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Why can’t I find the requisition template I’m looking for?

Finding a requisition template for an NFT contract that does not need to be posted:

If you are creating a requisition for a non-full-time contract and the job does not need to be posted on the career portal(s), you can use an existing NFT requisition template. All NFT templates begin with ‘NFT – ‘.

For a step-by-step guide to finding a requisition template when creating a requisition for an NFT contract, follow the Create a Job Requisition knowledge article, specifically steps 8 and 9.

Finding a requisition template for a job that needs to be posted (FT or NFT):

If you are creating a requisition for a full-time position or a non-full-time contract and the job does need to be posted on the career portal(s), if there is not an existing requisition template, you must contact your Talent Acquisition Advisor to have the required requisition template created before you create the requisition. If there is an existing requisition template but the job description or qualifications need to be updated before it’s posted, you must contact your Talent Acquisition Advisor to have the updates made on the requisition template before you create the requisition.

For a step-by-step guide to finding a requisition template when creating a requisition for a job that will be posted, follow the Create a Job Requisition knowledge article, specifically steps 8 and 9.