Past Events

  • When:
    November 5, 2020 2:30pm to 4:00pm

Counselling Services is excited to announce that they will be running a mindfulness workshop called Mindfulness 101 on Thursday, November 5 from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

This workshop is for students and they will learn:

  • What mindfulness is
  • The benefits and challenges of mindfulness
  • How to practice and integrate mindfulness into your daily life


  • Where: Zoom (email to register and receive the link)
  • When: Thursday, November 5 from 2:30 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Important information to know:

  • This will be an interactive and experiential workshop
  • The Zoom meeting room will be locked at 2:45 p.m. sharp

So how can you help?

  • Tell students (you think would benefit) about the workshop

For a poster and more information, please contact Rose Anthony at

  • When:
    November 5, 2020 1:00pm

Humber's Office of Sustainability partnered with WWF-Canada to host the Living Planet Leader Webinar on November 5. 

When: November 5 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. ET 
Where: Zoom conference call

Register for the webinar on Eventbrite

About Living Planet Leader

Living Planet Leader is a self-guided certification for students that enhances their resume and recognizes their campus sustainability achievements. 

To qualify, students must complete actions in:

  • Campus, community or global volunteerism
  • Personal application of sustainability
  • Application of sustainability in academics
  • Leadership and teamwork

Students have from the first day of their first post-secondary program until three months after graduating from their final post-secondary program to complete and submit the requirements.

Visit for more information about Living Planet Leader.



































  • When:
    November 5, 2020 12:00pm
Kavelle Maharaj
Event Poster for Humber Wellness Talks

The Principal's Office at Humber Lakeshore Campus, in partnership with the Human Resources and Organizational Effectiveness Team, is excited to continue the Principal's Office Wellness Talk Series for Humber members and the community. This series will occur once a month throughout the year, with the second talk being about Building Optimism and Resilience. Founder and president of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association, Louisa Jewell will lead the session.

Register here:

Microsoft Teams - Session open to ALL - After registering, the relevant session link will be sent.
Bonus: All attendees will receive an e-workbook with strategies on how to build optimism and resilience.

Topic: Building Optimism and Resilience
Date: November 5, 2020
Time: 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.


Louisa Jewell, Founder, and President of the Canadian Positive Psychology Association

Louisa Jewell will introduce you to the fascinating topic of the scientific study of resilience: What makes us strong. As we face greater challenges with the pandemic, you need strategies that will allow you to maintain a positive and optimistic mindset, bounce back from adversity quickly, and respond to stress effectively. Positive Psychology is grounded in scientific evidence that optimism, resilience, engagement, and meaning are crucial to everyday performance and improved well-being. Louisa will introduce you to the 6 pillars of well-being and practical tools for building positivity, optimism, and resilience in your everyday life.

Session structure

The session will begin at 12:05 p.m. with a few introductory remarks followed by a 30-40 minute presentation and Q&A.

  • When:
    November 5, 2020 9:00am to November 6, 2020 5:00pm
Kyla Ross
CCBI Virtual Design Jam Official Banner

The CCBI is hosting its first Virtual Design Jam on Thursday, November 5 and Friday, November 6!

The Virtual Design Jam is open to all Humber students from every faculty! Students will be teamed up to tackle a real-world design problem provided by our sponsor InComm, to design a more effective merchandising rack for the display of gift cards in retail stores. 

Students can apply here

InComm will be providing prizes for participating students: $50 Vanilla Prepaid Cards for entering, and $100 Vanilla Prepaid Cards to each member of the winning team! Senior executives from InComm will be reviewing the final designs and selecting the winning team. 

The event will be facilitated by select Humber faculty members with technical support by the CCBI team. Registration will be limited to 30 studetns participating in the challenege virtually. 

This opportunity will allow students to collaborate with other students from different programs virtually, develop fast problem-solving skills in a design context, build virtual collaboration skills, and improve wellness by participating in a fun activity outside of their academic work. 

Applications for the CCBI Virtual Design Jam are due at midnight on Sunday, October 25. Applicants will be selected by October 30, students will recieve a detailed schedule of the event, Zoom links for participation, and their team.

If you or your students have questions, please contact Kyla Ross, Project Coordinator, at

  • When:
    November 5, 2020 9:00am to November 6, 2020 5:00pm
Kyla Ross

Last chance to apply for the CCBI Virtual Design Jam! Applications are due midnight on Sunday, October 25 and spots are limited. 

Students need to apply NOW to join a team of fellow Humber students tackle a real-world design problem with limited time! The scenario is provided by our sponsor InComm: to design a more effective merchandising rack for the display of gift cards in retail stores. 

Have a passion for design? Have experience with Design Jams? Ever bought a gift card from a store and thought you could do better? This event is for you! 

InComm will be providing prizes: $50 Vanilla Prepaid Cards for participating, and $100 Vanilla Prepaid Cards to each member of the winning team! Senior executives from InComm will be reviewing the final designs and selecting the winning team. 

Apply by midnight on Sunday, October 25 here.

The event will be facilitated by select Humber faculty members with technical support by the CCBI team. Registration will be limited to 30 students participating in the challenge virtually. 

This opportunity will allow you to collaborate with other students from different programs virtually, develop fast problem-solving skills in a design context, build your virtual collaboration skills, and improve wellness by participating in a fun extra-curricular activity. 

Applicants will be selected by October 30. Students will receive a detailed schedule of the event, links for virtual participation, and their team (approx. 5 students per team). Have a friend you want to be on a team with? Put their name at the bottom of your application and we'll try our best to pair you up! 

If you have any questions please contact Kyla Ross, Project Coordinator, at

  • When:
    November 5, 2020 9:00am

Treaties Recognition Week takes place the first week of November to honour the importance of treaties and encourage Ontarians to learn about treaty rights and relationships. During this week, Humber’s Indigenous Education and Engagement and Humber Libraries’ will highlight resources to support treaty education as we acknowledge treaty rights, responsibilities and relationships.

  • When:
    November 4, 2020 7:00pm
Mellissa Khuai

IGNITE is excited to announce our first Real Talks’ guests of the school year, Tyler Oakley and Justin Kan. They’ll be sharing tips and stories to help you learn the skills you need to build your brand and presence in the digital space! 

Oakley is a successful American YouTuber, activist and author, with more than seven million subscribers on his YouTube channel. He posts an array of content, from collaborations with other YouTubers, to fun challenges and Q&A’s. He also uses his channel as a platform to promote activism by discussing social issues and issues regarding the LGBTQ2S+ community. 

But, that’s not all we have in store. 

Are you a gamer? If not, there’s a good chance that someone you know is. And if that’s the case you’ve most definitely heard of Twitch.TV, the world’s leading online video game streaming platform. Whether you are into Fortnite, Call of Duty, or League of Legends, Twitch.TV has got it all. Justin Kan is the co-founder of this streaming platform, as well as of Justin.TV, and is going to share his words of wisdom on becoming a successful entrepreneur.

Help us get the word out to students that they can still register at

  • When:
    November 4, 2020 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Patty Chippa

Cisco Canada is hosting a virtual event for high school students called Take Your Kids to STEM Day.

Cisco has extended the invitation to high school students who are connected to Humber faculty and staff. The Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation will be a part of this virtual event through hosting an interactive workshop showcasing our DrawBot, 3D printing technology and more. 

Date: Wednesday, November 4 at 3 5 p.m. EST.

Click here to register for the Webex event.

  • When:
    November 4, 2020 9:00am to November 5, 2020 12:00pm
Caitlin Feere

On behalf of the Women’s Safety and Sexual Violence Speaker Series (WSSVSS) Planning Committee, we would like to invite you to attend a professional development opportunity facilitated by Dr. Deborah Sinclair on Understanding Intimate Partner Violence taking place November 4 and 5 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Deborah is a long-time trauma therapist and activist in the Violence Against Women (VAW) movement and member of the Chief Coroner’s Office expert panel, the Domestic Violence Death Review Committee (DVDRC) and she will facilitate both mornings. 

Each morning from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., the focus will be on discussing the latest findings in the field of intimate-partner violence (IPV) and intimate femicide.

Topics to be addressed include:

  • Exploring the importance of placing violence against women and children within a historical context using an equity framework
  • Defining and exploring the many forms of violence against women
  • Identifying high risk indicators of lethal violence
  • Exploring safety assessment and risk management strategies
  • Dealing with disclosures and how to mitigate risk while also enhancing our knowledge of women’s process of change, resistance and transformation. 

We hope that you can join us in working on ensuring that our work reflects a holistic culturally competent and culturally safe approach in working with diverse communities, with Deborah’s knowledge and expertise driven by her heartwarming compassion.

Register here

(After registering online, a link will be shared with you a few days before the event)

We look forward to seeing you there! 

The WSSVSS Planning Committee

  • When:
    November 4, 2020 9:00am

Treaties Recognition Week takes place the first week of November to honour the importance of treaties and encourage Ontarians to learn about treaty rights and relationships. During this week, Humber’s Indigenous Education and Engagement and Humber Libraries’ will highlight resources to support treaty education as we acknowledge treaty rights, responsibilities and relationships.
