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Ancillary Fees 2023-24 

​All students are required to pay compulsory ancillary fees in order to enroll in or successfully complete any course or program of instruction. Changes to ancillary fees are approved by a Fee Protocol Committee and by Humber's Board of Governors. ​

Other fees may be applicable such as program ancillary fees for supplies or activities, admission requirements and more.​

Ancillary Fees Full-time Fees Part-time Fees*
Compulsory Ancillary Fees $346.24 $1.64
Compulsory Student Union $64.00 $0.30
Health & Dental Plans $110.69  – 

Enhanced Student Experience Fees are optional fees that support the operations of student clubs, student government, and programming related to career planning, leadership development and Humber’s alumni network. Students can decide which of these areas they would like to support at the time of registration.

Enhanced Student Experience Fees (Optional)

2023-2024 Fees

Events & Opportunities $20.00

Compulsory ancillary fees are fees that all students are required to pay in order to enrol in or successfully complete any course or program of instruction. Changes to ancillary fees are approved by a Fee Protocol Committee and by Humber's Board of Governors.

Ancillary Fees


Part-time Fees*

Compulsory Ancillary Fees $410.24 $1.94
Health and Dental Plan $110.69
Total Ancillary Fees $520.93 $1.94

*Hourly rate per billing hour of enrolment

Athletics and Recreation

Fee Details Full-time Fees Part-time Fees*
Humber Supports the operational cost of athletic programs, equipment and services, and provides athletic and recreational services to students, including fitness and casual recreation opportunities through virtual programming as well as potential on-campus activities in accordance with public health and safety guidelines. $79.94 $0.37
Total: $79.94 $0.37

Career Services

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Supports students’ career exploration and employment preparation through resources such as a job and placement web portal, resume review/tutoring, interview preparation, job search strategies, career fairs and networking events. $3.61 $0.02
Total: $3.61 $0.02

Health & Counselling

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Supports student health, well-being and academic success by facilitating access to health and wellness professionals. Services and supports are delivered online as well as on-campus, as permitted in accordance with health and safety guidelines. Specifically, this fee helps off-set the cost of operating health services which include health education, mental health support, addiction and cessation programming, and access to nurses, psychologists, and mental health nurses. $18.13 $0.09
Total: $18.13 $0.09

Academic Support

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Provides programs that support students in having successful academic starts and continued academic success while at Humber. Programs supported by this fee include online and, wherever possible, in-person orientation, year-long transition support, Math and Writing Centres, online and in-person research support, and peer tutoring opportunities. $39.32 $0.18
Total: $39.32 $0.18

Student Buildings

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Fee to support new construction and/or improvements to the existing physical infrastructure for non-academic spaces/buildings and informal learning spaces will not be applied for Fall 2020. $41.17 $0.20
Humber Athletics Fee to supports new construction and/or improvements to the existing physical infrastructure for athletics and recreation facilities will not be applied for Fall 2020. $17.00 $0.08
Total: $58.17 $0.28

Information Technology

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Supports the development of enhancements to technology services outside of the classroom for students. These services include: increased virtual support for online services and learning; access to Microsoft and other professional/academic software (remotely and on campus); mobile application support for Blackboard and MyHumber, HMail and Humber TV; and wireless network access and maintenance across campus as well as enhanced internet performance. $113.72 $0.54
Total: $113.72 $0.54

Student ID Cards

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Used to generate, mail and maintain student ID cards required by students for integration and connection to campus services, both virtual and in-person. In addition, these cards may be used to verify identification for exams or other testing. $3.65 $0.02
Total: $3.65 $0.02

Student Achievements and Records

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Supports the costs for the planning and implementation of Humber’s convocation ceremonies including any virtual celebrations that may be implemented. $16.74 $0.08
Total: $16.74 $0.08

Campus Safety

Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber As the campus re-opens for prescribed activities of staff and student, provides access to programming that promotes the safety, security and well-being of all. Services and program delivery include: Humber’s Guardian safety application; sexual violence prevention and awareness programming; consent awareness; conflict resolution; and, emergency communications management to ensure the safety and security of students, employees and visitors. $9.13 $0.04
Total: $9.13 $0.04


Fee Details

Full-time Fees
Part-time Fees*
Humber Alumni programming covered by this fee includes but is not limited to the provision of exclusive special rates and discounts; alumni communications and publications; student engagement; alumni events: and, awards and recognition. $3.83 $0.02
Total: $3.83 $0.02

*Hourly rate per billing hour of enrolment

Wellness & Security

Fee Details

Full-time Fees Part-time Fees*
Humber Supports programming to educate students on how they can improve their life through resources and initiatives that address both physical and mental health and safety. $18.00 $0.08
Total: $18.00 $0.08

Advocacy & Leadership

Fee Details

Full-time Fees Part-time Fees*
Humber This fee contributes to the training of elected student leaders that represent and advocate for the Humber and University of Guelph-Humber student body when it comes to institutional and government decisions that impact students. $12.00 $0.06
Total: $12.00 $0.06

Career & Future Skills

Fee Details

Full-time Fees Part-time Fees*
Humber Funds support of students in their job search while providing resources related to career development, networking and relationship-building to ensure their success. $10.50 $0.05
Total: $10.50 $0.05


Fee Details

Full-time Fees Part-time Fees*
Humber Funds reliable support and access to services and initiatives as well as spaces where possible in accordance with public health and safety guidelines. $23.50 $0.11
Total: $23.50 $0.11

*Hourly rate per billing hour of enrolment

All full-time Humber students are enrolled in a flexible health and dental insurance plan. For more information visit ignitestudentlife.com/services/health-wellness.

Fee Details 2023-2024 Fees
Student Insurance - Prescriptions $17.92
Student Insurance - Extended Health (Paramedical) $20.32
Student Insurance - Dental $62.75
Student Insurance – Accident Benefits $1.50
Student Insurance GST $8.20
Total: $110.69

Visit ignitestudentlife.com for more information on how to opt-out of the Health & Dental Insurance Plan.

Social Events & Opportunities

Fee Details

2023-2024 Fees
Total: $20.00