be found at


Mitacs Accelerate - Internship Program

The Accelerate program connects companies with postsecondary students to offer hands-on learning experience for students, while also helping businesses solve real-world challenges through student internship placements.

Mitacs Accelerate is now accepting applications from applicants at colleges and polytechnics as part of a pilot initiative for the sector.

More information about the Mitacs Accelerate program can also be found at


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Connection Grants

Connection Grants support events and outreach activities geared toward short-term, targeted knowledge mobilization initiatives. $7,000 to $25,000 can be awarded for events, and up to $50,000 for other outreach activities.

Humber Application Deadline: 2 weeks prior to SSHRC deadline
SSHRC Application Deadline: November 1, February 1, May 1, August 1

Partnership Engage Grants

Partnership Engage provide short-term and timely support for partnered research activities that will inform decision-making at a single partner organization from the public, private or not-for-profit sector. $7,000 to $25,000 can be awarded for up to one year.

Humber Application Deadline: 2 weeks prior to SSHRC deadline
SSHRC Application Deadline: September 15, December 15, March 15 and June 15

Insight Grants

Insight Grants are expected to respond to the objectives of the Insight program.   Insight Grants support research excellence in the social sciences and humanities. Funding is available to both emerging and established scholars for research initiatives of two to five years.

Stream A: $7,000 to $100,000
Stream B: $100,001 to $400,000

Humber Application Deadline: 2 weeks prior to SSHRC deadline
SSHRC Application Deadline: October 15, 2018


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) - College and Community Innovation (CCI) Program

The College and Community Innovation (CCI) Program is managed by NSERC in collaboration with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Proposed projects can be across the spectrum of natural and social sciences, engineering, humanities or health.

Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grants

The objective of the ARTI Grants is to support the purchase of research equipment and installations to foster and enhance the capacity of colleges to undertake applied research, innovation and training in collaboration with local companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). ARTI Grants are one-year awards that support the purchase of applied research equipment costing between $7,000 and $150,000. The proposed equipment may be a single item or a collection of items targeted at a particular applied research area.

Humber Application Deadline: Two weeks prior to NSERC deadline

NSERC Application Deadline: November 1, 2018

Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants

IRCC Grants support applied research leaders and their development of business-focused applied research programs at colleges. It is expected that the establishment of applied research leaders will enable the realization of the following objectives:

  • Increased delivery of innovative applied research solutions to local companies at the community and/or regional level;
  • Enhanced teaching and curricula;
  • Increased participation of faculty and other college staff in applied research activities;
  • Increased opportunities for students to gain industrial problem-solving experience;
  • Increased knowledge and technology transfer between colleges and companies, with the objective of increasing the productivity and competitiveness of local companies, particularly small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

IRCC Grants range from $100,000 to $200,000 annually, are offered in five-year terms, and are renewable.

Humber Application Deadline: Two weeks prior to NSERC deadline
NSERC Application Deadline: November 6, 2018

Idea to Innovation Grants

The objective of the Idea to Innovation (I2I) Grants is to accelerate the pre-competitive development of promising technology originating from the university and college sector and promote its transfer to a new or established Canadian company. The I2I Grants provide funding to college and university faculty members to support research and development projects with recognized technology transfer potential. This is achieved through defined phases by providing crucial assistance in the early stages of technology validation and market connection.

Market Assessment – up to one year
Phase I – up to one year
Phase IIa – from six to 18 months
Phase IIb – up to two years

Humber Application Deadline: Two weeks prior to NSERC deadline
NSERC Application Deadline: September 24, 2018

Connect Grants

Connect Grants provide targeted financial support to encourage post-secondary researchers at universities and/or colleges to connect with industry and other knowledge end-user communities in order to form new partnerships. Between $5,000 and $25,000 can be awarded for up to one year. All activities must take place within Canada.

Engage Grants

Engage Grants are designed to give innovative companies that operate from a Canadian base access to the unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities available at Canadian universities and colleges. These grants are intended to foster the development of new research partnerships by supporting short-term research and development projects aimed at addressing a company-specific problem. Up to $25,000 can be awarded for up to six months.  

Applied Research and Development Grants

Applied Research and Development (ARD) Grants are intended to provide companies that operate from a Canadian base access to the unique knowledge, expertise and capabilities available at Canadian colleges and to train students in essential technical skills required by companies. ARD projects can be at any point in the research and development (R&D) spectrum that is consistent with the college's applied research, training and technology transfer mandate. Up to $150,000 can be awarded for up to three years.


Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE)

Voucher for Innovation and Productivity I (VIP I) and Voucher for Innovation and Productivity II (VIP II)  

VIP I and VIP II grants enable the development of new products and/or processes, facilitate productivity improvements, and help generate new revenues and high-value jobs for Ontario. The VIP I program supports collaborations between industry and post-secondary institutions that lead to knowledge mobilization, commercialization and increased productivity with significant economic impact for Ontario, these projects are up to 12 months in duration with a maximum award of $20,000. The VIP II address company needs by enabling the development of new products and/or processes, or facilitating productivity improvements, by leveraging postsecondary institutions' skills and resources, for 12-24 months in duration with a maximum award of $75,000/year.


If you are interested in applying for any of these funding opportunities or if you would like more information about Applied Research & Innovation opportunities at Humber, please contact

September 11, 2018
Meg Houghton

I am sad to report that Natalie Elisha will be leaving Humber College for a new opportunity at the University of Toronto. Natalie was the first Coordinator of Student Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives at Humber College who helped to build our LGBTQ+ resource centres, plan Humber PRIDE and launch the award winning Here to Play campaign.  Natalie is a champion for students and for safe and inclusive campuses - she has made a significant contribution to our community.

Please join us on September 21 at 12 p.m. in the LGBTQ+ Centre at North Campus to wish Natalie well.

September 11, 2018
Darren Richards

We are very excited to announce the upcoming launch of Humber’s new video streaming platform, Panopto, which will help you record, edit, search, and stream your customized multi-media materials.

The world’s top institutions are already using Panopto and we can’t wait for you to discover the many ways that it can help you innovate in teaching and learning.

The platform is replacing Humber’s pilot with Ensemble Video, and will be available for use in the coming weeks. We will be sending everyone an email with the new URL and access instructions as soon as the platform is ready.

Next steps:

  • For those of you who have content located on Ensemble Video, you will still have viewing access until Panopto is fully integrated.
  • For those of you who have extensive plans to utilize video during September startup, please connect with your friendly Panopto admins, who will be happy to support you prior to launch.
  • Face-to-face workshops will be available at both North and Lakeshore campuses, in addition to online video training and webinars.

We will be sending another update shortly with more information about training and timelines.

If you have any questions about Panopto, please feel free to contact a Panopto admin:

Darren Richards
Manager, Creative Productions
Lisa DiBarbora
Systems Librarian, Humber Libraries
September 10, 2018
Joe Chimenti
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Please be advised that on Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 9 p.m. the CTI building contractor will demolish walls between the new CTI bridge and the 2nd floors of LRC and N buildings.

Date Tuesday, September 11, 2018
Time 9 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Location 2nd floor of LRC and N buildings

Additional Details:

  1. This work is necessary to complete the connection between the new CTI building and LRC/N buildings.
  2. This work will be noisy using impact tools and equipment to create the necessary wall openings. 
  3. Although the work is happening on the second floor, the noise will likely travel and be audible on other floors of the LRC and N buildings.
  4. All work will be done behind the construction hoarding already in place. 
  5. All debris will be removed from the CTI bridge side of the hoarding.
  6. Contractor will employ measures to control dust migration.
  7. See attached drawing for location of demolition work.
September 10, 2018

In Fall 2016 and 2017, Humber offered two study days aligned with the Thanksgiving weekend. The study days were meant to support students’ mental and physical well-being and provide them with the opportunity to seek academic and non-academic support prior to the midterm point of the semester.

To determine the impact that the study days had on students, the College invited students enrolled in full-time programs to complete a survey in November 2016. Approximately 30% of students who were invited completed the survey. Overall, 86.2% of students reported that the study days were beneficial, with 89.3% of students saying that they were productive during the break. Students indicated that they dedicated their break to academics, working at a paid job, relaxing, and catching up with family and friends. Two out of three students felt that they would have benefitted from a longer break occurring later in the semester. This finding aligns with practices observed across the system – in 2018-19, 17 Ontario colleges will be offering a Fall Study Week, an increase from the 13 who offered a Fall Study Week in 2016-17.  

The College is exploring the adoption of a new model for program delivery which would allow for a study week in each semester, resulting in 7 instructional weeks +1 study week +7 instructional weeks, often referred to as a 7-1-7 model (please see the visual).

At this time we are conducting a survey, open to all Humber staff, asking for your feedback regarding the proposed model. Please take the time to complete the survey so that we may benefit from your input. The survey is open until September 24, 2018, and the link to the survey is below.

Please note that your individual responses are anonymous. We will not be tracking and storing identifiable respondent information or respondent IP addresses in survey results. The results of the survey will be shared at aggregate levels only.

Thank you in advance for your time and input! For any questions about this survey, please email us at

Gina Antonacci
Associate Vice-President, Academic
Jen McMillen
Dean of Students
Barb Riach
September 10, 2018
Leah Barclay

Dear Faculty and Academic Partners,

Testing Services at the North and Lakeshore campuses will resume later operational hours (Monday to Thursday) as of Monday, September 17, 2018 until Wednesday December 19.

The hours of operation will be updated on the Testing Services webpage and should be checked when sending students for testing purposes: Any changes to hours are regularly updated on our website listing. 

Testing Services will reduce hours each semester for staff meetings, dates are below:

Date North Campus Hours Lakeshore Campus Hours
September 24, 2018 Opening at 11 a.m. Opening at 11:30 a.m.
November 12, 2018 Opening at 11 a.m. Opening at 11:30 a.m.
January 21, 2019 Opening at 11 a.m. Opening at 11:30 a.m.
March 11, 2019 Opening at 11 a.m. Opening at 11:30 a.m.
May 27, 2019 Opening at 11 a.m. Opening at 11:30 a.m.

Testing Services at the North Campus will be open for select Saturdays in the Fall – including Saturdays over finals, which have been updated on our website:

Thank you,

Leah Barclay
Manager, Special Projects & Testing Services
Student Success & Engagement

September 10, 2018

The Centre for Healthy Living and Massage Therapy Clinic is officially open for business!

Humber’s Massage Therapy Clinic offers appointments to anyone – faculty, staff, students and members of the public with students in the Massage Therapy program. You can book a new patient assessment, rehabilitation and maintenance appointment, or a wellness appointment. 

Fall 2018 semester appointments are now available until December 14th: 

Monday 2 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.
Tuesday 1:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Wednesday 2 p.m.- 4:45 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. - 8:15 p.m.
Thursday 1:45 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday 2 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

To book, please email or call 416.675.6622 x5055.

For healthy living resources and more information on services available at the Centre for Healthy Living, including student personal training, fitness assessments, healthy living workshops and more, please visit our brand new website

September 7, 2018

As of startup on September 4, the parking garage will be used only by University of Guelph-Humber students with parking permits. We are making 200 spots available for the students. This will allow for appropriate time to complete the parking garage and have it fully operational later in the fall semester. Currently, the hours of operation for the parking garage are 7 a.m to 7 p.m., Monday to Friday, and closed on weekends.

The installation of the parking gates in lots 1, 3 and 13 will be completed over the next three weeks. Security guards will be present at each entrance to assist staff and students with permits in entering and exiting these lots. These gates will be fully functioning by September 24.

The parking office has been fielding several questions regarding CE Faculty. A limited number of after business hours parking permits will be made available for CE Faculty. These permits will be made available on a first come first serve basis at the current part time parking rate of $88 per semester. The permit will only be operative after 5 p.m. on weekdays. Weekend parking remains free in all lots at both North and Lakeshore campuses. All CE Faculty interested in obtaining a permit need to initiate a park admin profile through the MyHumber Parking & Lockers System at

Any interested CE Faculty should present their name to Rosemarie Gerow, Administrative Assistant to the Associate Vice President, Teaching and Learning at

The parking staff will then place a reservation for payment on the CE Faculty Humber Park Admin User Account following receipt of name from Rosemarie Gerow. Parking staff will then update the CE Faculty staff photo ID card to allow for parking lot gate access.

In the meantime, over the next three weeks, CE Faculty are asked to access lots 1 and 13 where the security guard will allow them to park. Following September 24, those CE Faculty unable to secure the after-hours permit or not wishing to purchase a parking permit will need to park in the visitor lots and pay the visitor rates:

CE students are required to park in the visitor lot: and pay visitor parking rates (see Daily Rates):

