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Accident Reporting and Investigation

When an incident occurs it is important for you to know how to respond. The Accident Reporting and Investigation procedure and accompanying documents in this resource section detail how to obtain emergency assistance, if needed, and how to report work-related accidents, injuries, illnesses and near miss incidents. The accident investigation process is also described.

Policies and Procedures

Reporting Work-Related Injuries

In the unfortunate circumstance that a work-related injury does occur, it is important to know how to respond. This information outlines the first steps involved in injury treatment and reporting.

Accident Reporting and Investigation Procedure

The reporting and investigation of workplace accidents and near miss incidents are important components of Humber’s overall safety program. The goal of the investigation process is to establish how and why an accident occurred so that corrective actions may be taken to prevent a recurrence of a similar or more serious event in the future.

Appendix A

Learn about some of the terms that are used when describing accident reporting and investigation.