Manager Learning Path

Job Requisition

Hiring a Manager Delegate

If required – perform this action, before proceeding to next step, to assign a delegate for the job requisition process.

Create a Job Requisition

Step 1 – perform this action to create a job requisition. 

Save a Requisition as Open

Step 2 – perform this action to save a requisition as open. 

Request Contribution on a Requisition

Step 2 – perform this action to request contribution on a requisition.

Search Existing Job Requisition

If required – perform this action to search for an exisiting job requisition. 

Edit Job Requisition

If required – perform this action to edit a job requisition. 

Duplicate Job Requisition

If required – perform this action to duplicate a job requisition. 

Candidate Selection

Candidate Search

Step 1 – perform this action to search for a candidate.

Match Candidate to a Job Requisition

Step 2 – perform this action to match a candidate to a job requisition. 

Create Candidate

If required – perform this action to create a candidate.

Create Candidate Folders

If required – perform this action to create candidate folders.

Review Candidate Resumes or Applications

If required – perform this action to review candidate resumes or applications.


Number of lessons available in this section.

Candidate Offer

Create and Edit an Offer

Step 1 – perform this action to create and edit an offer.

Assignment Search Report

If required – you may need to perform this action during Creation of an Offer in Step 1, before proceeding to next step.

Requesting Approval for an Offer

Step 2 – perform this action to request approval for an offer. 

Requesting an Approval Reminder for an Offer

If required – perform this action to request an approval reminder for approval for a pending offer. 

Attach a Salary Calculation or Work-Study Approval

If required – perform this action for new Partial Load hires and all Work Study student contracts. 

Create a Revised Offer with a Change in Person Type

If required – perform this action to create a revised offer with a change in person type. 

Create a Revised Offer with no Change in Person Type

If required – perfrom this action to create a revised offer with no change in person type.

View a Signed Offer

If required – perform this action to view a signed offer.


Number of lessons available in this section.

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