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What is the difference between a new contract and a revised contract?

New Contract

A new contract should be created for an employee when the contract is for a new time period.

For example, a part-time professor must have a new contract each semester.

For the process overview and a step-by-step guide to creating a contract, please refer to the How to Create a Contract knowledge article.

Revised Contract

A revised contract should be created for an employee when a change needs to be made to their current contract.

Changes may be made to one or multiple of the following:

  • Hours per week (this may result in a change in person type)
  • Hourly rate
  • Courses

For example, a part-time professor has a current contract for 6 hours per week, but for the rest of the semester they will be teaching an additional course which is a total of 9 hours per week, so a revised contract needs to be created to change their person type to Partial Load and increase their hours to 9 hours per week.

For the process overview and a step-by-step guide to creating a revised contract, please refer to the How to Create a Revised Contract knowledge article.