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Use the Registration Road Map to make enrolling as easy as 1, 2, 3. See you in class!

Part-time Studies​

Students enrolled in a full-time program who may be studying part-time for an upcoming term must notify Humber of their intent to register in a part-time course load by submitting a Records/Registration E-form on MyHumber. ​​

Submit an E-form 

Once you have submitted your e-form, the Records and Registration team will contact you with further information and next steps regarding registration and tuition payment including:​

  1. Pay your tuition deposit. Visit the Registration Road Map - Step 1 - Pay Tuition Deposit to learn more. A reminder that if you're a domestic student receiving OSAP, your OSAP does not cover the tuition deposit. Make sure your deposit is paid before you register.
  2. Register for classes as of your program/semester's scheduled date and time for the term.
  3. Pay your tuition balance. Students enrolling in a part-time course load are required to pay or arrange to pay the balance of their tuition fees within three business days after registering. Note: if payment is not received, the student could be removed from the registered courses.

Important Considerations​

​Full-time OSAP students should visit to review OSAP eligibility and course load requirements in order to be fully informed about how changes to enrolment may affect funding.​

​International students should consult with the International Centre, as changes to enrolment may affect their status in Canada.​

​Students are encouraged to contact their program co-ordinator (PC) or book an appointment with a Career and Student Success Advisor before making changes to program enrolment.​​

Find Your PC 

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