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Find out more about the fees and timelines associated with achieving your educational goals.

Tuition Deposit for Domestic Students

  • All new and returning students must pay a mandatory, non-refundable $250 tuition deposit per academic term by the tuition deposit deadline.​ Check the Academic Calendar for important dates and deadlines each term.
  • 100 per cent of the tuition deposit is applied directly to tuition fees.​


  • Anticipated OSAP or scholarship/bursary funding cannot be used to pay the tuition deposit. Every student must make a tuition deposit payment directly to their Humber student account each term.
  • First semester students with an offer of admission within the same academic year may be able to transfer the tuition deposit between terms (Fall, Winter and Summer).
  • Returning students who have an offer of admission within the same academic year may be able to transfer the tuition deposit between terms (Fall, Winter and Summer), where applicable if the request is made prior to registration.
  • The tuition deposit is not transferable for returning students requesting changes after registration.

How to Pay Your Tuition Deposit

  1. Log in to MyHumber
  2. Select Student
  3. Select Student Account & Fees
  4. Select Payment and Account Centre

You will be redirected to the PayMyTuition portal to make your payment.