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What should I do if I have experienced discrimination or harassment in relation to the Coronavirus/COVID-19?

The Ontario Human Rights Commission and Ontario’s Public Health Officers recommend to refrain from making assumptions about the risk of acquiring COVID-19 from students, faculty or staff based on their ethnicity or travel history.

All members of Humber’s community have the right to be treated with respect and dignity and to be welcomed and supported on our campuses. No person should be targeted in any way or subjected to discrimination or harassment resulting from a misplaced perception that they may be a carrier of a communicable disease based on their perceived disability, race, ancestry, place of origin or otherwise. These types of actions are discriminatory and a breach of Humber’s Human Rights Policy.

If you feel you have been targeted based on any of the above factors, you should discuss the matter with Humber’s Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Diversity by emailing One of our investigators will contact you for a confidential conversation about the policies and response options available.

If you need immediate assistance because you fear for your personal safety, contact 911 or for an on-campus safety concern contact the Department of Public Safety at:

Phone: General Enquiries: 416.675.8500 or Emergency Number: 416.675.6622 extension 4000.

Thank you,
Humber’s Centre for Human Rights, Equity & Diversity