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EDI Taskforce Terms of Reference

The Humber College Institute of Technology & Advanced Learning (Humber College) has identified as its Strategic Priority #7 under Pillar #3, Healthy and Inclusive Community, to continue to build a diverse and inclusive community of exceptional students, faculty and staff. The specific Supporting Action is to establish and implement an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees.

EDI Taskforce Executive Sponsors

  • Lori Diduch, Vice-President, Human Resources & Organizational Effectiveness
  • Jason Hunter, Vice-President, Students and Institutional Planning

EDI Taskforce Leads

  • Ian Crookshank, Dean of Students, and Co-Lead, EDI Taskforce
  • Jason Seright, Dean, Indigenous Education and Engagement and Co-Lead, EDI Taskforce

EDI Taskforce Mandate

Through a consultative and collaborative process, members of the EDI Taskforce will utilize an intersectional lens to establish and implement an institutional framework and strategy for equity, diversity and inclusion that addresses the needs of both students and employees.