We all have a role to play in workplace health and safety. Occupational Health & Safety Services (OHS) provides technical guidance and expertise across all three campuses and our five satellite locations. We develop, implement, and promote a broad range of health and safety programs at Humber. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns – we are happy to help!
We provide Health & Safety Awareness Training for supervisors, workers, and student-workers. We work with Faculties and departments to arrange job-specific training on topics such as WHMIS, ladder safety, and ergonomics. We regularly promote health, safety, and wellbeing initiatives across the college.
We lead and coordinate compliance with Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act and regulations such as Critical Injuries, WHMIS, Designated Substances, Health and Safety Awareness Training, Workplace Safety Insurance Act, and more. We ensure that chemicals and other hazardous materials on campus are managed in a safe and controlled manner and in compliance with all relevant legislation.
We investigate all near misses, accidents, injuries, and cases of property damage to determine the underlying cause(s) and apply corrective actions to minimize the risk of recurrence. We provide the guidance and technical expertise necessary to carry out various types of workplace assessments within Humber (office ergonomics, indoor air quality, workplace exposures, noise, etc.).
We are responsible for filing and managing Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) claims on behalf of the College. We work with employees and their supervisors to develop a Return to Work plan that incorporates any applicable accommodation requirements which may be needed to support the employee’s safe return when they are medically able to do so. We support students on unpaid work placements who require assistance from the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) or private insurance.
We, in consultation with our OPSEU locals, have established eight JOHSCs to ensure that local health and safety issues are identified and addressed in a timely and effective manner. We provide support and guidance to our JOHSC members as they identify workplace hazards and make recommendations for the improvement of health and safety.
We are available to help you with matters relating to: