
April 1, 2024
Desta McCalla

OHRC policies and mandates are often referenced in discussions throughout the College surrounding equity, inclusion and accommodations for persons with disabilities. Have you ever wondered what the role of the OHRC is? 

The Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) is an independent statutory body whose mission is to promote, protect and advance human rights across the province as set out in the Code. To do this, the OHRC identifies and monitors systemic human rights trends, develops policies, provides public education, does research, conducts public interest inquiries, and uses its legal powers to pursue human rights remedies that are in the public interest. (1) 

The OHRC’s mandates and policies inform the work done in Accessible Learning Services and also institutional requirements with respect to ensuring equitable access for persons with disabilities.  

Below you will find a list of frequently referenced policies and reports: 

Collectively, the above policies and reports speak to the importance of the duty to accommodate, explain undue hardship, the impact of attitudinal biases, highlight the importance of ensuring that the accommodation process respects the dignity of the person with a disability and the need for individualized accommodation decisions. 

Moving beyond the accommodation needs of the individual with a disability, the policies and reports also outline that institutions are expected to place an emphasis on proactively identifying, anticipating and addressing the systemic barriers faced by students with disabilities. This work needs to be intentional and ongoing. 



Please email us at with suggestions for key accessibility-related topics that you would like us to address through the Communiqué. 

April 1, 2024

Here are the highlights of faculty questions from March. These are not necessarily the most frequently asked questions, but helpful for all faculty members.

Question (Group Assignment): I moved a student to a different group, but why do I still see the same grade given to the group where the student used to belong?

Answer: If a student is moved out of a group after a submission has been made to the assignment, by default, everyone from the group will receive the grade assigned to the group assignment. This grade will remain even if the student leaves the group. However, instructors always have the option to override and assign different grades to each student in a group.

Question (Flexible Grading: Sorting Students’ Submissions by Submission Date): I sorted the students' submissions by submission date, but some submissions are placed in odd places. Why doesn't sorting work for this assignment?

flexible grading sorting submissions by submission date screen shot


Answer: Even though we can’t see the saved draft, Blackboard Ultra counts it as a submission. There is no indication that a student has an extra draft saved from the sorting view in the flexible grading, and it only shows the last submission.

Question (Fill-In-The-Blank Question): I noticed that some submissions made by students in fill-in-the-blank questions were not saved properly. Why?

Answer: Sometimes editing questions while students are taking a test may interfere with the saving process. It's advisable to refrain from modifying the test while students are taking it.

Question (Overall Grade): Why has the overall grade of some of my students not been calculated properly.

Answer: Does the grade pill appear grey? If so, this indicates that you have manually edited the overall grade, causing the grade pill to turn grey and stop calculating. To undo this change, simply click on the grey pill and choose the 'Undo Override' option.

Question (File Upload Limit): I am planning a video assignment where students are required to submit video files to Blackboard. What can they do to stay within the range limit for single file uploads?

Answer: The single file upload limit ranges from 25MB to 512MB. However, each course site has a maximum storage capacity. To avoid exceeding this limit, encourage students to submit video links instead of uploading video files.

Question (Test Time Limit): I want to change the time limit of the test. But since a student has taken a test already, it doesn’t allow me to change. What can I do?

Answer: Once a student starts the test, the time limit can no longer be adjusted.

This article is also posted at BBHub.

March 26, 2024
Spring Promotions at The Humber Spa

Treatments to reveal a brighter you for the spring!  

Available: March 25 to April 19, 2024

  • Microdermabrasion - $40
  • Microdermabrasion with led light therapy - $50
  • Traditional manicure and pedicure - $40
  • OxyGeneo facial treatment with RF - $95

Retail Promotion: March 25 to April 19 2024

  • 25% off all skincare sets 

Spa Services & Retail Boutique Hours:

  • Monday and Friday:  10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
  • Tuesday to Thursday:  9:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

The Humber Spa is located in RM A109 at North Campus. Book your appointment today at 416.675.5033 or email

Spa treatments are provided in alignment with the Esthetician/Spa Management curriculum, and therefore some treatments may be offered for a limited time at certain points of the year;.

March 28, 2024

An assembly of faculty, support staff, students, and administrators, Humber College Council (HCC) is Humber’s collective employee voice, making suggestions to Humber College’s President as it relates to long and short‐term institutional priorities.


Information presented by Lindsay Walker, Director, Office of Sustainability.

As Humber’s Sustainability Plan is coming to an end this year, Humber has launched the next sustainability vision engagement process. All Humber employees are encouraged to participate and to share new and bold ideas on how the institution approaches sustainability. A survey has been released to collect ideas from the Humber community and engagement sessions have kicked off and will continue over the coming months.


Information presented by Derek Stockley, Associate Vice-President, Academic & Vera Beletzan, Associate Vice-President, Teaching & Learning

The new Learning Management System Policy and Procedure states the conditions on which Humber operates its LMS. Currently, Humber’s LMS is Blackboard.

The new LMS policy supports a consistent and secure learning experience for Humber students and a single portal to access learning materials to navigate courses.  It outlines the roles and responsibilities related to the LMS operation - that of the Institution, faculty, and students. The procedure document articulates the expectations for faculty LMS use and what effective use requires (maintenance, addition of tools within the LMS, and faculty resources). Use includes a faculty’s role in backing up and archiving content; using communication tools; reviewing course outlines and referencing critical paths; providing access to assignments/assessments with instructions, expectations, and/or rubrics; enabling access to shared course content; and viewing grades and feedback on assessments. Implementation of the Policy and Procedures is planned for the 2024/2025 Academic year.


Information presented by Tyler Charlebois, Director, Centres of Innovation Network and Partnership Development

The Humber Inspired process engaged over 1000 individuals across the college, including industry and community partners. Three thousand ideas were collected, and those ideas will inform the Humber Inspired vision. The vision document will be presented to the Board over the summer and will be released across the institution in August at the President’s Breakfast. Key themes that were highlighted during the consultations included sustainability, teaching and learning, research, and the Humber Learning Outcomes (HLOs).


The next Humber College Council meeting will be held in person on May 16, 2024 at the Lakeshore Campus, G101A & B - BMO Innovation Commons.

QUESTIONS/COMMENTS? For questions or comments about HCC meeting highlights, contact For supporting materials, meeting minutes, or opportunities to provide feedback, please visit the College Council website or contact

March 28, 2024
Posters/Attachments: Event Poster
List of employees celebrating Career Milestones in March

Congratulations to all our employees celebrating Career Milestones in March!

The following employees are celebrating their 1, 5, 10, 15-year anniversary with Humber. We encourage you to reach out to your colleagues to congratulate them on their Career Milestones.

1 Year 5 Years 10 Years 15 Years
Chetram Kissoonchand
Tyler Manias
Jelena Dukic
Tanya Reda
Kamesia James Nancy Brennan Jessica Ellison  
Kathleen Valerio   Marijana Bosnjak  
Felicia Calleri   Jason Siochi  
Marya Alam      
Michelle Krezonoski      
Ryoko Takai      
Leslie Seto
Marissa Groulx      
Peter Kastias      
Abhijeeth Madalgi      
Arif Naghar      
Surina Hart      
Kowsik Shahamir      
Siby Jacob      
Deborah Ithenumah      
Dean Ruhnke      
Karry Anne Daye      

Although we do our best to ensure we don't miss anyone, sometimes it happens. If we have missed anyone on this list, our sincere apologies. Please let us know so we can correct our records and ensure the employee receives recognition.

Questions? Please email us at

March 28, 2024

Innovative Learning is dedicated to the development and enhancement of teaching and learning across the institution. These offerings are related to teaching and learning and provide employees with the opportunity to further develop essential teaching and facilitation practices and skills. 

All offerings are asynchronous and delivered in an online format.  

Registration is restricted to active Humber employees only. Please note that space is limited.  


First Offering: 
May 13 - June 9  
Note: CRDD 001 - End on June 23

Course Code 


ASLE 001 

Assessments for Learning 

CRDD 001 

Curriculum Design & Development 

FCLE 001 

Facilitating Learning 

TLHE 001 

Teaching and Learning in HyFlex Environments 

EATE 001 

Equity and Anti-Oppressive Teaching in Post-Secondary Education 

EDTA 001 

Educational Technology and Accessibility  

Second Offering:  
July 8 - August 4 
Note: CRDD 001 - End on August 18 

Course Code 


ASLE 001 

Assessments for Learning 

CRDD 001 

Curriculum Design & Development 

EATE 001 

Equity and Anti-Oppressive Teaching in Post-Secondary Education 

For micro-credential descriptions, visit the Innovative Learning website

IMPORTANT NOTE: Indicate your interest by completing the IL Program Offering for Summer 2024 Intake form

Upon completion of the form, a secure link will be displayed for you to use to register yourself through the CPL website.  

March 27, 2024

March 23 to April 14 Is SFQ Season

This Student Feedback Questionnaire (SFQ) season, we will feature one draw for faculty and one for students. Here's what you need to know.

  • A random draw will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
  • Eligible registrants have a chance to win one grand prize or one of five common prizes.
  • All Humber College faculty members teaching Winter 2024 postsecondary courses that offer the SFQ are eligible to win a prize.
  • Each faculty member, for every course taught where the SFQ.
  • Completion rate of 30% or greater, will automatically receive one entry.


  • A random draw will be held on Tuesday, April 16, 2024.
  • Eligible registrants will have the chance to win one grand prize or one of twenty common prizes.
  • All students enrolled in a full-time program at Humber College in the Winter 2024 semester are eligible to win a prize.
  • To be submitted into the SFQ contest, students must complete the contest entry form and click “Submit”. One entry per questionnaire will be accepted up to a limit of eight per student.

Learn more about SFQs and what your students need to know. 

March 27, 2024
Humber Press
People standing and smiling around a wood desk

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is pleased to announce the publication of “Designing and Implementing Health and Wellness Programs: Positioning Health and Wellness at the Forefront of a Polytechnic Institution” by Dr. Cory Ross, Dr. Gannady Raskin and Isabelle Callahan-Nasser.


The past 20 years has seen a renaissance of activity with respect to workplace wellness. The concept of providing a health and wellness program for employees has grown to include employee assistance aid. Within the polytechnic community, the health and wellness programs have expanded to the student body as well. If you consider the fact that a polytechnic has a population of some small cities, then the case for support of providing services is well founded. Due to the mix of international and domestic student populations, the wellness programming has taken on a new mosaic of services. The attention to cultural sensitivities and competencies needs to be addressed and incorporated when contemplating any services and programming to be delivered to the polytechnic community. Most recently, with the increase of mental health issues amongst staff and students, it is time to implement a strong interdisciplinary approach to wellness and mental health.  

Read the article on

About JIPE

Journal of Innovation in Polytechnic Education (JIPE) is an online, open-access journal that mobilizes knowledge and insights generated by the global polytechnic community. JIPE is electronically published by Humber Press at Humber College’s Office of Research & Innovation. JIPE is accepting submissions on a rolling basis. To learn more about JIPE, please visit or email

March 26, 2024
Nadine Finlay
Birds standing in a marsh

Coming to the Lakeshore Grounds on May 6, 2024, the Interpretive Centre is excited to announce "Patterns and Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive", on loan from the Roberta Bondar Foundation.

"Patterns and Parallels" features photography from Dr. Roberta Bondar, the first female Canadian astronaut, to tell the story of the migratory patterns of three bird species: the Whooping Crane, Lesser Flamingo and Piping Plover. The exhibition is a key part of the Roberta Bondar Foundation’s Space For Birds project, which uses photography to create a visual story that will help us understand the biodiversity of nature and the impact of human actions and climate change on bird migration and habitat loss.

"Patterns & Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive" will be on display from May 6 to July 26, 2024 at The Fashion Institute at 3166 Lake Shore Blvd W. in Etobicoke.

Pictured is "Colt & Parent," a photograph of an endangered Whooping Crane adult stretching its wing as it stands with its young colt on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge along the edge of the Texas shoreline of the Gulf of Mexico in the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.

March 26, 2024
M Kyrinis

New Project Request Form available now

As part of the Government Relations, Marketing and Communications (GRMC) department’s ongoing service and support of the Humber community, we are introducing a new Project Request Form on the Humber Brand homepage.

The project request form will help us plan and staff your marketing, communications and creative services projects more efficiently, and provide you with strategic advice and integrated, strategic services for your requests.

Please use the new form when initiating a marketing and/or communications request. A GRMC representative will connect with you once the form has been submitted. We will continue to use the brand website as a college-wide resource for marketing communications tools and services.

Please contact, if you have questions or would like more information.

Thank you for your attention,

