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Are there any exceptions to the vacation carry-over policy?

Note: This article is applicable for Full-time Admin staff only. 

Carryover in excess of fifteen (15) days may be permitted in extenuating circumstances, subject to formal approval by the vice president of the employee and the vice president of People(s) & Culture. An employee requesting to carry over more than fifteen (15) days above their annual entitlement must submit this request, by completing the Vacation Carryover Exception Form, to their manager by June 1 of each year, outlining the reason for the exception request, as well as the plan to use the additional vacation. The manager will discuss the request with their vice president, and submit a recommendation to People(s) & Culture. After the final determination has been made, the manager will provide a written response to the employee and maintain a record of the approved form within the department.

The only situations that do not require the vice president’s approval to carry over an excess of fifteen (15) days above the employee’s annual entitlement without forfeiture, apply to an employee who has been on a maternity/parental leave or extended sick leave during the vacation year when the excess days accrued. Upon return to work, the affected employee will be expected to create a vacation plan to utilize the accumulated vacation time and to discuss this with their manager. To be clear, any excess of fifteen (15) days above the employee’s annual entitlement in future vacation years will be subject to the Vacation Policy and not considered an allowable exception. 

Vacation Carryover Exception Form can be found in the Leaves of Absence section of the People(s) & Culture website.