
June 3, 2024
Jean O'Donnell

Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey


Humber is committed to continuous quality improvement and engaging students in this process. Beginning June 10, the college will administer the online Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey (OCSES) that has replaced the previous ministry KPI Student Satisfaction survey. This survey will measure student experiences related to teaching and learning quality, program related knowledge and skills, work integrated learning (if applicable), and student services and resources. The results of the survey will allow the college to identify strengths and areas of improvement.


Students in full-time, funded programming who began their studies in Winter 2024 and are currently enrolled in their second semester will receive a personal survey link on Monday, June 10. The survey will remain open until Friday, June 21 at midnight.  Key messaging will be communicated to students by Humber to promote the survey and encourage completion.  In order to achieve an optimal response to this survey, facilitators/instructors will be present in classes selected by the Faculties to explain the purpose of the survey to students, provide direction for survey completion and allot class time to complete the survey (approximately 10-15 minutes).

For questions about the survey, please contact Jean O’Donnell at Jean.o’

June 3, 2024

Celebrate Pride by reading 2SLGBTQ+ memoirs and biographies curated by the Library. As you read, recognize your own struggles and triumphs in someone else's story or learn from those who are different from yourself. Spend time with these stories of love, self-acceptance, advocacy, joy, and resilience.

View the featured collection

June 3, 2024
Food Services Hours of Operation
North Campus Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday-Sunday
Street Cafe 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. CLOSED
Starbucks LRC 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. CLOSED
Tim Horton's 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLOSED
Subway 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. CLOSED
Food Emporium 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. CLOSED CLOSED
Booster Juice (KB) 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. CLOSED CLOSED
Trades Cafe 7:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. 7:30 p.m. - 3 p.m. CLOSED
Ackee Tree/Spiked Patties 10:30 a.m - 4 p.m. 10:30 a.m - 4 p.m. CLOSED
JJ Mart (Parking Garage) 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. 11 a.m. - 10 p.m. 12 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Lakeshore Campus Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday-Sunday
Starbucks Welcome Centre  8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. CLOSED
L Building Cafeteria (second floor) CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED
ON The Go Cafe (L first floor) 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. CLOSED
Tim Horton's (M building) 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. CLOSED
Arena Cafe (Birmingham) CLOSED CLOSED CLOSED
June 3, 2024
Nora Esperanza

I am excited to let you know that Colleen Ball will be taking on the role of Acting Associate Dean, Mathematics & Research, effective Monday, June 3, 2024 until August 22, 2025.

Colleen Ball holds a master’s degree in mathematics from the University of British Columbia within the field of mathematical biology. Her work on the evolution of viruses resulted in multiple publications within peer-reviewed journals. 

Colleen joined Humber as a full-time professor in 2015 and has taught a variety of courses within the mathematics department. With her colleagues in the department of mathematics, she co-edited and revised an online statistics textbook to provide students with a quality, open-source resource. Colleen values innovation in teaching and recently brought the concept of thinking classrooms into her mathematics of finance course, with positive reviews from students.

In 2020, Colleen took on the role of program coordinator. Within this role, she has provided leadership at both the course and program level. Recently, she has provided support for the mathematics courses offered within the Engineering degree program as they undergo the process of accreditation. Colleen played a key role in bringing IDEAS, an open-source assessment platform, to the mathematics department. This free tool has been adopted within every mathematics and statistics course offered through the mathematics department. Along with her colleagues, Colleen won the 2021 League Innovation of the Year award for their work on the implementation of this system at Humber.

Colleen looks forward to her new role at Humber.

Please join me in welcoming Colleen to her new role!

John Stilla
Senior Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences

May 31, 2024
Elinor Bray-Collins

Congratulations to Chandra (Nat) Limiarja for winning Canada’s national Map the System competition this year! 

Map the System is a global competition led by the Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship at Oxford University.

Nat’s project, "Breaking the Cycle of Hate: A Systems Analysis of Anti-LGBT Sentiment in Indonesia," was awarded first place on May 27 at the Canadian national Map the System finals in Calgary. Nat competed against 183 student teams from post-secondary institutions across Canada.

Nat advanced to the national finals after winning Humber's local Map the System competition. Now in its fifth year, Humber's local competition included 117 student teams from across Humber this year, including four international teams made up of Humber students and students from our Global Polytechnic Alliance partners, VIA University College in Denmark and Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand.

A celebration and presentations from Humber's student participants took place at Humber’s International Graduate School (IGS) on May 8, 2024.

Nat, a student in the Research Analyst Program, in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Sciences (FLAS), studies at Humber’s IGS campus in downtown Toronto. His systems research focused on the escalation of anti-LGBT sentiment in Indonesia. He examined the interconnections between populism, political opportunism, conservative religious groups, and profit-driven media, revealing how inflaming anti-LGBT sentiment has become a tool to advance the agendas of multiple stakeholders. Nat delved into the moral panic surrounding LGBT individuals in Indonesian society and the perception that LGBT issues represent Western influence and moral decay, threatening Indonesian sovereignty and social values. He connected this, and the recent legal repression of the LGBT community, to broader threats against women's rights, the rights of other minorities, and the state of Indonesian democracy overall.

You can watch Nat’s presentation on Map the System Canada’s Youtube channel

Nat’s presentation begins at 2:05

Congratulations, Nat, on this incredible accomplishment.

May 31, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

During Pride Month, Humber will collect donations for Friends of Ruby, a youth centre dedicated to the well-being of 2SLGBQTIA+ youth (aged 16-29). They provide mental health services, social services and housing through a comprehensive approach that involves mind, body, and community.

Join us in celebrating Pride Month by supporting 2SLGBTQ+ youth through donations.

Items accepted for collection:

  • Unscented hygiene products (shampoo, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, etc)
  • Presto cards
  • Gift cards (preferably for grocery stores)
  • Non-perishable food
  • Nut-free snacks
  • Stationary supplies

Drop off locations:

North Campus Lakeshore Campus

Library (LRC 4th floor)

LGBTQ+ Resource Centre (E140)

Learning Commons (L first floor)

LGBTQ+ Resource Centre (WEL211)

Donations will be accepted until June 30.

If you have any questions, please email

May 31, 2024
Hedi Rahmat
Map or North Campus Buildings A, B, C, and D

We would like to inform you of an ongoing construction activities affecting access to Buildings A, B, C, and D at the North Campus. The construction has already begun and is expected to continue for several months, and during this period, certain areas and facilities within these buildings will be temporarily inaccessible.

Key Details:

  • Buildings A, B, C, and D: Expect partial closures and restricted access.
  • Elevators in Building B: The elevators in Building B will not be accessible between June 14 and 28. Please use alternate elevators or stairwells.
  • Tzu Chi Clinic: During the period from June 3 to 7, access to the TZU CHI Clinic will be available through the Building A entrance as usual.
  • Affected Areas: Faculty of Business (Culinary Programs, Golf Management, Sports Management, and Spa Programs), Faculty of Health Sciences (Massage Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine Programs), TCM Clinic, Athletics, Support Staff Union, and all classes on the second floor of Buildings B and D.

We encourage all students, staff, and faculty to plan accordingly and allow extra time for navigating the campus during this period.

Weekly Layout Updates: The layout for each week's closures will be posted on the Friday of the preceding week.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

May 30, 2024

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Tumpe Trotter as the new Manager of Pathways Programs. In this role Tumpe will lead the Academic Upgrading (AU) and Dual Credit (DC) programs.

Tumpe joined Humber College in 2020 as a Program Support Officer, quickly making her mark with her dedication and expertise. In 2021, she transitioned to the Program Planning, Development, and Renewal department, where she excelled first as a Coordinator and later as an Assistant Program Consultant. Most recently, Tumpe has served as the Academic Program Manager in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences. In these varied roles, Tumpe’s journey at Humber has been marked by a consistent commitment to excellence and dedication to the vision of the respective departments she has supported and the College by extension.

Before joining our team, Tumpe accumulated over 15 years of diverse experience in the education sector. Her roles have ranged from teaching and serving as an education policy officer to coordinating a significant post-disaster project for Dominica’s Ministry of Education. Additionally, she has contributed as a research assistant on projects aimed at supporting vulnerable populations, further showcasing her dedication to impactful educational initiatives.

Tumpe's academic credentials are impressive and align perfectly with her professional endeavors. She holds a graduate diploma in Public Policy and Program Evaluation from Carleton University and a master’s degree in Education from Columbia University. Her certifications in project management and teaching complement her practical experience, making her a well-rounded leader in our field.

Known for her strong work ethic, Tumpe is deeply committed to values of compassion, transparency, and continuous growth. These qualities not only enhance her professional approach but also inspire those around her.

Please join me in welcoming Tumpe to her new role. I am confident that under her leadership, our Pathways Programs will continue to thrive and expand, providing even greater opportunities for our students.

Christina Meredith
Associate Dean Pathways Programs

May 30, 2024
Just wanted to say "Thanks!"

On June 5 at the President’s BBQ, we have something special for all Humber Gives supporters. Please look for the Humber Gives table to receive a small token of appreciation for all that you have done and continue to do for our students.

For those who have yet to give and become part of Humber Gives, just a reminder that it’s not too late! If you would still like to support our students within this academic year, giving to Humber’s food security fund helps students worry less about their next meal and stay on track toward their goals. You can also choose to support all students through scholarships, bursaries and emergency funds or direct your support to specific faculties or programs, like our Extended Society Care Fund.

Help make a meaningful difference for a Humber student today and ensure that they have the resources they need to grow and continue to succeed.

Together, we can create a campus environment where every student feels supported and empowered.


Alvina Cassiani and Wanda Buote
Humber Gives Co-Chairs

PS – If you are interested in donating through Payroll deductions, please visit our website.

May 30, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Cover of Year One Insights showing the glass face of a building

Updates on expanding Humber’s credential mix and improving recognition of prior learning processes.

It has been a year since we officially embarked on the 2023-2026 Academic Plan. Even with all the recent changes that impact us, the plan's goals and priorities continue to be highly relevant and are key to continuing to drive Humber forward.  

In the first year of the Academic Plan, Humber has made progress towards expanding its credential mix and strengthening foundational processes to support recognition of prior learning (RPL).  

As our Academic Plan outlines, we are committed to supporting transitions between high school, post-secondary education and employment by increasing the range of credentials, pathway options and RPL processes.  

Applied Master's Degrees

Humber has taken steps forward to build our capacity to offer applied master’s programs. Supported by the recent provincial government announcement outlining their intent to authorize colleges to offer applied master’s degrees, this initiative aligns graduate education with industry demand. Focusing on fields crucial for economic development, Humber has submitted our first applied master’s proposal in Advanced Manufacturing to the Ministry of Colleges and Universities. As we await guidance regarding next steps, we are updating our policies and academic regulations to address this new credential level. 

Additionally, in the plan's first year, we established a framework and decision-making process to prioritize the development of applied master’s programs, along with a pipeline strategy for applied masters’ level credentials.  

Recognition of Prior Learning 

Recognizing prior learning increases student access to post-secondary education by facilitating mobility within Humber and between other recognized institutions through transfer credit, pathways, or prior learning assessment recognition (PLAR). At Humber, 52.5 per cent of entering students have previous post-secondary experience, and we anticipate this number will continue to grow.   

We all know that learning is not confined to the classroom; it can happen in various contexts such as work, home, or through other lived experiences. PLAR processes provide a mechanism to document, demonstrate, and recognize this diverse range of learning experiences.   

In the first year of the RPL Academic Plan initiative, we focused on creating consistent RPL quality assurance structures and processes across Humber. This included the creation of a formalized pathway programs development process and a student-centered PLAR process outlining key milestones and actions. In the second year, we are concentrating on improvements to program quality components that integrate with these key processes to ensure that Humber continues to meet all required quality assurance commitments. By the end of the Academic Plan, our goal is to establish Humber as a leader in RPL, ensuring all learners are recognized at every stage of their academic journey for the skills, knowledge and abilities they have acquired.   

Thank you to the many teams across the organization who contribute to this important work. Through these initiatives, we continue our journey towards developing a coordinated system of high-quality programs and learning pathways that maximize choice, flexibility and mobility for an even greater number of diverse learners.  

I look forward to continuing to update you on our progress as we move into year two of the Academic Plan. 

Gina Antonacci
Senior Vice-President, Academic
