Find out more about the fees and timelines associated with achieving your educational goals.

Tuition Costs Per Semester

Students are required to pay or arrange to pay the balance of their tuition fees before registering for classes*.

Once students have paid the mandatory tuition deposit for the semester, the remaining tuition balance owing can be found by accessing MyHumber’s Student tab and selecting Student Account & Fees > Payment and Account Centre. You will be redirected to the PayMyTuition portal to make your payment.

Net Cost Tool on MyHumber

To view what has been paid or arranged to be paid for the term and what is still owing, students can also use the Net Cost tool on MyHumber > Student > Student Account & Fees > Net Cost.

If the tuition balance has not yet been posted, students can view an estimated total by term on the program page.​​​

*Students who have arranged to pay tuition fees (e.g. third-party sponsorship or payment plan) must ensure their account is paid in full as planned. Default in payment may result in timetable removal, meaning the student will be removed from all courses in a specific term.