Course-based registration means you are required to build your own timetable and register for each individual course. We recommend getting ready by checking the scheduled times available for each course and building your ideal timetable before registration begins.
Degree students, please view the Degree Elective Requirements section at the bottom of Academic Progress. Remember to also review the important Degree Breadth Elective information.
You’ll have three options to add your courses: entering individual CRNs noted from your Academic Progress, finding your classes with the search function, or adding from a plan you built ahead of time.
Option 1 – Find Classes
Option 2 – Enter CRNS
Option 3 – Plans (check out the Build a Course-based Plan section for how to use Plan Ahead)
The Schedule and Summary tab will show your added course(s). Verify you have the necessary pre-requisites and the matrix is conflict free, then Submit to register.
Ensure you see Registered status next to each course.
Congratulations - you’ve successfully registered for the term!
Rather watch a video to learn how to register for course-based courses? We got you.