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What information does HR require to create a requisition template?

Please email the following information to your Talent Acquisition Advisor to have them create a requisition template:

  1. Most recent copy of the Position Description Form (PDF) or Job Facts Sheet (JFS). If the form needs to be updated, this must be completed prior to the requisition template being created. If the requisition template is for a contract job that does not have a PDF or JFS, you must complete a short-form job description in collaboration with your HR Business Partner (HRBP).
  2. Indicate the position/contract type of the job posting.
    For example: are you recruiting to fill the full-time position, an Appendix D position, a PT Admin job, an FT Admin Temporary Contract, a PT Support contract, or another type of contract? These details are crucial to ensure the correct requisition template is created.
  3. If it’s for a full-time position or an Appendix D job, indicate the position (complement) number. Refer to the Search Position Number knowledge article to see the positions reporting to you and to ensure you indicate the correct one.
  4. Any additional job details, such as the campus location, department, hours per week, payband, etc.