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COVID-19 and Other Respiratory Illnesses (updated February 2025)

The health and safety of all individuals within the Humber community is a priority.  These guidelines apply to all Humber Polytechnic and University of Guelph-Humber operations and premises.  These measures are aligned with the province's latest public health recommendations, and have been updated to help address the impact of three respiratory illnesses - COVID-19, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and seasonal influenza – as well as seasonal colds.   

The core elements of the safety guidelines are included below.  Humber will continue to monitor the COVID-19 and respiratory illness requirements and directives issued by the province and public health, and will make any necessary changes to operations based on these.  Thank you all for your participation and support of these measures.  Let us continue to work together to maintain a safe environment for all members of the Humber community.


  • COVID-19 vaccination is not required to work, study or visit our campuses.
  • Vaccinations continue to be our best defence against infectious respiratory illnesses, particularly for those at high risk. To best protect against serious illness, Humber strongly encourages each member of the Humber community to stay current with Public Health recommendations for COVID-19, RSV and influenza vaccines.


  • If you are experiencing symptoms or have tested positive for COVID-19, complete Ontario’s self-assessment and follow the recommended measures, including those for self-isolation and masking.
  • If you are unwell, stay home until your symptoms have improved for at least 24 hours (48 hours for gastrointestinal symptoms), you have no fever, and you have no new or worsening symptoms. If you are already onsite and begin to have symptoms, leave the premises immediately, and follow the steps outlined here.
  • If ill, students and employees are to follow standard processes for notifying their professors and/or managers of their absences or remote attendance.
  • Employees who believe they have a campus-acquired case of COVID-19 are to notify Occupational Health and Safety at A WSIB claim will be filed for any employee who becomes ill because of exposure to COVID-19 in the Humber workplace. An occupational illness report will also be filed with the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development. 
  • For other COVID-related information or inquiries, staff and students can go to Toronto Public Health's website, or contact the Toronto Public Health hotline at 416-338-7600 or For all other health inquiries:
    • Employees can contact Occupational Health and Safety at
    • Students can contact the Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre at     


  • Humber continues to be a mask-friendly environment. Face masks are encouraged when in public and indoor settings on college premises. 
  • We expect all community members to respect the choice of others to wear or not wear a mask, and to recognize that health needs can differ from person to person.
  • Health care settings and individual programs may require students and employees to wear a mask (or other personal protective equipment) as part of the safety measure requirements within their operations or programs, particularly if it is an industry-related standard.
  • Masks worn should be well-fitting and of high quality. It is recommended that the mask be a medical mask (e.g., surgical, N95/KN95), or a three-layer cloth mask. 
  • Public health recommendations include the use of a well-fitted mask in all public settings, including on campus, for a period of 10 days from the start of the illness for:
    • Those who have tested positive for COVID-19, or
    • Those who have COVID or other respiratory symptoms.
  • Wearing a mask for 10 days is also recommended for those who have had close contact with someone who has COVID-19 or other respiratory illness.
  • Humber will continue to monitor and review all public health guidance and government directives for changes to mask requirements.
  • References:


  • There are no physical distancing requirements at Humber at this time. However, when planning meetings, events or gatherings, for comfort reasons, considerations can include:
    • Keeping in place physical barriers (e.g., plexiglass) in areas where employees are public-facing (e.g., service desks) and meeting with many individuals over the workday.
    • Using a larger room/space when people are gathering, to avoid overcrowding.
    • Planning meetings and events that can be attended both onsite or remotely.
    • Incorporating a workplace design that allows some individuals to work at a 6-foot distance from others, if possible.
    • Wearing a mask in a crowded elevator or using the stairs if able to do so. 


  • Humber will continue to ensure that its building ventilation systems are maintained in good operation and meet current ventilation and filtration standards recommended by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).  
  • The highest efficiency filters that are compatible with the building HVAC system are being used wherever possible. In keeping with ASHRAE recommendations, HVAC filters at the college have been upgraded to Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13 filters.   
  • Daily and regular monitoring of HVAC systems will continue, as well as standard preventative maintenance of such systems.
  • For leased properties, the appropriate property management group or landlord will be contacted to ensure that the above is carried out.

INFECTION PREVENTION PRACTICES (Hand and Respiratory Hygiene, and Cleaning and Disinfection)

  • Use good practices for the prevention of infections such as COVID-19, RSV, the seasonal flu, and colds, including:
    • Wash your hands frequently or use hand sanitizer;
    • Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your elbow;
    • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands; and
    • Stay at home if you feel unwell.
  • Handwashing facilities are available in all washrooms. Facilities will ensure that washrooms are checked for appropriate supplies and cleaned throughout the day.
  • Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout all campus facilities.
  • Facilities will continue to clean classrooms, labs and common spaces at the end of each day.
  • References for proper hand hygiene, and respiratory etiquette include:


  • All employees are encouraged to read these guidelines from time to time to ensure they are up to date on any changes made to these guidelines as a result of government or public health direction. A notice will be posted in the Communique whenever significant updates to the guidelines are made.


  • Timely communication will be directed, as needed, to the Humber community regarding COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses and measures.


  • Given the unknowns related to the evolution of and the emergence of new viral variants for COVID-19, RSV, and seasonal flu and colds, Humber’s and the University of Guelph-Humber’s safety measures may change depending on public health directives or the recommendations of public health authorities.
  • Humber will continue to regularly monitor all levels of government and public health authorities for activities and information related to COVID-19, RSV, seasonal flu and colds, including regulatory changes, community outbreaks and public health directives, and review and update any related measures as per changes and direction from either the provincial government or the Ministry of Health.


Your mental health and well-being matters.  It is especially important that our employees and students feel supported particularly if ill.

  • Students:
  • Employees:
    • Inform your manager if your work activities are impacted and discuss options for addressing these.
    • Resources for employees can be found on Humber’s People(s) & Culture website, including learning and well-being initiatives.
    • Humber’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides short-term counselling, and other services and supports to full time employees and regular part-time support staff, and is available 24/7.
    • Contact Occupational Health and Safety ( if you need to request a workplace medical accommodation.


  • Inform your manager, and discuss the ways how the concern can best be addressed. Your safety is a top priority whether you are working on campus or from home.  Your manager will respond to your concern and will consult with Occupational Health and Safety, or other resources, as needed. 
  • Depending on the issue, your manager (or you) can consult with Humber resources:
    • Occupational Health and Safety Services
    • Public Safety and Emergency Management
    • Capital Development and Facilities Management
    • Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committees




Humber's Remote Working and Telework Policy is grounded in the philosophy that employees will work productively to achieve institutional goals and objectives when supported by a culture of performance and care.  The Policy promotes employee well-being and engagement and demonstrates a culture of care.  

Resources related to hybrid work are available as follows: