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Violent actions on the College property or at approved activities occurring off property will not be tolerated or ignored. The College will use reasonable legal, administrative, and disciplinary procedures to secure the workplace from violence, and to reasonably protect employees, students and the public.
In the interest of maintaining a workplace that is safe and free of violence, possession of or use of a dangerous weapon is prohibited on College property in College vehicles or personal vehicles which are used for College business.
A dangerous weapon is any instrument capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, and or under circumstances that manifest intent to harm or intimidate another person or that warrants alarm for the safety of another person.
Documented and substantiated complaints or complaints found to be made maliciously or vexatiously may result in discipline of an employee or a student. In the event that the College makes a finding of workplace violence, it has the right to determine sanctions to be imposed. Determination of appropriate discipline will be made in the context of the seriousness of the violation and the student’s or employee’s history with the College, along with a consideration of the deterrent effect of such discipline on the person being disciplined and on the College community.
In redressing a victim of workplace violence, the College will take into account the individual circumstances of the victim in each case and will devise an appropriate remedy. Redress may include, but is not limited to, remedies such as:
Disciplinary action/sanctions will take into account the severity of the breach of the policy and on the individual circumstances of the respondent. Corrective actions or sanctions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
If the complaint is related to work, all discipline will conform to generally acceptable standards of employee discipline and, in the case of employees represented by the Union, be consistent with the Collective Agreement in force at the time.
The College will endeavour to provide assistance to employees and students who are victims of perpetrators of violence through Counseling Services, HR Services via Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) or Victim Service Units of a local Police Service.
If the act or altercation constitutes an emergency, call the following:
For instances that involve emergency situations, or criminal activity, the Department of Public Safety will, at their discretion, contact the appropriate emergency service and meet and direct the emergency service to the appropriate area. At the appropriate time, the Department of Public Safety will conduct an investigation and prepare documentation describing the occurrence. For non-emergency situations, contact the Department of Public Safety at ext. 8500 and they will investigate and complete a Security Occurrence Report and forward it to the appropriate department (Student Service, HR Services etc.).
Quick Reference Guide: Workplace Violence Prevention
FAQ's - Workplace Violence & Harassment
In the interest of maintaining a workplace that is safe and free of violence, possession of or use of a dangerous weapon is prohibited on College property in College vehicles or personal vehicles which are used for College business.
A dangerous weapon is any instrument capable of producing bodily harm, in a manner, and or under circumstances that manifest intent to harm or intimidate another person or that warrants alarm for the safety of another person.
Documented and substantiated complaints or complaints found to be made maliciously or vexatiously may result in discipline of an employee or a student. In the event that the College makes a finding of workplace violence, it has the right to determine sanctions to be imposed. Determination of appropriate discipline will be made in the context of the seriousness of the violation and the student’s or employee’s history with the College, along with a consideration of the deterrent effect of such discipline on the person being disciplined and on the College community.
In redressing a victim of workplace violence, the College will take into account the individual circumstances of the victim in each case and will devise an appropriate remedy. Redress may include, but is not limited to, remedies such as:
Disciplinary action/sanctions will take into account the severity of the breach of the policy and on the individual circumstances of the respondent. Corrective actions or sanctions may include, but are not limited to, the following:
If the complaint is related to work, all discipline will conform to generally acceptable standards of employee discipline and, in the case of employees represented by the Union, be consistent with the Collective Agreement in force at the time.
The College will endeavour to provide assistance to employees and students who are victims of perpetrators of violence through Counseling Services, HR Services via Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) or Victim Service Units of a local Police Service.
If the act or altercation constitutes an emergency, call the following:
For instances that involve emergency situations, or criminal activity, the Department of Public Safety will, at their discretion, contact the appropriate emergency service and meet and direct the emergency service to the appropriate area. At the appropriate time, the Department of Public Safety will conduct an investigation and prepare documentation describing the occurrence. For non-emergency situations, contact the Department of Public Safety at ext. 8500 and they will investigate and complete a Security Occurrence Report and forward it to the appropriate department (Student Service, HR Services etc.).
Quick Reference Guide: Workplace Violence Prevention
FAQ's - Workplace Violence & Harassment
Harassment is defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health & Safety Act as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. The College interprets this to include any behaviour that is known or ought reasonably to be known to the perpetrator to be offensive, embarrassing or humiliating to other individuals. Such conduct may include visual representations, electronic messages, written messages, verbal and/or physical conduct, and may relate to any of the grounds of discrimination prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code or other malicious grounds. Harassment complaints are dealt with under Humber’s Human Rights and Harassment Policy.
Some examples of harassment are:
For the purposes of this Humber policy, “harassment” as outlined in the Occupational Health & Safety Act also includes personal/psychological harassment.
Note: Harassment does not occur where a supervisor gives legitimate directions or instructions to an employee in the course of employment or conducts performance reviews in accordance with the college's normal procedures.
Personal/Psychological Harassment is defined as behavior in the form of repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures, that affects an employee’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity and that result in a harmful work environment for the employee. Psychological harassment includes and is not limited to behaviours defined as bullying, mobbing, victimization, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, and psychological violence. A single serious incident of such behaviour that has a lasting harmful effect may constitute psychological harassment. It must be demonstrated that this behaviour affects the person’s dignity or physical or psychological integrity and that it results in a harmful work environment for the employee. Harassment complaints are dealt with under Humber’s Human Rights and Harassment Policy.
Workplace is wherever an employee or student attends for the purpose of work or study involving activities sanctioned by the College, including a virtual or cyberspace environment.
Workplace violence is any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated or assaulted in the course of employment or learning. Workplace violence includes threatening behavior, behaviour that could reasonably be interpreted as threatening, verbal or written threats, verbal abuse and physical attacks, including the attempted use of physical force.
Specific behaviours may include but not limited to:
Harassment is defined by the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Occupational Health & Safety Act as engaging in a course of vexatious comment or conduct that is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcome. The College interprets this to include any behaviour that is known or ought reasonably to be known to the perpetrator to be offensive, embarrassing or humiliating to other individuals. Such conduct may include visual representations, electronic messages, written messages, verbal and/or physical conduct, and may relate to any of the grounds of discrimination prohibited by the Ontario Human Rights Code or other malicious grounds. Harassment complaints are dealt with under Humber’s Human Rights and Harassment Policy.
Some examples of harassment are:
For the purposes of this Humber policy, “harassment” as outlined in the Occupational Health & Safety Act also includes personal/psychological harassment.
Note: Harassment does not occur where a supervisor gives legitimate directions or instructions to an employee in the course of employment or conducts performance reviews in accordance with the college's normal procedures.
Personal/Psychological Harassment is defined as behavior in the form of repeated and hostile or unwanted conduct, verbal comments, actions or gestures, that affects an employee’s dignity or psychological or physical integrity and that result in a harmful work environment for the employee. Psychological harassment includes and is not limited to behaviours defined as bullying, mobbing, victimization, emotional abuse, psychological abuse, and psychological violence. A single serious incident of such behaviour that has a lasting harmful effect may constitute psychological harassment. It must be demonstrated that this behaviour affects the person’s dignity or physical or psychological integrity and that it results in a harmful work environment for the employee. Harassment complaints are dealt with under Humber’s Human Rights and Harassment Policy.
Workplace is wherever an employee or student attends for the purpose of work or study involving activities sanctioned by the College, including a virtual or cyberspace environment.
Workplace violence is any act in which a person is abused, threatened, intimidated or assaulted in the course of employment or learning. Workplace violence includes threatening behavior, behaviour that could reasonably be interpreted as threatening, verbal or written threats, verbal abuse and physical attacks, including the attempted use of physical force.
Specific behaviours may include but not limited to:
People(s) & Culture, Humber Polytechnic
205 Humber College Blvd.
Toronto, ON M9W 5L7
Main Line: 416 675-6622
Humber campuses are located on the treaty lands and traditional territory of the Mississaugas of the Credit and homeland of Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Wendat peoples.