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Reporting Work-Related Injuries

Humber is committed to providing a safe work environment for all staff and endeavors to reduce workplace risks that may lead to accidents and personal injury. In the unfortunate circumstance that a work-related injury does occur, it is important to know how to respond. The information below outlines the first steps involved in injury treatment and reporting.

All injuries which occur on Humber property, or occur during work-related off campus activities (including working from home), must be reported to your supervisor and Occupational Health & Safety Services.

Injury Treatment

If you are injured during the course of your work, obtain medical attention through one of the following options:

  1. Humber’s Health Centres, located in LRC 2nd floor (North) and WEL 202 (Lakeshore), will provide first aid treatment as well as advise whether additional assessment and treatment should be obtained from a doctor or other health care provider.
  2. If you require assistance outside of Health Centre hours, or if emergency medical services (EMS) are required, contact Security at one of the numbers listed below. Security guards are trained in first aid, and can also contact EMS if required.
    • 416-675-6622 ext. 4000 (for emergencies)
    • 416-675-8500 (for non-emergencies)
    • If EMS (911) has already been contacted, inform Security. Security is best equipped to direct EMS to the location on campus where they are needed.
  3. Off-Campus Locations: If you are at a location where neither the Health Centre nor Security services are available, seek care from an outside provider such as a local urgent care clinic or family doctor. Obtain a doctor's note and provide this to your supervisor. If EMS is required, call 911.

Injury Reporting

All injuries which occur on Humber property or during work-related activities off-campus must be reported to your supervisor and Occupational Health & Safety Services.

  • If you sustain a work-related injury, inform your supervisor as soon as possible.
  • Once advised of an injury, Supervisors are to complete a Health & Safety Incident Report and email or fax it to Occupational Health & Safety Services at: healthandsafety@humber.ca or 416-675-4708 within 24 hours.
  • When notified of an injury, the Humber Health Centres and/or Humber Security will also complete reports which are sent to Occupational Health & Safety Services.
  • Occupational Health & Safety Services will, if necessary, report the injury to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
  • An employee who has been exposed to a harmful chemical or substance that may result in illness or disease in the future may choose to complete the WSIB Worker’s Exposure Incident Form after completing Humber's Health & Safety Incident Report.

Ongoing Communication

It is important to maintain ongoing communication with your supervisor, Occupational Health & Safety Services, and if necessary the WSIB, during your recovery period. For injuries of a more serious nature, Occupational Health & Safety Services will work with you, your doctor and your supervisor to ensure a safe and timely return to work.

Occupational Health & Safety Services is responsible for managing WSIB claims and the Return to Work program at Humber. Questions regarding these programs can be directed to healthandsafety@humber.ca