
January 29, 2024

Here are five Gradebook setup tips from your team in Innovative Learning.

“How do I set up Overall Grades?”  

Tip #1:* Important Use the weighted grading calculation to show students the running total of their overall grade. Assign the weighted percentage values to each gradable item according to the assessment plan or structure of your published course outline.  

“How do I post Midterm Grades?”  

Tip # 2: Calculate and share midterm (and final) grades with your students using the Overall Grade column. Verify that all gradable items or categories have been assigned the correct weighted percentage values, and only those counting towards the midterm grade are included. Ensure both checkboxes (Include all items in the grade calculation … and Show to students) are checked in Overall Grade Settings.  

“Why can’t my students see their grades?”  

Tip #3: Have you posted students’ grades? Unless your assessment is configured to Post assessment grades automatically, grades are not visible. This means students won’t be able to view their grades in the Gradebook, and the Overall Grades won’t be updated. Make sure to post grades when you finish grading.  

Tip #4: In the content page, the content folder where assessments are located need to be made ‘visible to students’ so students can view their grades. Assessment items hidden by release condition are visible to students in Gradebook, but the items set to “not visible” are hidden in Gradebook as well.  

“Why can’t my students see the assessment feedback?”

Tip #5: While grades are visible for assessment items that are hidden by release conditions, students can’t view feedback on these items. Please make the graded assessments with feedback visible to students.

Need additional support? The ILSupport Centre (ILSC) is here to help. 

January 29, 2024
Apply for scholarships now - help cover tuition and learning costs

Earlier this month, Humber’s Advancement team announced that scholarship applications are currently open to Humber students. Please help spread the word to your students with a reminder that the deadline is February 2.

Last year, more than 1,000 scholarships were awarded to Humber students.

These scholarships were made possible by Humber’s incredibly supportive community of donors and alumni, including our very own faculty and staff who donate through Humber Gives.

This semester, we have even more scholarships waiting to be matched with just the right student!

Scholarships not only support students financially, but they help students reach their full potential.

Please support your students by encouraging them to apply before the deadline.

For more information, visit our Student Scholarships website or contact

January 26, 2024

We are pleased to share that, following a comprehensive review process, the Hearing Instrument Specialist Program was granted approval last week by the Association of Hearing Instrument Practitioners of Ontario.

Those who played pivotal roles in this achievement include Associate Dean Lauren Riley, Program Coordinator Rachel Riaboy, and the whole team. Their dedication to excellence shone brightly during the extensive review, reflecting the high standards present in the exceptional curriculum that comes to life within our on-campus clinic and learning space. We look forward to seeing the inaugural cohort of graduates crossing the stage at Convocation this June!

Humber's Hearing Instrument Specialist diploma program provides the academic knowledge and hands-on, real-world experience required to become a valued hearing health professional. Graduates develop the confidence to adapt to the evolving needs of today’s patient and the emerging technologies for patient care and hearing devices. This program develops holistic and critical thinkers, confident clinicians and compassionate communicators who will become outstanding professionals, effective practitioners and leading contributors in their field. For more information, please visit the program webpage: FHSW Hearing Instrument Specialist

Kristan Lingard, Acting Senior Dean
Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness

January 26, 2024
Jean O'Donnell

On Monday, January 29, Humber will launch the Ontario Colleges Student Experience Survey (OCSES) to all students in full-time, funded programming currently enrolled in semester two or above. This survey will assess students’ experiences related to teaching and learning quality, program related knowledge and skills, work-integrated learning (if applicable), and student services and resources. The results of the survey will allow the college to identify strengths and areas of improvement.

Students will receive a personal survey link through their Blackboard 'Activity Stream.' From January 29 to February 16, facilitators will also support survey completion through dedicated in-class time. To encourage participation, students who complete the survey will have the option to enter a draw for a chance to win $1,000 towards tuition or one of four $250 Gourmet Express gift cards.

For questions about the survey, please contact Jean O’Donnell at jean.o’ Student’s questions about the survey can be directed to

January 25, 2024
Kathryn Edgett-Emirzian
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

Humber’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) Committee is seeking students, staff, and faculty to join their work with respect to issues relating to enabling compliance with AODA (2005) and promoting full accessibility and inclusion for the Humber Community. The Committee is comprised of students, staff, and faculty volunteers from Humber College and the University of Guelph-Humber and will work to grow existing policy, support, and awareness initiatives, and ensure compliance with legislative requirements.

The deadline to indicate your interest is February 12, 2024 at 4 p.m. via the online application form.

Committee Mission Statement

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) Committee shall work with the College and other organizations, as part of the promotion and facilitation of an integrated approach to effective barrier prevention and removal on Humber College’s campuses and in the areas surrounding the College.


The AODA Committee is an advisory committee reporting to the People(s) & Culture department. The Committee works in collaboration with Humber College with respect to issues relating to enabling compliance with AODA (2005) and promoting full accessibility and inclusion for the Humber Community.

Committee Member’s Duties and Responsibilities include:

  • Identifying barriers that will be removed or modified for people with disabilities
  • Identifying regulations, policies, programs, practices, and services that cause, or may cause, barriers to persons with disabilities and recommend alternatives
  • Providing input and feedback on the development of AODA (2005) policies and the multi-year accessibility plan to effectively address and meet the requirements identified in the AODA (2005) Standards. This may include the forming of working groups or any other format that will be deemed effective.
  • Ensuring that the College is in compliance with the legislative requirements.

Committee members are asked to commit to the following:

  • Attending one Working Group meetings per month, October through April (meetings last approximately one hour);
  • Completing one to two hours of Working Group projects or tasks per month, October through April;
  • Communicating updates and information with your respective department and networks at the institution;
  • Communicating with Working Group Leads in a timely manner (two to three business days).

How to apply: Please complete the online application form.

The Committee is specifically seeking members from the following areas:

  1. Accessible Learning Services
  2. Facilities Management
  3. Faculty
  5. Information Technology Services
  6. Library
  7. Marketing and Communications
  8. The Office of the Registrar
  9. Students
  10. Student Success and Engagement

If you have questions pertaining to AODA Committee, please contact Kathryn Edgett-Emirzian at

January 25, 2024

Help students gain valuable real-world experience in artificial intelligence with machine learning while they help you.

Humber Colleges’ new graduate certificate program in AI with Machine Learning, within the Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology, is now into its second year. Discussions and news about AI and Machine Learning are everywhere. This field is accelerating, making the program even more valuable to students interested in this world-changing arena. 

Work-Integrated Learning (WIL) has become an effective learning process in post-secondary education and Humber College is a leader in WIL. I am interested in engaging industry sponsors, within Humber College, to supervise real-life, curriculum-related Student Capstone Projects. And unlike student co-ops, there is no remuneration required. Each capstone is an industry project comprised of a team of four students in their final semester of the AI with Machine Learning Graduate Certificate Program. Our next round of capstones will commence in early May 2024.

Currently we have eighteen projects underway including a project collaboration with Humber’s Faculty of Media and Creative Arts, a fashion industry company, and an AI/ML capstone team. The next group of projects will start on May 6, 2024.

Consider project applications that could include the following examples:

  • Customer/student support       
    • Chat bot
    • Student experience
  • Data Analysis
  • Forecasting
  • Productivity
  • Image recognition
  • Marketing Strategies
  • Cybersecurity

I would appreciate the chance to share more information about capstone projects and how our students could assist your department, students and staff at Humber College, through the integration of AI and Machine Learning.

Please contact me for further information: 

Carol Amirault
Industry Engagement Advisor/Capstone Coordinator, AI with ML Graduate Certificate

January 25, 2024

The 2SLGBTQ+ Employee Resource Group (ERG) is inviting interested faculty and staff who identify as a member of the 2SLGBTQ+ community to join the ERG. The ERG helps advance a culture at Humber that is accepting and inclusive for all 2SLGBTQ+ staff, faculty and students through outreach, community development, events, and consultation.

The 2SLGBTQ+ ERG meets once a month (currently virtual) to engage in event planning, workshops, guest speakers, and discuss current topics at Humber College. We are always looking for new ideas, events, and opportunities to further engage our community within the ERG and Humber College.

Aligning with Humber’s Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, the ERG brings together employees who share a common identity, characteristic and set of interests. We work to create a culture of inclusion that enhances employee engagement and further supports Humber’s vision and values.

Humber employees who identify as 2SLGBTQ+ and are interested in joining this ERG can indicate their interest by sending an email to co-chair Matthew Harris at

January 25, 2024
Nikki Arthur
416.798.1331 x17432
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
Kinesiology Student Trainer Sessions

The University of Guelph-Humber's Kinesiology Program is looking for clients for Exercise & Lifestyle Counselling Sessions for the Winter 2024 semester!

The perks of being a client:

  • Flexibility: In-person and virtual training available
  • Individual training: One-on-one training from a Kinesiology Student Trainer
  • Comprehensive approach: Focus not only on personal training, but on overall health and wellness
  • Personalized advice: Your trainer can offer exercise programing, personal training, physical activity guidelines, healthy lifestyle suggestions, health and wellness counselling, general nutrition advice, accountability
  • It’s completely free to participate

What we ask of you:

  • A weekly time commitment of one hour per week to meet with your Kinesiology Student Trainer for the duration of the semester.
  • Complete an evaluation of your trainer at the end of the semester.

This opportunity is open to all students and staff.

Learn more or sign up today

January 24, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster

January 27 was chosen as International Holocaust Remembrance Day as it marks the day in 1945 when the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated. On this day we remember the victims of the Nazi Holocaust, during which six million Jews were killed in mass shootings and in concentration camps. We also honour members of other groups, such as the Roma and Sinti, people with disabilities, 2SLGBTQI+ people, Black people, Slavic people, political opponents, and Jehovah’s Witnesses, who were persecuted and killed by the Nazis.

Browse this Library Spotlight

January 24, 2024
Isabel Sousa

We’re excited to announce the Humber Map The System (MTS) 2024 Competition!

Registration for students in MTS 2024 is open now. This is the fifth year of the competition at Humber and this year’s winning team will receive a funded trip to the in-person Canadian Finals in Calgary.

What is Map the System?

Map the System is a unique global, systems thinking competition run by Oxford University that challenges students from any discipline to explore and map a complex social or environmental issue they care about. Rather than jumping straight into ‘innovation’ and ‘new’ solutions, Map the System asks students to understand issues at a deeper level and to investigate the scope of existing efforts to solve the problem before recommending their own points of intervention.

Who can participate?

Map the System is open to all Humber students from any faculty who want to learn more about a problem they are passionate about. Teams can be made up of individuals, or groups of up to five people. Students may take part in Map the System as part of a course project or independently.

What will students do? Students will: 

  • Develop a systems thinking mindset
  • Learn and apply system thinking tools
  • Hone research, analytical, and presentation skills
  • Have access to resources and workshops throughout the competition
  • Build connections with other innovative, change-making students, faculty, and practitioners from within Humber and the wider community 
  • Compete to win a fully funded trip to the Canadian Finals in Calgary

Faculty can:   

  • Embed the competition in a course you are teaching – connect with us to learn more
  • Give students an option to participate in the competition in lieu of another course assignment - ask us how this works
  • Act as a judge (in April) in the Humber competition 
  • Reap the support of experienced faculty, Systems Thinking resources, lesson plans, slides, activities, and much more
  • Recruit students from your classes to participate on a global MTS team

What is a global team?

We are looking for students to join a MTS global team. Humber College is running the MTS competition internationally, as a COIL project where students and faculty from Via University (Denmark) Otago Polytechnique (New Zealand) and Humber College come together virtually to collaborate on a systems project. We offer students weekly (online) skill-building workshops, demonstrations, and mentorship to support them throughout the competition. Please consider making this unique opportunity known to your students and get in touch with us to learn more!

Have Questions? 

Email us: Elinor Bray-Collins:, Sara Hassen:, Isabel Sousa:
