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Management of Human Rights & Harassment-Related Concerns

The Office of Human Rights & Harassment provides leadership on the management of Human Rights & Harassment-related matters and is committed to the early resolution of concerns. Early or informal interventiosn into human rights & harassment-related disputes brought to the OHH afford complainants and respondents the opportunity to resolve issues in a timely manner. Management of human rights related concerns may entail:

  • Consultative services for students and employees
  • Mediation & facilitated conversations
  • Formal investigations
  • Referrals and resources

More information about your rights and responsibilities and the process for complaint resolution can be found in Humber's Human Rights & Harassment Policy and Complaint Resolution Procedure.

Experiencing Discrimination or Harassment?

We begin by listening. The Office of Human Rights & Harassment works to make the complaint resolution process accessible and transparent to Humber community members. 

If you feel like you are experiencing discrimination and harassment in the classroom or workplace, or for more information, please contact: