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Property Management

Certificate of Accomplishment | 82911

Program Overview

Humber Polytechnic, in co-operation with The Institute of Housing Management (IHM), presents a certificate program for those engaged in the management of and operations of publicly and privately owned residential and institutional buildings.

Today's market is very competitive, and there is a greater need for accredited property managers. The Property Management program provides a forum for the acquisition and dissemination of information that will help those involved in managing operations; developing and designing buildings; or to those providing equipment, products or services to the industry - ensuring that training programs, compatible with identified needs, are available to the industry and accrediting property management professionals.

Receipt of the certificate qualifies you to become a candidate of IHM, and is the first step toward achieving the designation AIHM (Accredited Member of the Institute of Housing Management).

Recommended: It is highly recommended that you take Property and Building Administration (NIHM 201) as your first course. For those with no accounting experience, HPCP 311 course is strongly recommended to be taken prior to the Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers (NIHM 202) course. If you choose HPCP  311 as your elective course, you do not have to meet the pre-requisite requirement for this course.

Online courses are accessible via a web browser from anywhere in the world and are well-suited to those who need a more flexible study schedule.

Online Learning: The online courses are offered through Humber's Learning Management system, Blackboard. Need help with Blackboard? Please visit the Innovative Learning Support Centre at humber.ca/innovativelearning.

Ontario Learn: HPCP 311 is offered through Ontario Learn.

 (These online courses are offered through OntarioLearn, a partnership of 24 Ontario community colleges that have pooled their resources to increase your online learning options. Visit ontariolearn.com).

How does it work?

  • online course content is the same as in-class content
  • upon receipt of your User ID and password, you can logon to the online learning management system
  • you will work from a Critical Path which outlines the chapters covered week-by-week
  • you can work according to your own schedule, keeping up with the content weekly as laid out in the Critical Path document
  • you will use a Discussion Board, which is an ongoing thread of discussion topics where you are expected to contribute
  • there may be opportunities to “chat” live online with your instructor and class during the course. Dates and times of chat sessions will be posted
  • there are no face-to-face meetings with your instructor or classmates

Textbooks/Material: An electronic copy of the material for NIHM 201, 202, 203 & 205 courses and LDSC elective courses are included in the course fees and will be available for download through Humber Blackboard. Material for 204 (online section only) is also included in the course fees. HPCP 311 course materials are not included in the course fee and is only available for purchase from the Humber Bookstore

Optional: A hard copy of the material for courses NIHM 201, 202, 203 & 205 can be purchased at an additional cost by contacting IHM.

Exemptions: Please email us at cpleducationsolutions@humber.ca  for enquiries regarding course exemptions.

Note: Schedule subject to change based on demand.

Continuing Education Refund Information

Refund information is displayed in the "How to Register" box for each course. Please check the “Verification of Registration” email that was sent by the Office of the Registrar for the exact drop and withdrawal dates for your course(s). Generally, $25 of the tuition fee and all applicable lab/material fees are non-refundable, unless Humber cancels the course. To request a refund, email cpleducationsolutions@humber.ca.

Full refunds will be granted only when Humber cancels a course. If your course is cancelled, you may transfer to another course or request a refund. Refunds are not automatically issued for cancelled courses as many students prefer to transfer. Some courses have special refund policies. Please contact Humber to tell us how you would like to proceed. If you do not request, a transfer a full refund of fees will be issued one month after the start of the cancelled course.

Payments made by Visa or MasterCard will be refunded to the credit card that was used.

Visit humber.ca/continuing-education for more information about CE programs and courses.


Humber's Property Management courses is now OSAP eligible.

Learners enrolled in an Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP) approved micro-credential program can apply for financial assistance through OSAP for Micro-credentials. Eligible students must apply for funding for each course separately by following the step-by-step application process. Applications for OSAP for Micro-credential assistance cannot overlap with another micro-credential study period (funding for multiple courses cannot be applied for concurrently).


To be eligible for funding through the OSAP for Micro-credentials courses, you must meet the criteria below as well as certain residency and income requirements specified on the OSAP website:

  • Registered in an OSAP-approved micro-credential
    • Property and Building Administration
    • Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers
    • Human Relations for Property Mangers
    • Building Maintenance for Property Managers
    • Tenancy Law in Ontario
  • Must be a resident of Ontario as defined by OSAP program
  • Previous OSAP loans must be in good standing (i.e. you have not defaulted on a student loan and/or you are not restricted from participating in financial aid programs)

Applying for OSAP funding for Humber micro-credential courses

  1. Confirm that the Humber micro-credential course you want to take is OSAP-approved.
  2. Log in to your OSAP account. If this is your first time applying for OSAP, you may need to create an account.
  3. Select and complete the micro-credential OSAP application. You can only be funded for one course at a time through OSAP.
  4. The deadline to apply for OSAP is the last day of your micro-credential course.
  5. Scan, upload, and submit all required supporting documentation to your OSAP application.
  6. Enrol in and pay for the micro-credential course you wish to take (if you have not already done so). Please note that funding is sent directly to the learner by the National Student Loans Centre for Micro-Credentials. Payment for the course must be made at the time of registration.
  7. Once the course has started, we will confirm your enrolment and OSAP funds will be released to your bank account.
  8. a student cannot receive OSAP funding for a micro-credential study period if it overlaps with another one of their micro-credential study period in which they are concurrently receiving micro-credential OSAP funding. So students can only receive micro-credential OSAP funding for one course at a time.

If you have any questions, please contact at finaid@humber.ca or call 416-675-3111 option 4. (Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm excluding holidays).

If you have questions about repayment, please contact the National Student Loans Service Centre for OSAP Micro-credentials program at 1-888-869-2896



Quick-Look Availability Scheduler

Use the Quick-Look Availability Scheduler to see available courses in a calendar view and plan towards achieving your certificate.

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Course Name 2025/2026 Academic Year 2026/2027 Academic Year
Compulsory Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May
NIHM 201: Property and Building Administration
NIHM 202: Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers
NIHM 203: Human Relations for Property Managers
NIHM 204: Building Maintenance for Property Managers
NIHM 205: Tenancy Law in Ontario
Take one from the following:
LDSC 204: Project Management
LDSC 207: Managing Change
LDSC 209: Leading Responsibly
LDSC 210: Creative and Critical Thinking
HPCP 311: Accounting Basics 1
CNDO 102: Condominium Management - Law
CNDO 103: Condominium Management - Relationship Building
CNDO 104: Condominium Management - Building Operations and Maintenance
CNDO 105: Condominium Management - Financials

Compulsory Courses

NIHM 201 Property and Building Administration
  Start Date: May 2025, September 2025, October 2025, January 2026  
This course is designed to provide insight into the functions of management in the administration of large buildings and complexes. Topics will include the Residential Tenancies Act, lease negotiation, rent geared to income, breach of contract procedures, collection procedures, insurance and liability, management information systems, building start-up and take over, and marketing or advertising of rental units.


NIHM 202 Strategic and Financial Planning for Property Managers
  Start Date: May 2025, September 2025, January 2026  
This course is designed to provide a complete review of the accounting process and principles, the managerial use of accounting and financial statements and their analysis and budget preparation procedures for property managers. In addition, the techniques and approaches for establishing and organizing objectives and implementing strategies will be discussed. Topics will include the accounting cycle; revenue and expenditure forecasting; establishment of operating and capital budgets; monitoring, controlling and reconciling budgets; the audit process; mission statements, goals and objectives; implication strategies; target dates and review schedules; and operational reviews.


NIHM 203 Human Relations for Property Managers
  Start Date: May 2025, September 2025, January 2026  
In this course, you will develop the analytical and behavioural skills necessary to supervise employees and interact with tenants, owners, subcontractors and the general public. Topics will include decision-making, leadership, delegation, team building, motivation, counselling and coaching, evaluation, discipline, personnel procedures, recruitment, public relations, client or tenant services, owner or board liaison, and business ethics.


NIHM 204 Building Maintenance for Property Managers
  Start Date: May 2025, September 2025, January 2026  
The purpose of this course is to provide an understanding of maintenance management services for those involved in the property management sector or a related field. It will give a general overview of management systems, such as the principles of residential construction, building science, specification writing, managements' responsibility for the management of life safety systems, contract management and the impact of the Construction Lien Act.


NIHM 205 Tenancy Law in Ontario
  Start Date: May 2025, September 2025, January 2026  
This course introduces you to the law of residential tenancies governing landlords and tenants in Ontario. The course is designed to give you a firm understanding of the basic legal principles articulated in the legislation. It will also focus on the practice and procedures at the Landlord and Tenant Board. You will gain practical hands-on experience ranging from filing and serving legal documents to advocacy skills.


Take one from the following: Courses

LDSC 204 Project Management
  Start Date: May 2025  
Today, leadership involves all aspects of an organization and multiple skills, duties and responsibilities. This course is designed to meet the needs of leaders in any organization who may be new to project management or who have not had formal project management training. This course provides the practical knowledge to start and complete a project successfully from a leadership perspective. You will learn how the elements of the Project Management Body of Knowledge are applied during each phase of a project's life cycle and the implications of project management on leadership within an organization. This will help establish priorities and effectively manage your projects and project teams.


LDSC 207 Managing Change
  Start Date: January 2025  
Today's leaders are often called upon to implement and support the change process. They need to be able to identify and respond to internal and external factors that will determine when and what type of change initiatives are required. Environmental scanning, identifying trends, implementing and measuring successful change are all essential to developing and managing change to the benefit of the organization. Organizational readiness and risk assessment will also be covered in the context of best practices.


LDSC 209 Leading Responsibly
  Start Date: May 2025  
Leaders need to assess the impact of businesses in an ethical and globally sustainable way using measurements such as corporate social responsibility and triple bottom-line accounting.


LDSC 210 Creative and Critical Thinking
  Start Date: May 2025  
Today more than ever, leaders need to be creative and critical thinkers in order to deal with all aspects of organizational, strategic and societal situations or environments. This course will build on the knowledge and skills covered in the previous courses. You will learn how to think creatively and critically in order to apply those skills to roles in the organization, and professional and personal situations. These skills will assist with analyzing information in order to respond to a wide variety of work and personal situations.


HPCP 311 Accounting Basics 1
  Start Date: May 2025  
This course introduces the student to how accounting information is used, and how it meets the needs of both internal and external users through effective and efficient communication, as well as what accounting information is required by a business concern to clearly reflect the operating results of the enterprise over its operating life. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to generally accepted accounting principles, the interpretation and preparation of financial statements, and how this information is recorded in the various business records.


CNDO 102 Condominium Management - Law
  Start Date: April 2025, May 2025, June 2025  
The Condominium Management - Law course is a key element of the foundational section of the program. The topics provide limited licensees with a basic understanding of the legal framework in which all condominium management activities take place. The focus is the Condominium Act, but the course also introduces relevant related legislation. The approach taken is to organize topics thematically in a way that would make sense to a condominium manager, rather than following the structure of the Condominium Act.


CNDO 103 Condominium Management - Relationship Building
  Start Date: March 2025, May 2025, July 2025, September 2025  
The Condominium Management - Relationship Building course provides limited licensees with a foundational understanding of the main stakeholder relationships they will be responsible for managing in their role as a condominium manager. It provides them with guidance on the best practices to ensure the effective management of the various relationships as part of their role. If possible, it is recommended that learners take this course after Working with Condominium Law and before Physical Buildings Management, and Managing Financials. The relationship-building content will provide helpful context to underpin the professional relationships critical in the effective management of physical buildings and financials.


CNDO 104 Condominium Management - Building Operations and Maintenance
  Start Date: May 2025, July 2025  
The Condominium Management - Building Operations and Maintenance course is designed to give condominium managers a basic understanding of the relevant aspects of condominium buildings. It is one of the core foundational courses to ensure that condominium managers have the technical context of their role.


CNDO 105 Condominium Management - Financials
  Start Date: April 2025, May 2025, June 2025, July 2025  
The Condominium Management - Financials course is designed to give condominium managers a basic understanding of the relevant aspects of financial management. It is one of the core foundational courses to ensure that condominium managers have the technical context for the main responsibilities of their role.


Optional Membership Opportunities for Learners

If you require the membership opportunities information in an alternative format, please contact CPLEducationSolutions@humber.ca.

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